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Reduction of Spent Fuel Volume by Optimisation of VVER-440 Fuel Assembly. Pavol ČUDRNÁK Petr DAŘÍLEK Radoslav ZAJAC. AER Meeting , Working Group F Liblice, Czech Republic April 10 – 12, 2012. www.vuje.sk. Content Introduction – Brief History Starting and Border Conditions Results
Reduction of Spent Fuel Volume by Optimisation of VVER-440 Fuel Assembly Pavol ČUDRNÁK Petr DAŘÍLEK Radoslav ZAJAC AER Meeting, WorkingGroup F Liblice, Czech Republic April 10 – 12, 2012 www.vuje.sk
Content • Introduction – BriefHistory • Starting and BorderConditions • Results • Conclusion Reduction of Spent Fuel Volume by Optimisation of VVER-440 Fuel Assembly
Introduction • ASFEU project (2007 - 2013), part of program R&DTitle of project: Increasing of the Slovak Republic Energy Safety • Cod ITMS: 26220220077 • Scientific activity: Space geometry discretisation of the Gd II VVER-440 fuel assembly and discretisation influence on neutron flux distribution and impact of Gd burnup • The solution of one of the tasks is performed by HELIOS 1.10. This code is a commercial computer code and its usage by our partner FEI STU Bratislava has been questionable. For this reason a common office of STU & VUJE has been established in VUJE, Inc. in Trnava. Reduction of Spent Fuel Volume by Optimisation of VVER-440 Fuel Assembly
Introduction BriefHistoryof the VVER-440 Fuel Assembly in Slovakia • Radial profiled VVER-440 fuel assemblies: used in Slovakia since 1999 • increasing of enrichment from 3.6 % U-235 to 3.82 % U-235 • four year fuel cycle • Change of the 2nd generation assemblies with Gd was performed in 2006 • increasing of enrichment to 4.25 % U-235 + 3.35 % Gd2O3 • The last development step is using of the 2nd generation assembly called Gd-2R (4.87 % U-235 + 3.35 % Gd2O3) • loaded last year in NPP Mochovce in the 1st Unit • five year cycle Reduction of Spent Fuel Volume by Optimisation of VVER-440 Fuel Assembly
Starting and Border Conditions • Aim: Optimisation of Gd-2 assembly with burnable poisons • Optimisation Basis: Gd-2 assemblies (4.25 % U-235 + 3.35 % Gd2O3) and Gd-2R (4.87 % U-235 + 3.35 % Gd2O3) • All of the optimised assemblies included the same pin geometry, wrapper tube and also material composition of construction parts • Pin enrichment and pin position in assembly was optimised only Reduction of Spent Fuel Volume by Optimisation of VVER-440 Fuel Assembly
Starting and Border Conditions VVER-440 Gd-2 Fuel Assembly (4.25 % U-235 + 3.35 % Gd2O3) Reduction of Spent Fuel Volume by Optimisation of VVER-440 Fuel Assembly
Starting and Border Conditions VVER-440 Gd-2 Fuel Assembly (4.87 % U-235 + 3.35 % Gd2O3) Reduction of Spent Fuel Volume by Optimisation of VVER-440 Fuel Assembly
Starting and Border Conditions • Main Aim: optimised VVER-440 assembly without a radical construction change to find: • Assembly with maximal multiplication ability and acceptable pin power peaking • Subjects of Calculation: • Multiplication Coefficient for Infinite Lattice (kinf) • Coefficient of Pin Power Peaking (kk) Reduction of Spent Fuel Volume by Optimisation of VVER-440 Fuel Assembly
Results • Several tens of fuel assembly variants have been designed: • 18 of them have been chosen and analysed • Variants of assemblies have been divided into 6 groups according to composition and characteristics Reduction of Spent Fuel Volume by Optimisation of VVER-440 Fuel Assembly
Results Achieved Burnup [MWd/tHM] Reduction of Spent Fuel Volume by Optimisation of VVER-440 Fuel Assembly
Results Achieved VVER-440 Gd-2 Fuel Assembly (4.924 % U-235 + 3.35 % Gd2O3) 20+ Reduction of Spent Fuel Volume by Optimisation of VVER-440 Fuel Assembly
Results Achieved VVER-440 Gd-2 Fuel Assembly (4.792 % U-235 + 3.35 % Gd2O3) 32 Reduction of Spent Fuel Volume by Optimisation of VVER-440 Fuel Assembly
Results Achieved VVER-440 Gd-2 Fuel Assembly (4.85 % U-235 + 3.35 % Gd2O3) 33b Reduction of Spent Fuel Volume by Optimisation of VVER-440 Fuel Assembly
Conclusion • Up today: Fuel Assembly 4.792 % U-235 + 3.35 % Gd2O3 • the most flat pin power distribution • five year cycle only • Otimisation of fuel assembly is proceeding slowly • Six year cycle: enriched fuel >5 % U-235 • Growing burn-up reduces a spent fuel amount Reduction of Spent Fuel Volume by Optimisation of VVER-440 Fuel Assembly