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Touchstone 3. Unit 4. F a m i l y l i f e. Lesson A Family gripes. gripe: a strong complaint drama: a play in a theatre or on television or radio, or plays and acting generally pressuring (v): to try to force someone to do something embarrassing (adj.): feeling ashamed or shy
Touchstone 3 Unit 4 Familylife
Lesson A Family gripes • gripe: a strong complaint • drama: a play in a theatre or on television or radio, or plays and acting generally • pressuring (v): to try to force someone to do something • embarrassing (adj.): feeling ashamed or shy • irritating: making you feel annoyed • a backseat driver: a passenger in a car who continuously tells the driver how they should drive • junk food: food that is unhealthy but is quick and easy to eat • demand (n): a strong request
1. Rob can’t use his parents’ car. He has to ask them to drive him everywhere. 1 Getting started A 2. Kanako’s parents are always pressuring her about school. They want her to study law. She wants to study drama. 3. Luis has to be home before 11:00. His parents won’t let him stay out late. They always make him come home before 11:00. 4. Paulo thinks his kids watch too much TV. He tries to have them do their homework before dinner, but they usually watch TV instead.
5. Jong’s kids don’t help with the housework. She can’t even get them to clean up their own rooms. 6. Joanna’s husband holds the remote when they’re watching TV. He never lets her have it. 7. Chuck’s wife is nervous about driving. She’s always telling him to slow down.
1. Rob’s parents don’t want him to use the car. 1 Getting started B 2. Luis’s parents make him come home before 11:00. 3. Paulo can’t get his kids to do their homework before dinner. 4. Jong’s kids won’t help her clean the house. 5. Chuck’s wife always asks him to slow down, even when he’s not driving fast.
1. When I was a kid, my parents never let me walk / go to school by myself. 2 Grammar A 2. My parents made me go to bed at 8:00. 3. My mother couldn’t get me to eat any vegetables. 4. My sister never lets me use / play games on her computer. 5. My parents want me to spend more time with them.
6. My wife’s always telling me to get more exercise. 7. I always have my husband cook / make breakfast on the weekends. 3 Listening and speaking C 8. I think kids should help their parents (to) clean the house. c d a b
Lesson B Family memories • pocket: a small bag for carrying things in, which is made of cloth and sewn into the inside or onto the outside of a piece of clothing • niece: the daughter of your brother or sister, or the daughter of your husband's or wife's brother or sister • nephew: the son of your brother or sister, or the son of your husband's or wife's brother or sister • gigantic: extremely big • cousins: the child of your aunt or uncle • crawl: to move slowly or with difficulty, especially (of a person) with the body stretched out along the ground or on hands and knees • extended family: a family unit which includes grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts and uncles, etc. in addition to parents and children
blended: to mix or combine together • got divorced: to end your marriage by an official or legal process • immediate family: includes your closest family members, such as your parents, children, husband or wife, and brothers and sisters • stepfather: the man who is married to someone's mother but who is not their real father • hide-and-seek: a children's game in which a group of children hide in secret places and then one child has to go to look for them • broccoli: a vegetable with a thick green stem and a tree-like dark green top
tease (v):to laugh at someone or say unkind things about them, either because you are joking or because you want to upset them • tic-tac-toe:a game in which two players take turns putting O's or X's in a pattern of nine squares, trying to get three O's or X's in a straight line
1 Building vocabulary and grammar C • The activities and situations are finished. Mi Soon:used to keep, she’d always give, used to tease Claudia: used to come over, would crawl Melik: used to live, used to go over, we’d play John: used to love, used to play, we would always win
Lesson C If you ask me, … • definitely: without any doubt; certainly • absolutely: used for adding force to a strong adjective which is not usually used with 'very', or to a verb expressing strong emotion • get into trouble: causes oneself or other falls into problem or trouble • be involved: to include someone or something in something, or to make them take part in or feel part of it • incomes: money that is earned from doing work or received from investments
2 Strategy plus 1. B Definitely. A That’s true. 2. B I agree. A Absolutely. 3. B Oh, I know. A Exactly. 4. B That’s for sure. A You’re right.
Lesson D Childhood memories • safety devices: a piece of equipment that is used for a safe purpose • implemented (v): to put a plan or system into operation • recall: to bring the memory of a past event into your mind, and often to give a description of what you remember • yelled: to shout something or make a loud noise, usually when you are angry, in pain or excited • inevitably: in a way that cannot be avoided • athletic: strong, healthy and good at sports
tag:a game played by two or more children in which one child chases the others and tries to touch one of them. This child then becomes the one who does the chasing • frustrated (adj.): to make someone feel annoyed or discouraged because they cannot achieve what they want • sibling bonding: • knee:the middle joint of the leg, which allows it to bend
roller-skate: • helmets:a strong hard hat that covers and protects the head
knee pads:a piece of soft thick cloth or rubber which is used to protect a part of your knee • wrist guards:
1. d [Second paragraph: I’m surprised my mom never really implemented a policy.] 1 Reading C 2. e [Second paragraph: She kind of left it up to us.] 3. a [Second paragraph: Once in a while, she would put her foot down and make us take turns.] 4. f [Second paragraph: Otherwise, it was a free-for-all.]
5. c [Fourth paragraph: So, we’d argue about it until one of us gave in, …] 6. b [Fifth paragraph: For my brother and me, fighting over the front seat was an important part of our sibling bonding.]
1. False. Rhonda and her brother usually decided who would ride in the front seat. 1 Reading D 2. True 3. False. If Rhonda yelled “I call the front!” outside the house, she could ride in front. 4. False. Rhonda’s brother would usually touch the car before Rhonda. 5. True
(cook a meal) (go on vacation) (go to the movies) 2 Listening and writing A 2 Listening and writing B 1. Now they have cable and satellite TV, so they stay home. 2. The kids are older. They don’t want to go on vacation with their mom and dad. They would rather hang out with their friends. 3. She’s too tired these days. She doesn’t have time.
Vocabulary notebook • moustache: hair which a man grows above his upper lip • adopted: to take another person's child into your own family and legally raise him or her as your own child • ex-husband: A woman's ex-husband is a man that she was married to but is not now married to • separated: to divide into parts, or to make something divide into parts
was interested inold cars. 1 used to drinkmilk. hada beard. used to eara brown hat. always listened tothe radio.