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The Falcon Flyer PTA Newsletter March 2014 Volume 3. Dress for Success
The Falcon Flyer PTA NewsletterMarch 2014 Volume 3 Dress for Success With the season change just around the corner(We hope anyway) just a reminder that we still want to dress to impress!! Polo Style shirts with logo’s smaller than a quarter, Khaki or Blue pants, skirts & shorts. Skirts and Shorts need to be longer than your fingertips, to be safe knee length is always better since clothes have a tendency to shrink after a few washes Peel To Save Fundraiser We had a very successful fundraiser. Thanks to all who participated!! We raised a little over 1,000 dollars!!! WHOO HOOO!! We will use the money to put on fun activities for our Falcons! The winner of the Grand Prize of $50.00 was Skylar Marshall!!! Excellent work Skylar! We really appreciate you and your family helping us out! Another special thanks to our second place winner Wyatt Kinman! He received $30.00!! And we had a tie for 3rd place between Lillian Graman and Jaylen Turner so they both received $20.00. Thanks so much Falcons!! Our Mission: To Develop Leaders with a Lifelong Love of Learning Events happening now!! ISTEP!!! Mar 10th – 21th PTA meeting on Mar 18th @ 6:00 Clothing Drive! We need donations to help people in our community. Our greatest needs are for gently used clothing sizes 7 – 14, especially Jeans and All sizes of Winter Coats. Also toothpaste, shampoo and body wash. Fairlawn Uniform Closet – If you have uniform tops/bottoms that your child can no longer wear we have a uniform closet that could use your donations. Have some uniforms that don’t fit & need larger sizes?? We will even trade you! 1 for 1 – it’s a great way to help out with the clothing bills!!
PTA Mission: To support and speak on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community and before government agencies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children. To assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children. To encourage parents and community involvement in the public schools of this state and nation. Fairlawn PTA Officers Karol Williams – President Becky Miller – 1st Vice President Carrie Worthy – 2nd Vice President/Newsletter Katherine Ryan – Secretary Amber Hollis – Box Tops/Labels for Education Amy Olsen - Treasurer PTA Area Council Area council meeting was a great evening. Lots of food, games & awards given. Fairlawn PTA received the Certificate of Excellence and Certificate of Achievement. PTA is an excellent way to be involved in your child's education. Please come join us at our next meeting! • Literacy Night • We had one of the best turn outs for literacy night!! Thanks to all students, parents, grandparents teachers and volunteers who helped out!! What an excellent way to show you are involved and proactive about our Falcon’s futures!! Mentionables • The boys 4th & 5th grade basketball team got a trophy from 21st Century and Individual medals!! • Donald Hurst joined boys scouts & attended his 1st pinewood derby where he won the leaders choice Award! • Have something you want mentioned in the newsletter about your falcon?? E-mail Carrie at carrie_ray1979@yahoo.com and she will make sure it gets in here! FairlawnPTA
Box Tops/Labels for EducationWe will continue to collect Box Tops and Labels for education this year. Be sure to put your name and teachers name on the baggie before turning them in so your class will get credit. If you have any questions please contact Amber Hollis at 437-9397. Popcorn Get Your Hot Popcorn!! We really need volunteers to help with popcorn. Every Friday we make popcorn for the whole school. The popping will start around 8 a.m. each Friday morning in the cafeteria. We have a few regulars but we still need help. We usually get done around 10 a.m. Make your voice heard!! Visit http://www.doe.in.gov/achievement/standards/public-comment-identified-k-12-content-standards-college-and-career-readiness and voice your opinion!! Everyone working together can make a better future for our children!! Breaking News: March 24-28 Spring Break! April 3rd – Kindergarten Round up April 28-30 – ISTEP+ Testing Grades 3-5 April 19th – Area Council PTA Car Show 5 pm – 8:30 pm April 25th – Talent Show Plastic Lids! We are still collecting any clean, dry plastic lids. We already have our first bench. It’s located in the lobby so check it out. Keep them coming we are doing great Falcons!! Please visit our State and National PTA website for more valuable informationwww.pta.orgwww.inianapta.org
From the Principals Desk The month of March has arrived and with it comes March Madness, also known as ISTEP+ testing in schools. Fairlawn students will be very busy this month reviewing important skills, so they can demonstrate their learning when they take to the court for this big test. The first round of testing is what we call "applied skills." Students are required to solve difficult multi-step problems and then explain how they got their answer as well as justify their answer in writing. We've been working on this all year, so if your child has been completing homework and turning it in on time, they should be thoroughly prepared. Parents, you are the sixth man on our learning team. We truly need your support in making sure that your child has a place to study and that all homework is completed and turned in on time. Also, ALL Fairlawn students should spend time reading a "just right" book every night, including the weekend. If you aren't sure what a "just right" book is for your child, please contact your child's teacher. We need support for all students from kindergarten to fifth grade. That's right, the foundation for the learning that must be mastered by third grade when ISTEP+ testing begins actually starts in kindergarten. We truly appreciate your support to make sure that your child is able to do their very best. Never doubt that our goal every day is to make sure your child learns everything they need to be successful in the future. Our kids are College Bound! For the children, Mrs. Hale