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Tennessee Attendance Supervisor’s Fall Conference October 10 - 11, 2013.
TennesseeAttendance Supervisor’sFall ConferenceOctober 10 - 11, 2013
The purpose of the Attendance Manual is to provide local education agencies a clear and concise method of obtaining student counts for budget purposes, as well as a standardized method of reporting for school accountability. • The minimum standards found in the Attendance Manual apply to all school systems in Tennessee. • The Attendance Manual does not represent specific legal advice. For specific legal advice, please contact your local board attorney. • Tennessee Code Annotated supersedes the Attendance Manual. • http://www.state.tn.us/education/dataquality/attendancemanual/doc/Attendance_Manual.pdf
Section ADocumentation, Record Keeping, and Reporting • Cumulative folder for each student, birth certificate, home language survey, demographic and event data for each student, student withdrawal information, and student’s future destination must be permanently retained. • Director’s Monthly ADM Report, Director’s Annual ADM, Principal’s Monthly ADM Report, Monthly Attendance Detail must be retained for five years. • TDOE will generate pre-k reports based on data entered in EIS.
In the event conflicts exist between teacher attendance records and school office data, school office data shall prevail. • Excused and unexcused absences are a matter of local school board policy as long as local policy does not conflict with state law. • Student records are treated as confidential pursuant to TCA 10-7-504(a)(4) and FERPA (Federal Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act. • Attendance must be marked daily beginning the first day of school. Regardless of the number of students pre-registered only those in actually attendance can be counted present. (Section A-105 details teacher responsibilities regarding attendance.)
In-school suspensions, homebound, alternative school students, and students participating in school sponsored events are not counted absent and their attendance is used to calculate ADA and ADM. • Students who receive Special Education service option 7, 8, and 9 (23 hours or more a week) are not counted in regular grade level counts. • Section A-106 includes rules for collecting and reporting pre-k data • Section A-107 Rules for recording absentees and reporting absentees • The Director’s Monthly ADM/ADA Report shall be submitted for all nine monthly reporting periods. Each monthly report must be a 20 day period with possible exception being the ninth month.
School systems should enter discipline events into local software. These records are transferred to EIS. Discipline records reported to state: I In-school Suspension R Remand/Alternative School S Suspension E Expulsion
Section BSchool Year and Day • For reporting purposes, the school year is defined as the period between July 1 and June 30. Summer graduates (graduating before August 1) are included in school year just finished. • Section B-101 provides guidance for setting up instructional day for schools. • Membership and attendance accounting for each student will be based on the amount of time a student is enrolled for an instructional day. • The amount of time allowed for lunch should be excluded from the calculation of the instructional day.
Students not in school on any day for at least half the time for which they are enrolled (6 ½ hours) should be considered absent for state reporting. • The state minimum day for pre-k is five and one-half hours, any time less than this is considered an abbreviated day. • A school system that has a school day exceeding six and one-half hours by at least 30 minutes throughout the entire school year may apply the extra accumulated 30 minutes toward a maximum of 13 instructional days missed because of extreme weather conditions. • School systems choosing to stockpile days must notify state at the beginning of school year.
Use of stockpiled days pursuant to TCA 49-6-3004(e)(1) a) Stockpile days used for inclement weather do not require approval of commissioner of education b) Stockpile days used for meeting instructional time due to natural disaster, serious outbreaks of illness, or structural/environmental conditions rendering a school unsafe must be approved by commissioner of education. Approval may be granted by submitting a written request via email. c) Stockpile days used for professional development must be approved by commissioner of education. LEAs must receive approval by the commissioner PRIOR to including the days on any LEA district wide or school calendar. All written requests for approval by commissioner must be submitted via email to Paul.Rainwater@tn.gov.
