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WHAT MAKES A SUCCESSFUL QUALITY ASSURANCE AGENCY? CEENQA WORKSHOP FRIDAY, 23 MAY 2014 Hotel Sirius-Pristina. Experiences with benchmarking and the quality assurance of Learning outcomes Ferdije Zhushi Etemi, president National Quality Council KAA.
Experiences with benchmarking and the quality assurance of Learning outcomes Ferdije Zhushi Etemi, president National Quality Council KAA
Benchmarking is an important instrument in helping to make higher education fit for the 21st century and to maximize the contribution of the universities and colleges to the society and economy. Different tools are used to evaluate and monitor the quality of the study programs and services of HEI across Europe to identify the best practices for benchmarking.
Benchmarking the Quality of Learning outcomes • Learning outcomes are described as written statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand and/or be able to do at the end of a period of learning. • The Bologna process spells out a number of “action lines” in which learning outcomes should play an important role (Adam, 2004, 2006) • By 2010, all programmes and significant constituent elements of programmes in third level institutions throughout the EHEA should be based on the concept of learning outcomes, and that curriculum should be redesigned to reflect this. • Berlin 2003: the development of national frameworks of qualifications – degrees (Bachelor and Masters) would also be describedin terms of learning outcomes, rather than simply by number of credits and number of hours of study.
Traditional way to design a module-teacher centered approach • Teachers decided on the content, what to teach, how to teach (methodology) and how to assess • Teacher centered approach-passive students in the classroom • Was not defined what the students have to be able to do in order to pas the course or a programme.
Teacher-centred education? Be quiet and write down everything I say!
International trends-student centered approach • shift from the traditional “teacher centred” approach to a “student centred” approach. • Students are not passive . They learn in different ways (Briggs-Myers, 1980; Kolb, 1984). • Learning is an active dynamic process (Cross, 1991). • Students construct their own meaning by talking, listening, writing, reading, and reflecting on content, ideas, issues and concerns (Meyers and Jones, 1993) (Source: University • Focus on what the learner has achieved rather than the intentions of the teacher • What the students are expected to be able to do at the end of the module or a programme.
Introduction of L.O in HE in Kosovo • Bologna process is introduced in 2001 • Before 2007 L.O were known as a terminology and were used by a small number of academic staff at University of Pristina,mostly at Faculty of Pedagogy and Faculty of Education • Since 2007 UP started to provide trainings with international experts on how to design L.O for a program or a course to the QA and ECTS coordinators
All academic staff at UP should define LO for the course they were responsible in the Course Syllabi • The additional training was provided to academic staff-the use of Bloom’s taxonomy wit three domains of learning – cognitive, affective and psycho-motoric was recommended • The book : “Everything you need to know about LO” by Declan Kennedy was translated in Albanian and delivered to teaching staff • The author was invited to UP to provide training on how to define LO
KAA standards for external evaluation of quality developed in full compliance with ESG • KAA requirements for study programes are based on assessment of LO at program and course level Alignment with HE levels in NQF Clear distinction of LO at BA, MA and PhD level Alignment of LO with ECTS and assessment methodology KAA provided a number of trainings on LO to HEI in Kosovo within Tempus projects as a partner
identification of social and employability needs • Definition of the profile • Design of an academic programme
Improving the Quality of LO • Encouraging the process of curriculum development based on learning outcomes and research guided teaching in the private higher education institutions of Kosova no. 530399 (LO@HEI) • Project partners: • University of Salzburg, Austria (project grant-holder); • University College Cork, Ireland; • University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom; • University Politehnica of Bucharest;
14 private HEI from Kosova trained to define LO in their curriculums • Benchmarking with partner universities • Better understanding and use of LO • Improved quality of LO in some study programs • Goals: • To define a set of descriptors indicating the learning outcomes relevant to qualifications at the levels 6th and 7th, that a learner of the business field can gain during the studies, according to the National Qualification Framework (NQF) and European Qualification Framework (EQF) (based on the NQF and EQF matrix knowledge, skills and competence); • To enhance the teaching based on learning outcomes; • To promote the review of curricula based on the demands of labor market; • Strengthening the cooperation of the private higher education institutions with the enterprises;
Identified weakness in definition of LO at HEI • A number of academic staff did not participated in trainings on LO • Still there is confusion between teaching objectives and LO • Sometimes defined LO are not adequate to the year of studies or level • The assessment methods are not always adequate for the LO to be assessed • Number of LO to higher or to low