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Spring 2014 Program Analysis and Verification Lecture 2: Operational Semantics I. Roman Manevich Ben-Gurion University. Syllabus. http://www.daimi.au.dk/~bra8130/Wiley_book/wiley.html. Today. What is semantics and what is it useful for? Natural operational semantics pages 19-32
Spring 2014Program Analysis and Verification Lecture 2: Operational Semantics I Roman Manevich Ben-Gurion University
Today What is semantics and what is it useful for? Natural operational semantics pages 19-32 Structural operational semantics pages 32-50
What is formal semantics? “Formal semantics is concerned with rigorously specifying the meaning, or behavior, of programs, pieces of hardware, etc.” / page 1
What is formal semantics? • “This theory allows a program to be manipulated like a formula –that is to say, its properties can be calculated.”GérardHuet & Philippe Flajolet homageto Gilles Kahn
Why formal semantics? • Implementation-independent definition of a programming language • Automatically generating interpreters (and some day maybe full fledged compilers) • Verification and debugging • if you don’t know what it does, how do you know its incorrect?
Levels of abstractions and applications Static Analysis(abstract semantics) Program Semantics Assembly-level Semantics(Small-step)
Semantic description methods Today Next lecture Not in this course Used for verification Concepts that will be introduced even later • Operational semantics • Natural semantics (big step) [G. Kahn] • Structural semantics (small step) [G. Plotkin] • Denotational semantics [D. Scott, C. Strachy] • Axiomatic semantics [C. A. R. Hoare, R. Floyd] • Trace semantics • Collecting semantics • [Instrumented semantics]
Syntactic categories n Num numerals x Var program variables a Aexp arithmetic expressions b Bexp boolean expressions S Stm statements
A simple imperative language: While Concrete syntax: a ::= n | x | a1+a2 | a1a2 | a1–a2 b ::=true|false|a1=a2|a1a2|b|b1b2 S::=x:=a | skip | S1;S2| ifbthenS1elseS2 | whilebdoS
Exercise: draw a derivation tree y:=1; while (x=1) do (y:=y*x; x:=x-1) S S ; S
Concrete syntax may be ambiguous z:=x; x:=y; y:=z S S S ; S S ; S z := a S ; S S ; S y := a x y := a x := a x := a z := a z z y y x z:=x; (x:=y; y:=z) (z:=x; x:=y); y:=z
A simple imperative language: While n a b l r Abstract syntax: Notation: n[la,rb] – a node labeled with n and two children l and r. The children may be labeled to indicate their role for easier reading a ::= n | x | + [a1, a2] | [a1, a2] | –[a1, a2] b ::=true|false|=[a1, a2] |[ a1, a2] | [b] |[b1, b2] S::=:=[x,a] | skip | ;[S1,S2]| if[b, S1then, S2else] | while[bcondition,Sbody]
Exercise: draw an AST y:=1; while (x=1) do (y:=y*x; x:=x-1) ; := while
Semantic categories ZIntegers {0, 1, -1, 2, -2, …} T Truth values {ff, tt} StateVar Z Example state: =[x5, y7, z0] Lookup: x = 5 Update: [x6] = [x6, y7, z0]
Example state manipulations [x1, y7, z16] y = [x1, y7, z16] t = [x1, y7, z16][x5] = [x1, y7, z16][x5] x = [x1, y7, z16][x5] y =
Semantics of arithmetic expressions • Arithmetic expressions are side-effect free • Semantic functionA Aexp : State Z • Defined by induction on the syntax tree A n = n A x = x A a1 + a2 = A a1 + A a2 A a1 - a2 = A a1 - A a2 A a1*a2 = A a1 A a2 A (a1) = A a1 --- not needed A - a = 0 - A a1 • Compositional • Properties can be proved by structural induction
Arithmetic expression exercise Suppose x = 3 Evaluate A x+1
Semantics of boolean expressions • Boolean expressions are side-effect free • Semantic functionB Bexp : State T • Defined by induction on the syntax tree B true = tt B false = ff B a1 = a2 = B a1a2 = B b1b2 = B b =
Operational semantics • Concerned with how to execute programs • How statements modify state • Define transition relation between configurations • Two flavors • Natural semantics: describes how the overallresults of executions are obtained • So-called “big-step” semantics • Structural operational semantics: describes how the individual steps of a computations take place • So-called “small-step” semantics
Big Step (natural)Semantics S, ’ By Luke (personally authorized right to use this image), via Mighty Optical Illusions
Natural operating semantics • Developed by Gilles Kahn [STACS 1987] • Configurations S, Statement S is about to execute on state Terminal (final) state • Transitions S, ’ Execution of S from will terminate with the result state ’ • Ignores non-terminating computations
Natural operating semantics side condition premise conclusion S1, 1 1’, … , Sn, n n’ S, ’ if… defined by rules of the form The meaning of compound statements is defined using the meaning immediate constituent statements
