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Translation 1- Computed tomography isn’t often used in diagnosing heart disease; but it * detect s structural ** abnormalities of the heart. * detect (v): (ortaya çıkarmak) to notice or discover something, especially something that is not easy to see, hear etc
Translation 1- Computed tomography isn’t often used in diagnosing heart disease; but it *detects structural **abnormalities of the heart. • *detect(v):(ortaya çıkarmak)to notice or discover something, especially something that is not easy to see, hear etc -Many forms of cancer can be cured if detected early. • abnormality(n):(bozukluk)an abnormal feature, especially something that is wrong with part of someone's body -tests that can detect genetic abnormalities in the *foetus (cenin) Bilgisayarlıtomografikalphastalıklarınınteşhisinde sık olarak kullanılmaz; fakatkalptekiyapısalbozukluklarıortayaçıkarır.
2- Humans have the largest brains in relation to body weight, but *in gross terms, the brain of an elephant is four times larger. * in gross terms: kütle olarak İnsanlarvücutağırlığınaoranla en büyükbeynesahiptir,ancakkütleolarak, birfilinbeynidörtkatdahabüyüktür.
3- Down syndrome appears 100 times more often in the *offspring of mothers who are 45 years of age or older than in the offspring of mothers who are under 19 years of age. • offspring(n): someone's child or children Down sendromu, 45 yaş ve üzeri annelerin çocuklarında 19 yaşın altındaki annelerin çocuklarındakinden 100 kez daha sık görülür.
4- Within the past ten years a greater number of psychiatrists, especially the younger ones, have used psychotherapy in the treatment of schizophrenia. Son on yıl içinde daha fazla sayıda psikiyatr, özellikle daha genç olanlar, şizofreninin tedavisinde psikoterapi kullandı.
5- Viruses containing gold *particles could be **employed as tiny cameras to take photographs within living cells. *particle(n): parçacık • *employ(v): to use a particular object, method, skill etc in order to achieve something employ a method/technique/tactic etc Altın parçacıkları içeren virüsler, canlı hücrelerin içinde resim çekmek içinminik kameralar olarak kullanılabilirler.