Faculty professional development shall be consistent with standards and guidelines established by the State Board of Education TCA 49-1-302 and 49-6-3004. • In order to protect the integrity of instructional time, the following options are available for making up days lost due to closing of schools for emergencies: reduce time of spring break, extend school year, schedule Saturday classes, and increase length of school day 30 minutes for a period adequate to accumulate equivalent of days lost. • Section B-106 includes guidelines for mid-term and final exam accounting procedures. • School systems may elect to use staggered scheduling for pre-k classes for a maximum of ten days per school year at the beginning of a school year.
School systems may elect to use staggered or flexible scheduling for kindergarten only during the first ten days of a school year. Students not scheduled to attend during first 10 days are counted present. Students who are scheduled to attend on any given day and are absent on that day are recorded as absent. • For state reporting purposes, any student enrolled in an alternative school or program must be coded as Remanded. • Section B-112 provides guidelines for year round schools. Year-round schools must submit all state required reports.
Section CEnrollment/Membership • Pursuant to TCA 49-6-3007(h): a) In-School Suspension is defined as removed from regular classroom, but not from school b) Suspension is defined as dismissed from attendance at school (not more than 10 consecutive days). Student is included in ADM. c) Remand is defined as assignment to alternative school. Student is included in ADA/ADM. d) Expulsion is defined as removal from attendance for more than 10 consecutive days. District is not eligible to receive funding for expelled student.
A student unable to attend class for at least two weeks is eligible for homebound services. Homebound students should remain enrolled and counted present. • Any student under age 18 is considered a dropout after ten consecutive days of unexcused absences in a single semester (TCA 49-6-3017) and system policies and procedures on truancy have been followed. • Any student over age 18 is considered a dropout after ten consecutive days of unexcused absences. • Pre-k participation is voluntary and not compulsory; therefore, K-12 truancy requirements do not apply. • Students who are not residents of Tennessee but who are enrolled in school in Tennessee shall pay tuition. (TCA 49-6-403) Non-resident students shall not be counted for funding purposes.
School systems must keep attendance records for pre-k students through EIS, but these students are excluded from BEP calculations. • Section C-108 provides guidelines for accounting information for Special Education students. Options 7,8, and 9 shall not be included in the regular grade level counts on the ADA/ADM report. • Sections C-109 and 110 provide guidelines on verifying CTE/Special Education reporting. Attendance for students attending Career and Technical Education classes in a different school must be reported to the home school each day.
Section DAttendance • Each school system shall maintain a term not less than 180 days for classroom instruction. TCA 49-6-3004 • Attendance must be marked daily, beginning with the first day of school year for both elementary and secondary school students. • A sign-in/out roster must be utilized to adjust student attendance to comply with state minimum school day policy. • Graduating seniors may be awarded credit earned during their senior year after completion of 175 days of instruction. Students not in attendance the last days of school term must be counted absent.
Parents/guardians must be given written notice each time a student misses five unexcused days in a school year. Additional notices must be sent after each successive accumulation of five unexcused absences. TCA 49-6-3007 • Students in grade K-12 in attendance at least half of the state required minimum school day (6 ½ hours, grades 1-12; 4 hours, kindergarten) shall be counted present for that day. Anything less than half is considered an absence. • If testing days are scheduled within the 180 instructional days attendance is recorded as usual. Students are not exempt from attendance on these days.
If school must be dismissed because of inclement weather prior to school system’s having met the half-day requirement, the entire day must be made up or a stockpile day used. • Off-campus participation or out-of-school activities shall be counted as attendance only when they are school directed, with prior approval of board of education. • Students missing class or day because of the observance of a day set aside as sacred holiday by a religious denomination of the which the student is a member shall have the absence excused and be allowed to make up any school work missed.
Section EEnrollment and Attendance Coding • Federal law states that we cannot require parents to provide a SSN. A copy can be requested, but refusal to provide a SSN cannot prevent enrollment. In the event a student does not have a SSN or guardian refuses to supply SSN, the school system shall assign a Personal Identification Number (PIN).