Natural semantics for While x := a, [x Aa] [assns] axioms skip, [skipns] S1, ’, S2, ’’’S1; S2, ’’ [compns] S1, ’ if bthenS1elseS2, ’ S2, ’ if bthenS1elseS2, ’ • if B b = tt • if B b = ff [ifttns] [ifffns]
Natural semantics for While Non-compositional S, ’, while bdoS, ’’’while bdoS, ’’ while bdoS, • if B b = ff • if B b = tt [whilettns] [whileffns]
Example • 0[x1] • x:=x+1, 0 • skip, 00 skip, 00, x:=x+1, 0 0[x1]skip; x:=x+1, 00[x1] x:=x+1, 00[x1]ifx=0 then x:=x+1 else skip, 00[x1] Let 0 be the state which assigns zero to all program variables
Derivation trees • Using axioms and rules to derive a transition S, ’ gives a derivation tree • Root: S, ’ • Leaves: axioms • Internal nodes: conclusions of rules • Immediate children: matching rule premises
Derivation tree example 1 [assns] [assns] • z:=x, 01 • x:=y, 12 [compns] [assns] • (z:=x; x:=y), 02 • y:=z, 23 [compns] • (z:=x; x:=y); y:=z, 03 Assume 0=[x5, y7, z0]1=[x5, y7, z5]2=[x7, y7, z5]3=[x7, y5, z5]
Derivation tree example 1 [assns] [assns] • z:=x, 01 • x:=y, 12 [compns] [assns] • (z:=x; x:=y), 02 • y:=z, 23 [compns] • (z:=x; x:=y); y:=z, 03 Assume 0=[x5, y7, z0]1=[x5, y7, z5]2=[x7, y7, z5]3=[x7, y5, z5]
Top-down evaluation via derivation trees • Given a statement S and an input state find an output state ’ such that S, ’ • Start with the root and repeatedly apply rules until the axioms are reached • Inspect different alternatives in order • In While ’ and the derivation tree is unique
Top-down evaluation example [assns] [assns] x:=x-1, [y 2] y:=y*x, [y 1] [y 2] [y 2][x1] [compns] [whileffns] y:=y*x; x:=x-1, [y 1] [y 2][x1] W, [y 2][x1] [y 2, x 1] [assns] [whilettns] y:=1, [y 1] W, [y 1] [y 2, x 1] [compns] y:=1; while (x=1) do (y:=y*x; x:=x-1), [y 2][x1] Factorial program with x = 2 Shorthand: W=while (x=1) do (y:=y*x; x:=x-1)
Program termination • Given a statement S and input • Sterminates on s if there exists a state ’ such that S, ’ • S loops on s if there is no state ’ such thatS, ’ • Given a statement S • Salways terminates iffor every input state , S terminates on • Salways loops iffor every input state , S loops on
Semantic equivalence • S1 and S2 are semantically equivalent if for all and ’ S1, ’ if and only if S2, ’ • Simple examplewhilebdoSis semantically equivalent to:ifbthen (S; whilebdoS) else skip • Read proof in pages 26-27
Properties of natural semantics • Equivalence of program constructs • skip; skip is semantically equivalent to skip • ((S1; S2); S3) is semantically equivalent to(S1; (S2; S3)) • (x:=5; y:=x*8) is semantically equivalent to (x:=5; y:=40)
Equivalence of (S1; S2); S3 and S1; (S2; S3) Assume (S1; S2); S3, ’ then the following unique derivation tree exists: S1, s 1, S2, 1 12 (S1; S2), 12, S3, 12 ’ (S1; S2); S3, ’ Using the rule applications above, we can construct the following derivation tree: S2, 1 12, S3, 12 ’ S1, 1, (S2; S3), 12 ’ (S1; S2); S3, ’ And vice versa.
Deterministic semantics for While single node #nodes>1 • Theorem: for all statements S and states 1, 2 if S, 1and S, 2 then 1= 2 • The proof uses induction on the shape of derivation trees (pages 29-30) • Prove that the property holds for all simple derivation trees by showing it holds for axioms • Prove that the property holds for all composite trees: • For each rule assume that the property holds for its premises (induction hypothesis) and prove it holds for the conclusion of the rule
The semantic function Sns ’ if S, ’undefined else SnsS = • The meaning of a statement S is defined as a partial function from State to StateSns: Stm (State State) • Examples: Snsskip = Snsx:=1 = [x 1] Snswhile true do skip = undefined
Small Step Semantics S, first step By Astronaut David R. Scott, Apollo 15 commander. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Structural operational semantics first step • Developed by Gordon Plotkin • Configurations: has one of two forms: S, Statement S is about to execute on state Terminal (final) state • Transitions S, • = S’, ’ Execution of S from is not completed and remaining computation proceeds from intermediate configuration • = ’ Execution of S from has terminatedand the final state is ’ • S, is stuck if there is no such that S,
Structural semantics for While x:=a, [xAa] [asssos] skip, [skipsos] S1, S1’, ’ S1; S2, S1’; S2, ’ S1, ’ S1; S2, S2, ’ [comp1sos] [comp2sos] When does this happen? if bthenS1elseS2, S2, if bthenS1elseS2, S1, • if B b = tt • if B b = ff [ifttsos] [ifffsos]
Structural semantics for While while bdoS, ifbthenS; while bdoS) else skip, [whilesos]