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The El Portal Elementary School Plan for Student Achievement details data review, academic indicators, engagement indicators, school goals, and strategic objectives for continuous improvement. It focuses on English/Language Arts growth, positive school climate, and academic excellence in line with district goals.
School Site Presentations The School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is a document that represents a school’s cycle of continuous improvement of student achievement. The annual process of developing, reviewing, and updating the SPSA includes a comprehensive review of data and the development of actions necessary to achieve school goals. The plan also addresses funding and proposed expenditures related to state and federal categorical programs. The SPSA is specifically designed to align with the state’s eight priorities of the LCAP and LJSD’s Strategic Goals. Each year, the School Site Council and the local governing board approve the SPSA.
Stakeholder Input All sites have reviewed their data with School Site Council to determine goals for the 2018-19 year. Additional input from stakeholders is obtained through annual surveys of parents, staff, and students.
El Portal Elementary School Data Review: Subgroups - White, Hispanic, Students w/ Disabilities (SWD), English Learners (EL), Socio-Economically Disadvantaged (SED) Academic Indicators • CAASPP • All students scored in the Green on CA Dashboard for ELA and Math • ELA • EL - Orange, SWD - Yellow, Hispanic/SED - Green, White - Blue • No students in the Red • Math • SWD - Orange, EL/SED - Yellow, Hispanic/White - Green • No students in the Red • ELPAC - English Language Proficiency Assessment of California • 88 % Scored Level 3 or 4 (Moderately - 38% / Well developed - 50%)
El Portal Elementary School Data Review: Subgroups - White, Hispanic, Students w/ Disabilities (SWD), English Learners (EL), Socio-Economically Disadvantaged (SED) Engagement Indicators • Chronic Absenteeism: EL/SED - Orange, Hispanic/White - Yellow, SWD - Green • El Portal 5.4% ----- CA 9% • Overall Attendance Rate: 96.90 Climate & Conditions Indicators • Suspensions: All Subgroups - Orange • Increase 0.5% • El Portal 1.8% Suspended at least once ----- CA 3.5% • All areas in Orange are specifically tied into the site goals for El Portal. Based on the review of data, the following School Goals were developed...
El Portal Elementary School School Goal: English/Language Arts All students will have, at minimum, a year’s growth in a year's time to help strengthen overall comprehension. Targeted sub-groups will have more than a year’s growth in a year’s time to help close the achievement gap. Annual Measurable Outcome: ALL students will increase their lexile level by 100 points per year as measured by the Reading Inventory Growth Report. ELstudents will grow by 120 points. District Strategic Goal: Academic Excellence - Learning for All Students Every student experiences educational success at the highest levels of achievement. We believe that each student has a unique ability to learn in an environment that is enriched with a challenging curriculum, where learning is modeled and expectations are both known and high. We expect all students to demonstrate continued and improved academic achievement, through Collaboration, Communication, Critical thinking, and Creativity, to be college and career ready, and to become lifelong learners. Dashboard area in Orange: ELA for EL students
El Portal Elementary School School Goal: Positive School Climate and Culture Student progress towards goals will be monitored by the students so they know where they stand and where they need to go. We will maintain an environment where students are excited to come to school by providing opportunities for them to explore their own passions, encourage creativity, and experience success. Annual Measurable Outcome 1 : The percentage of students participating in QUEST intervention/enrichment activities will increase from 80% to 85% as measured by attendance at the last enrichment class in May 2018. Annual Measurable Outcome 2: Our chronically absent rate will decline by at least 3%. All students monitored. Targeted groups: EL and SED students. (Increase: EL 0.5% / SED 2.3%) District Strategic Goal: Safe, Orderly, Positive, Respectful Learning Environments All campuses provide an aesthetic, orderly environment that is organized to ensure learning. We believe in a collaborative spirit of place where all feel safe, welcomed, valued, and respected. We foster a culture that promotes the emotional health, safety, well-being and involvement of students, staff, family and community. Dashboard area in Orange: Chronic Absenteeism for EL & SED Students
