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英国议会制辩论的来源. 辩论带给我们的力量. 英国国王. 上议院. 英国议会. 下议院. 辩论带给我们的力量. “ 外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛 (FLTRP Cup National Debate Tournament) 世界大学英语辩论赛 (World University Debate Championships ). 初探英国议会制辩论. 形式 :两方、四队、八人 评判: 1 、 2 、 3 、 4 名;积分制 竞赛程序:“角色扮演” +“ 交替演讲” 质询规则 : Point of Information 动议 : THBT or THW.
英国议会制辩论的来源 辩论带给我们的力量 英国国王 上议院 英国议会 下议院
辩论带给我们的力量 • “外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛(FLTRP Cup National Debate Tournament) • 世界大学英语辩论赛(World University Debate Championships)
初探英国议会制辩论 • 形式:两方、四队、八人 • 评判:1、2、3、4名;积分制 • 竞赛程序:“角色扮演”+“交替演讲” • 质询规则:Point of Information • 动议: THBT or THW
例子分析 Motion:This House would ban smoking in China. (中国应禁止吸烟)
Opening Government Model: Smoking should be banned totally in China. 1. Ensure healthy Living Environment --Protect second-smoking smoking victims; 2.Reduce medical burden on public healthcare system; 3. Reduce the risk of fire. Opening Opposition Rebuttal arguments Constructive arguments 1. Free choice of lifestyle 2. Economic Impacts -- Loss of revenue (tobacco industry) -- Personal economic loss (shopkeepers, tobacco factory workers, tobacco farmers) -- More serious unemployment
Member Opposition Rebuttal arguments Extension speech 1. Public Backlash ---Smoker’s protest and social unrest 2. Black market a. more crime andviolence, b. more money to criminals Member Government Rebuttal arguments Extension speech 1. Individual Rights of health are more important than smoking rights; health rights are basic human rights 2. A clear message to public, to advocate correct values and healthy lifestyle 3. Impact on Next Generation
Opposition Whip Role of Government? 1.Maintain Social Stability --protests by addicts, farmers, etc. 2. Protect individual freedom &allow choice 3. Balance benefits over harms --stop unintendedconsequences -- admit health harm, but outweighed! Government whip Rebuttal arguments 1. Practical Benefits a. Benefits to Smokers b. Benefits to Non-smokers 2. Moral Benefits a. Respects non-smokers’ right b. Reduces egoistic actions
合作vs. 拆台 正方自然要寻思着玩弄文字游戏,在definition上做文章,把对手逼上绝路;而反方也总是在找机会challenge the definition,甚至提出新的criteria以此重新夺回话语权。 E.g. Beauty Industry does more harm than good. • 说vs. 做 中国学生总喜欢讨论feasibility,而西方人在辩论的时候考虑的主要是价值(value)问题。 • 决策者的缺位
谢谢观赏 鸣谢 南昌大学研究生会学术部
Mr./ Madam Speaker 主 持 Opening Gov. 正方上院 Opening Oppo. 反方上院 PM LO DPM DLO Closing Gov. 正方下院 Closing Oppo. 反方下院 Member of Gov. MO Gov. Whip Oppo. W. Ajudicators:Chair & Penalists 评 委
Motions • This House Believes That All money currently spent on Confucius Institutes abroad should be spent instead on alleviating domestic poverty.(中国应将其在海外建设孔子学院的所有资金用于国内的减贫。 ) • THBT China should hold the passengers of cars driven by drunk drivers criminally liable. (中国应认定醉酒驾车司机的乘客负有刑责。) • THBT China should use taxpayers’ money to compensate the entertainment industry for losses due to piracy. (中国应将纳税人的税款用于补偿娱乐产业因盗版而产生的损失。)
辩论带给我们的力量 首相 PM Motion: “Israel should change its policies toward Palestinians.” (以色列应改变对巴勒斯坦人的政策) Definition: “Palestinians” include citizens of the West Bank and Gaza as well as Arab citizens of the State of Israel. (对巴勒斯坦人进行定义) Interpretation: For the purposes of this debate we will interpret (narrow) the motion to include only Arab citizens of the State of Israel. (为了使辩论简单化或有针对性,而将巴勒斯坦人理解为以色列国内的阿拉伯公民)
反对党领袖 LO 辩论带给我们的力量 Motion: This House would reform the Hukou policy. (应该改变户口政策) The Government model: To reform the Hukou policy means removing restrictions on education and health care. (改变户口政策意味着减少教育和医疗方面的限制) Opposition stance: The present Hukou policy works fine. It should not be reformed; doing something else may result in unnecessary harms. (目前的户口政策没有给社会带来问题,改变它才会有问题。)
阁员 MG or MO 辩论带给我们的力量 Motion: This House Would Ban Capital Punishment. (应该废除死刑) Smaple:
辩论带给我们的力量 鞭党 Whip Motion:This House would ban smoking in China. (中国应该禁止吸烟) The Fundamental Questions of the above motion Q: What’s the role of a Government? (政府的职责是什么) A: The fundamental role of the Gov. is to protect its citizens' health. Citizens' appeal to health is the most basic, which far outweighs other request. As a responsible government, here we have shown you our plan on how to protect citizens from being harmed by smoking. (政府的职责在于保护公民的健康,这是公民最基本的权利。因此,作为一个负责人的政府,应该禁止吸烟,以此来保护公民的健康。)