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A Cultural Commissioning Strategy for Lambeth. Activate Cultivate Generate. Activate the Body. Cultivate the Mind. Create Wellbeing. Previous inspection highlighted that the division needed a cultural strategy Project began in earnest September 2009
A Cultural Commissioning Strategy for Lambeth ActivateCultivateGenerate Activate the Body. Cultivate the Mind. Create Wellbeing.
Previous inspection highlighted that the division needed a cultural strategy Project began in earnest September 2009 Initial work focussed on looking at the governance for the project, exploring definitions of culture, looking at the scope of the project and potential sources for research Way forward agreed by senior management and partnership board. Governance established Cultural Commissioning Strategy
Commissioning Principles People Money Services
Greater Wellbeing through employment • Project Team (Meet weekly) • Peter Jones – Chair (Culture) • Jon Armstrong (Culture) • Brian Reynolds (Performance) • Maria Burton (Health & Wellbeing Partnership) • Derek Prentice (Culture) • Emma Dagnes (Culture) • Seona Gordon (Personalisation) • Valerie Dinsmore (Consultation) • Chris Sipidias (CYPS) • Taiye Sanwo (ACS Finance) • Phil Langslow, (HRE) • Lynda Jessopp (NHS Lambeth) • Project support - Lorraine Lynch, Gareth Edmundson, Barbara Smith, Francis Clarke (PEP) • Critical Friends Network(Contacted individually) • Mike McCart (South Bank Centre) • Deborah Saunt • DCMS “twin” • Martyn Allison (IdEA) • David Littler (London Printworks) • Wigan MBC • Tom Bewick (Creative and Cultural Skills) Great place to do business and invest Economic Wellbeing Workstream Young people on path to success Health and Wellbeing Partnership Board Social Wellbeing Workstream Less poverty & social exclusion Consultation &StakeholderGroup (Meeting format tbc) Children and Young People Partnership Board Improved health and wellbeing Environmental Wellbeing Workstream Mixed sustainable communities Safe & cohesive places Partnership Delivery Group for the Cultural Strategy (Senior Management Level) Safer Lambeth Partnership Board Executive Steering Group (Meet monthly) Jo Cleary, Ted Inman Ian JacksonKevin Barton, Nick Ephgrave Internal Management Boards eg. SLB, PCT Place Partnership Board Members Advisory Group Scrutiny
Conducted extensive research Produced a 125 page + 1st stage discussion document Attempted to show contribution of culture in the borough against SCS outcomes Attempted to find out what Lambeth’s needs are, what people want and what culture is like Begin to suggest what needs to change November – January
Increased economic wealth Prosperous neighbourhoods and communities • Great place to do business and invest • Leisure industry • Creative arts • Street markets – arts & crafts outlets Reduced reliance on benefits • Mixed and sustainable communities • Integrating art into regeneration programmes • High quality parks, open spaces and allotments • Greater wellbeing through employment • Training opportunities • Experience through volunteering Activate the body Cultivate the mind Generate Wellbeing • Lower levels of poverty and social exclusion • Affordable services • Accessible services • Children and Young People on the path to success • Intergenerational projects • Libraries, play, sport • Healthy lifestyles Increased Community use of extended schools Increased use of public facilities • Improved health and wellbeing • Arts, sports • Dance and exercise • Things to do, places to go • Safe and • Cohesive Places • Diversionary Activities • Build creative active communities Reduce the need for institutional care Reduce offending rates
Document presented to Executive Steering Group Decision to delay and not put to public engagement till after the election Instructed to use time to improve document for post-election engagement/consultation Embed and consider work on Cooperative Borough and new research DELAY!