El Portal Elementary School School Goal: Academic Excellence El Portal students will continue to demonstrate a high level of achievement towards college and career readiness in both ELA and Math as measured by annual California School Dashboard reports. Annual Measurable Outcome: Students will demonstrate an increase in academic achievement on the 2019 CAASPP and maintain our current green rating or move to blue in both ELA and Math. SWD will show growth of at least 3% in Math. District Strategic Goal: Academic Excellence - Learning for All Students Every student experiences educational success at the highest levels of achievement. We believe that each student has a unique ability to learn in an environment that is enriched with a challenging curriculum, where learning is modeled and expectations are both known and high. We expect all students to demonstrate continued and improved academic achievement, through Collaboration, Communication, Critical thinking, and Creativity, to be college and career ready, and to become lifelong learners. Dashboard area in Orange: Math for SWD
El Portal Elementary School School Goal: Positive School Climate El Portal will maintain a culture a universal achievement, which is a growth mindset model for teachers and students and a belief that all students will be educated in a way that prepares them for college (No Excuses University). Annual Measurable Outcome: El Portal will foster a culture that promotes engagement in and out of the classroom with environments that maximize the potential of every student and reduce the amount of office referrals by 5%, which will reduce the number of suspensions. District Strategic Goal: Safe, Orderly, Positive, Respectful Learning Environments All campuses provide an aesthetic, orderly environment that is organized to ensure learning. We believe in a collaborative spirit of place where all feel safe, welcomed, valued, and respected. We foster a culture that promotes the emotional health, safety, well-being and involvement of students, staff, family and community. Dashboard area in Orange: Suspensions for All Students
Jordan Elementary School Data Review Subgroups - White, Hispanic, Students w/ Disabilities (SWD), English Learners (EL), Socio-Economically Disadvantaged (SED) Academic Indicators • CAASPP • All students scored in the Green on CA Dashboard for ELA and Math • ELA • EL, SED, SWD, and Hispanic - Yellow, White - Green • No students in Orange or Red • Math • SED, SWD, Hispanic and White - Yellow, EL - Green • No students in Orange or Red • ELPAC - English Language Proficiency Assessment of California • 77% Scored Level 3 or 4 (Moderately - 40% / Well developed - 37%)
Jordan Elementary School Data Review Subgroups - White, Hispanic, Students w/ Disabilities (SWD), English Learners (EL), Socio-Economically Disadvantaged (SED) Engagement Indicators • Chronic Absenteeism: EL, SED, Hispanic,White - Orange, SWD - Green • Jordan 6.4% ----- CA 9% Climate & Conditions Indicators • Suspensions: All Subgroups - Orange • Increase 1.6% • 2.8% Suspended at least once ----- CA 3.5% • All areas in Orange are specifically tied into the site goals for Jordan. Based on the review of data, the following School Goals were developed...
Jordan Elementary School School Goal: Academic-English-Language Arts-Writing Students in grades third through sixth will improve their ability write in a clear, cohesive manner across multiple genres. Annual Measureable Outcome: By August of 2019, the percentage of students in grades three through six scoring below standards in writing will decrease from 26.5% to 21.5% as measured by the Spring 2019 CAASSP test results. District Strategic Goal: Academic Excellence - Learning for All Students Every student experiences educational success at the highest levels of achievement. We believe that each student has a unique ability to learn in an environment that is enriched with a challenging curriculum, where learning is modeled and expectations are both known and high. We expect all students to demonstrate continued and improved academic achievement, through Collaboration, Communication, Critical thinking, and Creativity, to be college and career ready, and to become lifelong learners.
JordanElementarySchool • School Goal: Academic-English - Language Arts - Reading Students in grades third through sixth will demonstrate an improvement in their reading comprehension skills. • Annual Measureable Outcome: By August of 2019, the percentage of students in grades three through six scoring below standards in reading will decrease from 20.5% to 15.5% as measured by the Spring 2019 CAASSP test results. • District Strategic Goal: Academic Excellence - Learning for All Students Every student experiences educational success at the highest levels of achievement. We believe that each student has a unique ability to learn in an environment that is enriched with a challenging curriculum, where learning is modeled and expectations are both known and high. We expect all students to demonstrate continued and improved academic achievement, through Collaboration, Communication, Critical thinking, and Creativity, to be college and career ready, and to become lifelong learners.