Enrollment Codes used in Tennessee E – Entering a TN public school for the first time and not having been enrolled in another state this school year. E1 – Entering a TN public school for the first time this school year and having been enrolled previously in a school in another state this school year. TR – Entering a school for the first time having previously been enrolled in another TN public school, another school on the 180th day of the previous year, another TN school in the previous year and moved during the summer. TC – Entering school for the first time and having been previously enrolled in a high priority school within the district under provisions for public school choice in accordance with Title 1, Part A, Section 1116.
Section E103 details Infraction Codes used in Tennessee. Example of Table provided on page 36 in manual:
Withdrawal Codes • LEAs must account for all student enrollments and absences until the student officially withdraws from school. Students must be entered as withdrawn on the actual day of the event.
00 Drop out under 18 • 00 - Dropout under 18 • Transfers to Adult HS, GED program or Job Corps should be coded as dropouts. • The student remains in the cohort if there is no subsequent enrollment.
01 Dropout 18 and Over • 01 – Dropout, 18 and Over Transfers to Adult HS, GED program or Job Corps should be coded as dropouts. • The student remains in the cohort if there is no subsequent enrollment.
02 Withdrawn to State Institution • 02 – withdrawals should be limited to transfers to institutions run by Children’s Services . Use W6 if the student is transferred to a Non-Public School. • The student is removed from the cohort.
03 Transferred in state • 03 – Transferred to other Tennessee school system. • The student remains in the cohort if there is no subsequent enrollment.
04 – Transferred to other school in same system • The student remains in the cohort if there is no subsequent enrollment.
05 Transferred out of state • Transferred out of state. Proof that a student actually enrolled is required. • The student is removed from the cohort.
06 Transferred to non-public school in Tennessee • Transferred to any Tennessee non-public school contained on the state list. Proof that the student actually enrolled is required. • Student is removed from cohort
07 Doctor certified withdrawal • Doctor certified permanent withdrawal. This code should be used only for students who are so sick or incapacitated (in the opinion of a physician licensed by the State Board of Medical Examiners) that no return to school is anticipated and the withdrawal is considered permanent. Students with a temporary medical condition should be kept enrolled and treated as homebound student. • The student is removed from the cohort.
08 - Deceased • A letter from a parent or obituary is sufficient documentation. Official written documentation of student’s death, such as a death certificate is not necessary. • The student is removed from the cohort.
10 Withdrawn to a home school; Pre-K withdrawn per parent request • Proper documentation required: Intent to home school form, student immunization record, and parent/guardian high school diploma or GED. • Student is removed form cohort.
11Court Order • 11 – Court Order, or other government mandated placement. This should be used only in cases in which a court forbids a student from attending school. Copy of court order or judge’s decision must be on file. • The student remains in the cohort if there is no subsequent enrollment.
12 Graduation prior to spring • Graduation prior to spring graduation. • The student remains in cohort.
13 Permanent dismissal from Tennessee’s voluntary pre-k program • Permanent dismissal from Tennessee’s voluntary pre-k program. The program provider must provide to the State a written request and justification for permanent dismissal of any child from the pre-k program. No child is to be permanently dismissed without consultation between and agreement of the grantee and the Tennessee Department of Education.
14Withdrawn under the public school choice • Withdrawn to enroll in another school within the district under the provisions for public school choice in accordance with Title 1, part A, Section 1116. • The student remains in the cohort if there is no subsequent enrollment.
15TEIS transition, not eligible for special education services • TEIS transition, not eligible for special education services. Young child (assigned to Grade P3) transitioning from Tennessee Early Intervention Services withdrawn because child determined to be not eligible for special education services.