Critical assessment of document started Invited Martyn Allison & Sue Thiedeman for challenge session Challenge session helped us to conclude that: Critical assessment NEEDS WANTS PERFORMANCE
Restructuring & refining document, new chapters and outcomes, more clear and concise Collecting better performance evidence, to improve understanding of services Building an initial performance framework for the division Using IDeA’s recent research developed new outcomes triangles Better understanding of the money and changing future environment Jan to Present
CREATE WELLBEING CULTIVATE THE MIND ACTIVATE THE BODY Sport, Leisure and tourism, Parks and open spaces, Heritage, Museums, the Arts, Media, Libraries. Community buildings and Creative Industries
Get Lambeth active, healthy and happy Rich culture, dynamic communities, promising prospects Supporting creative industries – generate wealth and jobs. Make learning fun to improve life chances for Lambeth’s young Make sure everyone can join in – going the extra mile 3 1 2 4 5 CREATE WELLBEING CULTIVATE THE MIND ACTIVATE THE BODY Sport, Leisure and tourism, Parks and open spaces, Heritage, Museums, the Arts, Media, Libraries. Community buildings and Creative Industries
At the top of the triangle will be the chapter heading. The chapter heading is at the top because this is our overall goal to aim for. In the middle section you will find more specific medium and long term aims to show the impact and contribution that culture makes to things like improving health, making people safer or increase employment chances At the bottom of the triangle, you will find what we are calling our “Cultural outcomes”. For example, in this section of the triangle you will find statements that start with “increase participation” or “more opportunities”. These statements are important because these are the things that, through implementing our proposal, we can directly influence and measure to monitor our performance and improve culture in Lambeth.
Local outcome (Long term) Be active, healthy and happy Local outcome (intermediate) Reductions in obesity (particularly young people) Reductions in early deaths and disability through CHD and stroke Improved mental wellbeing Improved equality of access to services Reductions in drug and alcohol mis-use. Cultural outcome More opportunities to get involved in local decisions Increased levels of adult participation, especially in Norwood and Streatham Increased participation in volunteering More people gaining new knowledge and skills through culture Improvements in what people feel about cultural facilities through Resident’s surveys Better value for money in the delivery of culture and sport Increased growth and capacity of third sector cultural organisations
Performance Parks • 64% of people are satisfied with parks London average 72% - Residents Survey 2009 Arts • Relatively high level of engagement in the arts (55.58%) London average 49.36%, England average 42.95% Sports and Leisure Centres • Spent £3.6m in 2009/10 on leisure centres (net of charges income) & invested £0.5m in Community Sports Libraries • In 2008/09 Lambeth had, per ‘000 population lowest number of issues from and visits to Libraries in London
We think that a cooperative approach will: Allow public organisations like Council, NHS, Police and others to work more closely together in partnership Build better relationship between citizens, communities and public services where power and responsibility shared more equally Allow our public services to better meet the needs and aspirations of our citizens Allow our services to be more personalised, this could be for a specific individual, a family, or a community Cooperative Borough
Principle 1: Public services as strong community leaders Principle 2: Providing services at the appropriate level, personalised and community based Principle 3: Citizens and communities empowered to design and deliver services and play an active role in their local community Principle 4: Public services enabling residents to engage in civil society through employment opportunities Principle 5: A settlement between public services, our communities and the citizen (this is what we provide, this is what you do for yourself) underpinned by our desire for justice, fairness, and responsibility Principle 6: Taking responsibility for services – regardless of where they are accessed or which agency provides them Principle 7: Simple, joined up and easy access to services – location and transaction; “one place to do it all”, “one form, one time to do it all” – providing visible value for money Cooperative Principles to underpin service delivery
Joint management of Parks/Leisure centres etc? A radically different library service? Community ownership of assets? Cooperatives, trusts, mutuals, social enterprises? What might this mean?
Timescales • Discussion Document - Oct ‘10 • “Discussion” phase Oct/Nov ‘10 • Final strategy with proposals Nov/Dec ‘10 • Formal consultation Dec ‘10 - Feb ‘11 • Final strategy for sign off Apr/Jun ‘11
Partnership document – difficult to asses cultural spend in some departments – e.g. Environment? NHS – clinical intervention vs culture The project is big and complex, not easy to explain and some departments have a greater affinity with culture than others Some benchmarking data is unreliable, boroughs all do things differently! Data has to be tested and further research is needed to tell an accurate story How do we show culture’s contribution – can we show commissioners in the partnership that investing in culture will bring efficiencies and savings? And the biggest of all….can we deliver the same, or improve services using commissioning and cooperative borough with less money? Challenges
Planning for future budget cuts – is it possible to deliver same service with a 20% or 30% cut? How will we deliver cultural services – will politicians agree with a radical approach? How can we maximise income to mitigate budget cuts? How much will we invest in a universal offer vs targeted programmes to meet need? Are Lambeth’s third & cultural sectors ready for new commissioning model? Still working on!