Jordan Elementary School School Goal: Academic - Mathematics Students in grades third through sixth will demonstrate an increase in their ability to solve mathematical word problems. Annual Measureable Outcome: By August of 2019, the percent of students scoring below standard in problem solving, in grades three through sixth, will decrease from 29.91% to 24.91% as measured by Spring 2019 CAASPP data. District Strategic Goal: Every student experiences educational success at the highest levels of achievement. We believe that each student has a unique ability to learn in an environment that is enriched with a challenging curriculum, where learning is modeled and expectations are both known and high. We expect all students to demonstrate continued and improved academic achievement, through Collaboration, Communication, Critical thinking, and Creativity, to be college and career ready, and to become lifelong learners.
Jordan Elementary School School Goal: Conditions and Climate - Suspension Rates All stakeholders at Jordan Elementary will work toward promoting a positive and safe school culture in which students can be engaged and active participants in their learning. Annual Measureable Outcome:By August of 2019, the average suspension rate for students at Jordan Elementary will decrease 1.6% from 2.8% to 1.2%. District Strategic Goal: Stakeholders, including parents and students, will be engaged in supporting student learning a positive and safe school climate.
Jordan Elementary School School Goal: Academic Engagement - Chronic Absenteeism All stakeholders at Jordan Elementary will work to promote regular attendance habits for all students. Annual Measureable Outcome: By August of 2019, the percentage of students who are chronically absent will decrease by 1% from 6.4% to 5.4% District Strategic Goal: Stakeholders, including parents and students, will be engaged in supporting student learning a positive and safe school climate.
Macy Elementary School Data Review: Subgroups - White, Hispanic, Students w/ Disabilities (SWD), English Learners (EL), Socio-Economically Disadvantaged (SED) Academic Indicators CAASPP • All students scored Green on Fall 2017 CA Dashboard for ELA • White and Hispanic - Green • SED and SWD - Yellow • EL - Orange • All students scored Yellow on the Fall 2017 CA Dashboard for Math • White - Green • Hispanic - Yellow • EL/SED/SWD - Orange
Macy Elementary School Data Review Continued: Subgroups - White, Hispanic, Students w/ Disabilities (SWD), English Learners (EL), Socio-Economically Disadvantaged (SED) Academic Indicator ELPAC - English Language Proficiency Assessment of California • 62% Scored level 3 or 4 • Moderately Developed 31% and Well Developed 31%
Macy Elementary School Data Review Continued: Subgroups - White, Hispanic, Students w/ Disabilities (SWD), English Learners (EL), Socio-Economically Disadvantaged (SED) Conditions and Climate Chronic Absenteeism • All students scored Yellow on 2018 CA Dashboard for Chronic Absenteeism (Macy 3.8% ---- CA 9%) • White - Green • Hispanic/SED - Yellow • SWD - Orange Suspension Rate • All students scored Green on the 2018 CA Dashboard for Suspension (Macy 0.6% ----- CA 3.5%) • All Subgroups scored Green Based on the review of data, the following School Goals were developed...
Macy Elementary School School Goal #1: Positive School Climate and Culture Macy Elementary will not only maintain, but continue to develop a positive school climate and culture through creating a place where students feel safe to learn. We believe we can achieve this through Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) combined with student engagement and empowerment to build intrinsic motivation toward making positive behavior choices. Annual Measurable Outcome #1: Macy will remain below the California State suspension rate of 3.5% as measured by the CA Dashboard. Annual Measurable Outcome #2: Macy’s will maintain its suspension rate to less than 1% as measured by the CA Dashboard and/or local data. District Strategic Goal(s): Safe, Orderly, Positive, Respectful Learning Environments All campuses provide an aesthetic, orderly environment that is organized to ensure learning. We believe in a collaborative spirit of place where all feel safe, welcomed, valued, and respected. We foster a culture that promotes the emotional health, safety, well-being and involvement of students, staff, family and community.
