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Stat 350 Lab Session GSI: Yizao Wang Section 016 Mon 2pm30-4pm MH 444-D Section 043 Wed 2pm30-4pm MH 444-B. Outline. Introduction Syllabus A brief review Module1: Activity1,2 Module2: Activity2. Something about me. My name: Yizao Wang

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  1. Stat 350 Lab SessionGSI: Yizao WangSection 016 Mon 2pm30-4pm MH 444-DSection 043 Wed 2pm30-4pm MH 444-B

  2. Outline • Introduction • Syllabus • A brief review • Module1: Activity1,2 • Module2: Activity2

  3. Something about me • My name: Yizao Wang • My brief CV:Originally from BeijingHaving been studying in Paris during the last three yearsNow a first year graduate student in Department of Statistics • I play Go when I have time… (do you know where is the Umich Go club?)

  4. Introduce yourself • What is your name? • Where are you from? • What is your major? • Which year are you in?

  5. Syllabus Any questions?

  6. What is statistics… Data | Analysis | Inference/conclusion

  7. Let’s start with data When we are collecting (sampling) data… • How many types of variables are there? • What are they?

  8. Let’s start with data When we are collecting (sampling) data… • How many types of variables are there?2 • What are they? Categorical variablesQuantitative/numerical variables

  9. Some big ideas • Different types of data lead to different statistical methods, numerical summaries and plots. • Histograms: the (shape of ) distribution of a quantitative response • Boxplots: picture of 5 number summarymost useful for comparing 2+ sets of data

  10. Module 1: Activity 1visualizing and exploring a data set • Start up SPSS and open the employee data set • What type of variable is gender? • What type of graphs would be good to make for this variable? • What type is current salary? • What type of graphs for it?

  11. Module 1: Activity 1visualizing and exploring a data set • Start up SPSS and open the employee data set • What type of variable is gender? Categorical • What type of graphs would be good to make for this variable? Bar graphs • What type is current salary? Quantitative • What type of graphs for it? Histogram

  12. Module 1: Activity 1visualizing and exploring a data set • Let’s make a histogram of current salary • Don’t forget the title! • What shape do we see for the distribution of salary? • Change the color

  13. Module 1: Activity 1visualizing and exploring a data set • Let’s make a histogram of current salary • Don’t forget the title! • What shape do we see for the distribution of salary?Skew to the right • Change the color

  14. Module 1: Activity 1visualizing and exploring a data set • Basic summary measures for current salary • Get five number summary • Save output

  15. Module1: Activity 2The Mean and the Median • Open the applethttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/%7Elane/stat_sim/descriptive/index.html • Produce a positive skew and a negative skew, and compare the relationship between the mean and the median • Try different shapes of distribution, compare their standard deviations. Comment?Toy question: with N=10, give the distribution with largest/smallest standard deviation

  16. Module1: Activity 2The Mean and the Median • In a symmetric distribution, the mean and the median are equal. • With positive skewed distributions, the mean is generally larger than the median. • With negative skewed distributions, the mean is generally smaller than the median. • In a skewed distribution, which is a good measure the center of a distribution?

  17. Module1: Activity 2The Mean and the Median • In a symmetric distribution, the mean and the median are equal. • With positive skewed distributions, the mean is generally larger than the median. • With negative skewed distributions, the mean is generally smaller than the median. • In a skewed distribution, which is a good measure the center of a distribution? Median

  18. Module1: Activity 2The Mean and the Median • Standard deviation:On average, salaries are expected to fall approximately ___$ from the mean salary of ___$.On average, salaries vary by about ___$ from the mean salary of ___$.

  19. Module2: Activity 1How do genders compare on SSHA scores • Background: Survey of Study Habits and Attitudes of college freshmen. It is known that scores on the SSHA may explain success in college. Data of both females and males is collected. • Use side-by-side boxplots to examine (compare) the distribution of the scores by gender.

  20. Module2: Activity 1How do genders compare on SSHA scores • Produce a side-by-side boxplot Add a title • Which gender had the lowest score? • Which had the highest score? • Which gender had the lowest median score? • How to compare the variability? • Can you tell the shape from boxplot?

  21. Module2: Activity 1How do genders compare on SSHA scores • Produce a side-by-side boxplot Add a title • Which gender had the lowest score? Male • Which had the highest score? Female • Which gender had the lowest median score?Male • How to compare the variability? IQRs • Can you tell the shape from boxplot? No!

  22. Module2: Activity 1How do genders compare on SSHA scores • Split file and make histograms (organize output by groups) • (Get descriptive summaries using frequencies option)

  23. Review of lab 1 • What does statistics do? • Categorical variables and numerical variables • Using plots to visualize data • Histogram to see the distribution • Standard deviation and shape of distribution • Boxplot with 5 number summary • Are you able to do HW1 with SPSS?

  24. Before we finish today… • Comments on today’s lab? • Qwizdom system • Survey to complete

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