Completion Codes • All completions will be submitted though EIS and all 12th graders must be given a completion code. • 1 – Regular Diploma • 3 – Special Education Diploma • 4 – Certificate of Attendance (completed course work, did not pass Gateway exams. • 5 – Did not graduate • 6 - GED
Section FAlternative Programs • F-101 Adult High Schools • F-102 GED +2 • F-103 Alternative Schools or Programs
Section GTransportation • State funding is based on the average number of students transported daily who live 1.5 or more miles from the school they attend and who are present any part of the day. • School systems are not required to provide transportation for pre-k, except in the event student has IEP team that determines transportation is needed.
Section H – Definitions and Abbreviations • Section I – Options of Special Education • Section K – Legal Appendix
Section J – Migrant and Homeless • Student is eligible for Migrant Education services if: a) is younger than 22 and has not graduated AND b) is a migrant agriculture worker or migrant fisher or has parent, spouse, or guardian who is a migrant agriculture worker or fisher AND c) performs, or has parent, spouse, or guardian who performs qualifying agriculture/fishing employment as means of livelihood AND
d) has made a move in the last three years to accompany or join a parent, spouse, or guardian to obtain, temporary or seasonal employment in agriculture or fishing work AND e) has moved from one school district to another; OR in a state that is compromised of a single school district, has moved from one administrative area to another within such district. Migrant Education Program Occupational Survey – Migrant student identification tool http://www.state.tn.us/education/fedprog/fpmigrant.shtml
Homeless – child or youth who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence • In determining whether or not a child or youth is homeless, consider the relative permanence of the living arrangements. Determinations of homelessness should be made on a case-by-case basis. • Homeless children must be enrolled immediately (even without records). • Student Residency Questionnaire • http://www.state.tn.us/education/fedprog/fphomeless.shtml
Independent Home School • Intent to Home School form (any time within school year) • Must be completed each year • K – 12 students: Parents must have GED or High School Diploma. • Proof of immunization • Four hours per day devoted to academic study • Attendance record for 180 days • Withdrawal code 10
Church-related/Satellite/Online Programs Provide proof of enrollment in program Withdrawal code 06 • Tennessee Virtual Academy Provide proof of enrollment Withdrawal code 03 – Union County
Student Classification Code K • Pursuant to Public Chapter 426 LEAs are required to allocate funding in an equal amount to the per pupil state and local funds received by the LEA to state licensed residential mental health facilities on a prorated daily basis for the student’s length of stay, provided the following criteria have been met:
1. The residential mental health facility operates as a Category I special purpose school pursuant to state board of education rules and regulations; 2. The student admitted to facility is enrolled in the LEA; and 3. The student is admitted to the facility under a licensed physician’s written order and order is based on mental necessity. • Public Chapter 426 does not apply to students in state custody. • In addition to invoice, residential mental health facility should provide proof of Category I status (copy of license, TDOE letter of approval) when requesting payment.
Relationships and References Build relationships • In your system, region, and state • Area supervisors (SPED, CTE, Instruction, Transportation, Food Service) • RUG groups, Attendance study councils • State attendance meetings, informational conference calls • Learn from others • Create a network of support
References • Tennessee Attendance Manual • Tennessee Code Annotated (Education Law) • EIS Business Rules • TN Attendance Supervisors web sitehttp://www.tnattendancesupervisors.org/
Steering Committee Members Stacy Byrd – Chair (byrds@henryk12.net) Henry County Schools, Northwest Region Wayne Crouch – Vice Chair (wcrouch@fentressboe.com) Fentress County Schools, Upper Cumberland Region Cindy Gilliland – Secretary (cgilliland@dcbe.org) Dickson County Schools, Mid-Cumberland Region Marvin Flatt – Treasurer (flattm2@k12tn.net Weakly County Schools, Northwest Region Dennis Balch – (balchd@mail.cocke.k12.tn.us) Cocke County Schools, Upper East Region Becky Bishop – (bbishop@k12k.com) Kingsport City Schools, Upper East Region Linda Commerford – (commerfordl@k12tn.net) Athens City Schools, Southeast Region Elaine Gilbert – (gilberte@wcde.org) Washington County Schools, Upper East Region