Macy Elementary School School Goal #2: Positive School Climate and Culture Macy Elementary will not only maintain, but continue to develop a positive school climate and culture through creating a place where students are excited to learn. We believe we can achieve this through encouraging and empower student and teacher passion, and fostering student and family engagement. Annual Measurable Outcome #1: Macy's chronic absenteeism from all groups and subgroups will remain below the California State percentage of 9% for chronic absenteeism as evidenced by the CA Dashboard. Annual Measurable Outcome #2: Macy’s chronic absenteeism from all students will be reduced from 3.8 to 2.4, a difference of 1.4% as measured by the CA Dashboard. Annual Measurable Outcome #2: Macy’s daily attendance will meet or exceed 95% monthly as evidence by local data. District Strategic Goal(s): School / Family / Community Partnerships & Communication: High quality student learning is supported by partnerships. We believe these partnerships are enhanced through effective communication and collaboration. We establish a culture which encourages positive relationships among our students, staff, and families as well as educational, business, and community partners. We believe these partnerships and communication must be nurtured to optimize opportunities for learning and personal growth for students.
Macy Elementary School School Goal #3: Academic Excellence Macy students will continue to strive towards high levels of academic excellence in relation to being College and Career Ready in ELA and Math as measured by the CA Dashboard. Annual Measurable Outcome: All students will demonstrate an increase in academic growth on the 2019 CAASPP assessment while either maintaining a current green ranking or show progress toward moving one Five-by-Five placement band in ELA and/or Math. District Strategic Goal: Academic Excellence - Learning for All Students Every student experiences educational success at the highest levels of achievement. We believe that each student has a unique ability to learn in an environment that is enriched with a challenging curriculum, where learning is modeled and expectations are both known and high. We expect all students to demonstrate continued and improved academic achievement, through Collaboration, Communication, Critical thinking, and Creativity, to be college and career ready, and to become lifelong learners.
Macy Elementary School School Goal #4: Academic Excellence Macy students will continue to strive towards high levels of academic excellence in relation to being College and Career Ready in Math and Science through Science Technology Engineering Art and Mathematics (S.T.E.A.M.). Annual Measurable Outcome: All students will demonstrate an increase in academic growth on the 2019 CAASPP assessment while either maintaining a current green ranking or show progress toward moving one Five-by-Five placement band in Math. District Strategic Goal: Academic Excellence - Learning for All Students Every student experiences educational success at the highest levels of achievement. We believe that each student has a unique ability to learn in an environment that is enriched with a challenging curriculum, where learning is modeled and expectations are both known and high. We expect all students to demonstrate continued and improved academic achievement, through Collaboration, Communication, Critical thinking, and Creativity, to be college and career ready, and to become lifelong learners.
Meadow Green Elementary School Data Review: Significant Subgroups- White, Hispanic, SWD, & SED Engagement Indicators: • Chronic Absenteeism: All students scored Yellow on the CA Dashboard for Chronic Absenteeism. • No Subgroups in Blue Status • Subgroups in Green Status- Hispanic • Subgroups in Yellow Status- White • Subgroups in Orange Status- SWD, SED • No Subgroups in Red Status • The overall annual attendance rate was 96.8% School Climate Indicators: • All students scored Green on the CA Dashboard for annual suspension rate. • Subgroups in Blue Status- SED & White • Subgroups in Green Status- Hispanic • No Subgroups in Yellow or Orange Status • Subgroups in Red Status- SWD • The overall annual suspension rate was 0.8% for the 2017/18 school year. • 88% of parents reported child happiness attending school daily.
Meadow Green Elementary School Data Review: Significant Subgroups- White, Hispanic, & SED Based on the review of data, the following School Goals were developed... Academic Indicators: • All students scored in the Green on CA Dashboard for ELA and Math • ELA - • Subgroups in Blue Status- White • Subgroups in Green Status- Hispanic & SED • No subgroups in Yellow, Orange, or Red Status • Math - • No Subgroups in Blue Status • Subgroups in Green Status- Hispanic & White • Subgroups in Yellow Status- SED • No Subgroups in Orange or Red Status • 25% of the English Learner subgroup scored standard met or exceeded on CAASPP assessments (6 students total) • There are not enough ELL students to comprise a “significant subgroup” for a Dashboard rating. Regardless, supporting ELL students is a priority and focus at Meadow Green. • 82.2% of ELL students scored Level 3 or 4 on the ELPAC assessment.
