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World Religions Comparisons. The Big 3: Judaism Christianity Islam. RELIGION DISCLAIMER:
World ReligionsComparisons The Big 3: Judaism Christianity Islam
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Names for G-d Christianity God Jesus/Lord Holy Trinity Islam Allah (99 names of God) Judaism YHWH Jehovah/Lord Elohim (plural) Adonai
Afterlife Judaism Heaven/Hell Afterlife Judgment Day Satan Hell (Gehinnom) Demons/Angels Christianity Heaven/Hell Afterlife Judgment Day Devil, Lucifer Hell Demons, Angels Islam Heaven (Jannah) Hell (Gei Hinnom or Jahannam) Afterlife Judgment Day (Qiyamah) Devil (Iblis) Demons, Angels
Sacred Book (Text) Judaism Torah “teaching, law” Written in Hebrew, Aramaic (1st 5 Books of Moses, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy) “Five Books of Moses” “Pentateuch” 613 commandments (family, food, economics, sex, prayer, crime) Christianity Holy Bible (bible=book) Old Testament + New Testament (27 books, Greek) 100 of gospels written, 4 selected Islam Koran, Qur’ān, Alcoran, Al-Qur’ān, written in Arabic Book of divine guidance, direction for mankind; the final revelation of God (Allah) Revealed to Muhammad by angel Gabriel (over 23 years) Scrolls of Abraham (Suhuf-i-Ibrahim), Torah (Tawrat), Psalms (Zabur), Gospel (Injeel) Many events of Jewish, Christian scriptures, some retold exactly, some slightly changed
Food Laws Christianity Paul abolished kosher laws, too difficult for missionaries No alcohol for some fundamental sects Islam Halal: food permitted No pig (pork), blood, or alcohol Only animals slaughtered in the name of God (Muslim, Jew, or Christian) Judaism Kosher Laws: Separate dishes/meals meat/dairy nothing produced by Gentiles (non Jews) No pig (pork), certain shellfish (must have fins, scales) Meat must have cloven hoof, chew cud
Sacred Day/Prayers Judaism 3x day, meals Sabbath (Shabbat) Fri. -Sat. sundown No work, driving, elec. Year 5772 (until Sept 2012) Christianity 2x day, meals Sunday (Paul moved from Saturday) Year 2011 Islam 5x day Jumu'ah, Friday prayer Year AH 1433
Beards/Facial Hair Judaism Bearded All prophets wore beards Christianity Bearded All prophets wore beards Jesus usually depicted bearded Islam Bearded All prophets wore beards Muhammad usually depicted bearded
Internal Cleansing Christianity Sin: Jesus died for your sins, cleanse yourself of your sins Born a sinner, must be cleansed, must accept Jesus Islam Jihad: internal struggle to remove blocks to Allah, stay moral and do good works Judaism Sin: miss the mark (original Roman Goddess) Born Jewish, “the chosen ones”
Progression of Thought Judaism 10 Commandments: Laws for children “thou shalt not” Father Jehovah God Parent to Child Islam Laws for community How to live together Muhammad, Community Leader Live as mature adults Christianity Laws for loving each other “Love thy neighbor” Teen-20s behavior Jesus, friend, brother Brotherly love agape
Breaking of Bread Judaism Challah Bread Unleavened bread (Matza) Wine (Kiddush) Sabbath prayers lighting candles Christianity Bread/Wine Unleavened bread Remember Body/Blood Communion (Eucharist) Some no alcohol Prayers, candles Islam Flat bread (pita) Unleavened bread No drinking Prayers, candles
Prophets Islam Respect “People of the Book” Christian, Jewish prophets Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad (the last prophet) Prophets are men selected by God to be his messengers (not divine) some perform miracles Judaism “People of the Book” Moses, Abraham, Isaac (Judaism), Jacob (Israel) Not Ishmael (Islam) Solomon, David (Kings, Prophets) Christianity 100s, mentioned in bible Aaron-Zechariah John The Baptist (not Jesus)
Circumcision Judaism All males (usually at birth) A ceremony called a briss For cleanliness Cutting of the male foreskin (saved) No anesthesia used Christianity All males (usually at birth) Following Jewish tradition Islam All males (usually at birth) For cleanliness Some females as well
Baptism Judaism purification rites (mikvah) ritual immersion Conversion, Contact with a corpse, participation in community life (if you’ve been away) Christianity Full or partial immersion in water or sprinkle holy water on head Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist Islam Washing (Ghusul) of whole body in special order or immersion of the whole body (submersion) in a river After each sexual intercourse or wet dream or menstrual flow to resume 5 daily prayers.