Meadow Green Elementary School School Goal# 1- School Climate and Culture Meadow Green will provide a positive and safe campus climate and culture, as measured by the annual California School Dashboard indicator, parent survey data, and annual suspension rate. Expected Annual Measurable Outcome: Meadow Green students will provide a positive and safe campus climate and culture as measured by the annual California School Dashboard Rating (Green or Blue) for all students and subgroups, the annual parent survey data regarding student happiness attending school (90% or higher), and the annual suspension rate (1% or lower). District Strategic Goal: Safe, Orderly, Positive, Respectful Learning Environments: All campuses provide an aesthetic, orderly environment that is organized to ensure learning. We believe in a collaborative spirit of place where all feel safe, welcomed, valued, and respected. We foster a culture that promotes the emotional health, safety, well-being and involvement of students, staff, family and community.
Meadow Green Elementary School School Goal# 2- Student & Family Engagement / Attendance Meadow Green will maintain a high level of student and family engagement, as measured by the cumulative average daily attendance rate. Expected Annual Measurable Outcome: Meadow Green students will demonstrate a high level of student and family engagement by achieving a cumulative average daily attendance rate of 97% or higher throughout the 2018/19 school year. The Meadow Green chronically absent student rate will decline to rates considered “green” or “blue” level for all students (5% or less) and all subgroups based on the CA Cashboard performance level targets for 2018/19 District Strategic Goal: School / Family / Community Partnerships & Communication: High quality student learning is supported by partnerships. We believe these partnerships are enhanced through effective communication and collaboration. We establish a culture which encourages positive relationships among our students, staff, and families as well as educational, business, and community partners. We believe these partnerships and communication must be nurtured to optimize opportunities for learning and personal growth for students.
Meadow Green Elementary School School Goal# 3- Academic Excellence in English Language Arts and Math Meadow Green students will continue to demonstrate a high level of achievement and growth toward achievement of college and careers readiness in both English Language Arts (ELA) and Math as measured by annual California School Dashboard reports. Expected Annual Measurable Outcome: Meadow Green students will demonstrate achievement and growth levels on the 2019 annual CAASPP assessments that will maintain a green or blue rating in both English Language Arts and Mathematics, calculated based on CDE-established status and growth on the average student score difference from level 3 (standard met). District Strategic Goal: Learning for All Students Every student experiences educational success at the highest levels of achievement. We believe that each student has a unique ability to learn in an environment that is enriched with a challenging curriculum, where learning is modeled and expectations are both known and high. We expect all students to demonstrate continued and improved academic achievement, through Collaboration, Communication, Critical thinking, and Creativity, to be college and career ready, and to become lifelong learners.
Meadow Green Elementary School School Goal# 4- Achievement of English Language Learners Meadow Green English Language Learner students will demonstrate progress toward gaining proficiency in academic English language skills and in achieving college and career readiness standards. Expected Annual Measurable Outcome: Meadow Green English Language Learner students will demonstrate a 10% growth from 25% to 35% of students meeting or exceeding college and career readiness standards on annual CAASPP assessments in English Language Arts. District Strategic Goal: Learning for All Students Every student experiences educational success at the highest levels of achievement. We believe that each student has a unique ability to learn in an environment that is enriched with a challenging curriculum, where learning is modeled and expectations are both known and high. We expect all students to demonstrate continued and improved academic achievement, through Collaboration, Communication, Critical thinking, and Creativity, to be college and career ready, and to become lifelong learners.
Olita Elementary School Data Review: Subgroups: White, Hispanic, Students with Disabilities (SWD), Socioeconomically Disadvantaged (SED), English Learners (ELs) Academic Indicators • CAASPP All students scored in the Yellowon the CA Dashboard for ELA and Math ELA White - Green,ELs and SED - Yellow,Hispanic - Orange No Students inRed Math White - Green,Hispanic - Yellow,ELs and SED - Orange No Students in Red • ELPAC - English Language Proficiency Assessment of California 69% Scored Level 3 or 4, 16.7% Scored Level 2, 14.3% Scored Level 1 Based on the review of data, the following School Goals were developed...
Olita Elementary School Data Review: Engagement Indicators: Chronic Absenteeism: Hispanic and SED - Orange, White - Yellow, SWD - Green Olita 5.2% ----- CA 9% Overall Attendance Rate: 96.99% Climate and Conditions Indicators: Suspensions: Hispanic, SED and SWD - Orange, White - Green, ELs - Blue Increase 1.5% Olita Average 3% Suspended at least once ----- CA 3.5% All areas in Orange are specifically tied into the site goals for Olita. Based on the review of data, the following School Goals were developed...