Religious Clothing Judaism Kippah (yarmulke) skullcap, men wear while praying, eating, reciting blessings, studying religion Prayer shawl (men and women during prayer) Kittel, white knee-length overgarment, worn by prayer leaders, weddings, holy days (men), Cover hair out of modesty Christianity Women cover their heads (bonnets, hats) pilgrims, Puritans, Amish, nuns, saints, Virgin Mary, modesty Islam Burqa: outer garment Hijab, both men, women dress and behave modestly in public, Modesty to protect women
The Virgin Mary always has her head covered in Christian, Jewish tradition
Savior / Messiah Judaism Still waiting for their savior Messiah-King Do not believe Jesus was their messiah Christianity Believe Jesus is the messiah, waiting for him to return (thought he was coming back sooner) Islam Believe Jesus was a prophet, reject “dying and coming back” reject Christian Trinity, as polytheism Quran states Jesus is a Messiah,and is alive in Heaven, and will return to Earth to defeat the Antichrist with Muhammad al-Mahdi (ultimate savior of mankind).
Sacred Temples Judaism Synagogue Prayer and study, separate rooms for prayer (main sanctuary), smaller rooms for Torah study, community social hall, ritual bathing Altar, candles Prayer Leader: Rabbi Christianity Church Pagan temples converted to Christian churches Baptism pools Large sanctuary, small rooms for classes, Altar, candles Prayer leader: minister, pastor, elder, deacon Catholic: Priest, Nun, Holy Water Islam Mosque Place to come together for prayer, get-togethers, dinners (pot-luck) No shoes Ritual purification: ablution fountains, washrooms, cleanliness, modest dress, gender separation (concentration) Prayer Leader: Imam
Denominations. . . Judaism Liberal-Conservative Fundamental: Orthodox Hasidic: strict observation of laws Zionism Christianity Liberal-Conservative Fundamental: Amish, Puritans 100s years Catholics vs. Protestants (Ireland, Europe) Islam Liberal-Conservative Fundamentalist: Theocracy Osama bin Laden Sunnni, Shi’a
Sacred Mystics Judaism Kabbalah, sacred scripture, secrets, mystical knowledge Hidden in Tarot cards The Tree of Life The nature of God Christianity Rosicrucian Orderesoteric, secret group trying to raise their spiritual development. Alchemy, astronomy, healing, sacred geometry (Egypt), Knight’s Templar Gnostic (Greek Knowledge) Direct spiritual connection to God (no priest) Islam Sufism: inner or mystical dimension of Islam, more spiritual, direct experience with God by making use of “intuitive” abilities must be trained to use Healing, astronomy, astrology, ancient secrets
Terror Groups/Freedom Fighters Judaism Many Jewish paramilitary groups Irgun (Natl Military Org in Land of Israel) militant Zionist group, Palestine 1931-1948, attacked GB Lehi, Stern Gang: attacked GB, evicted Palestinians wanted unrestricted immigration of Jews to Israel Mossad: Israel, national intelligence agency, 1938 bring Jews illegally to Palestine, subvert British quotas on Jewish immigration. Christianity Fundamentalist, bomb abortion clinics David Koresch, Waco, TX Timothy McVeigh, Oklahoma Cults: Jim Jones Islam Hamas: Palestinian, Sunni, militant org. political party (Palestine) 1987, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, 1st Intifada (Muslim Brotherhood), suicide bombers, attacks on Israeli forces, destruction of Israel, replaced with Palestinian Islamic State (West Bank, Gaza Strip) PLOPalestine Liberation Org. Founded by Arab League, May 1964, Yasser Arafat, 1969 Al-Qaeda, al-Qaida, Taliban
Today . . . Judaism 2007, est. 13.2 million people—41% Israel 1% population Yet everywhere: politics, Hollywood, journalism, doctors, lawyers, lobbyists Christianity 1st lgst religion 1.5 - 2.1 billion 1/4 world’s pop. Missionaries, Imperialism (Latin, South, Central America, Africa) Most Arab-Americans are Christian Islam 1.2 - 1.8 billion 2nd lgst religion Dominant religion in ME, Africa, Asia, also China, Eastern Europe, Russia 20 % Arab countries are Muslim