Olita Elementary School School Goal: English Language Arts By August 2019, the percentage of 3rd to 6th grade students will improve in writing as measured by the SBAC writing score. Annual Measureble Outcome: Our student achievement in Writing will improve by 5% as measured by the SBAC scores. District Strategic Goal: Academic Excellence - Learning for All Students Every student experiences educational success at the highest levels of achievement. We believe that each student has a unique ability to learn in an environment that is enriched with a challenging curriculum, where learning is modeled and expectations are both known and high. We expect all students to demonstrate continued and improved academic achievement, through Collaboration, Communication, Critical thinking, and Creativity, to be college and career ready, and to become lifelong learners.
Olita Elementary School School Goal: English Language Arts By August 2019, the Hispanic students’ performance points in ELA will improve on the SBAC enough to move from Orange to Yellow. Annual Measurable Outcome: Our Hispanic students will improve their ELA skills enough to move from ORange to Yellow on the CA Dashboard. District Strategic Goal: Academic Excellence - Learning for All Students Every student experiences educational success at the highest levels of achievement. We believe that each student has a unique ability to learn in an environment that is enriched with a challenging curriculum, where learning is modeled and expectations are both known and high. We expect all students to demonstrate continued and improved academic achievement, through Collaboration, Communication, Critical thinking, and Creativity, to be college and career ready, and to become lifelong learners.
Olita Elementary School School Goal: Math By August 2019, the English Learners and Socio-economically Disadvantaged students’ performance points will improve on the SBAC enough to move from Orange to Yellow as measured on the Dashboard. Annual Measurable Outcome: The expected outcome for our ELs and SED students, in the area of Math, will be that they improve their skills to move from Orange to Yellow on the Dashboard. District Strategic Goal: Academic Excellence - Learning for All Students Every student experiences educational success at the highest levels of achievement. We believe that each student has a unique ability to learn in an environment that is enriched with a challenging curriculum, where learning is modeled and expectations are both known and high. We expect all students to demonstrate continued and improved academic achievement, through Collaboration, Communication, Critical thinking, and Creativity, to be college and career ready, and to become lifelong learners.
Olita Elementary School School Goal: Chronic Absenteeism Our Hispanic and SED students will improve their school attendance percentage in order to move from Orange to Yellow on the Dashboard. Annual Measurable Outcome: Our Hispanic and Socioeconomically Disadvantaged students will improve their attendance percentage and move from Orange to Yellow on the Dashboard. District Strategic Goal: Safe, Orderly, Positive, Respectful Learning Environments: All campuses provide an aesthetic, orderly environment that is organized to ensure learning. We believe in a collaborative spirit of place where all feel safe, welcomed, valued, and respected. We foster a culture that promotes the emotional health, safety, well-being and involvement of students, staff, family and community.
Rancho-Starbuck Intermediate School Data Review: Academic Performance Indicators: • All students scored in the Green on CA Dashboard for ELA and Math • ELA - Subgroup Level • Blue Level - White • Green Level - Hispanic, SED • Orange Level - EL, Students with Disabilities • Math - • Blue Level - White • Yellow Level - EL, Hispanic, SED • Red Level - Students with Disabilities
Rancho-Starbuck Intermediate School Data Review: Climate and Culture: • Suspension Rates - All students scored in the Orange Performance Level on CA Dashboard for Suspension Rates. 5.3% suspended at least once. • Red Level - Students with Disabilities • Orange Level - Hispanic, SED, White • Chronic Absenteeism - 3.9% of students are chronically absent. • Blue Level - White • Yellow Level - EL, Hispanic, SED • Red Level - Students with Disabilities Based on the review of data, the following School Goals were developed...
Rancho-Starbuck Intermediate School School Goal: By May 2019, all students in the English Learner subgroup will demonstrate growth in distance from 3 in ELA as measured by their performance on the California Assessment of Student Performance (CAASPP). Annual Measureable Outcome: All English Learners will move by 10 points toward level 3 on the Language Arts portion of the CAASPP. District Strategic Goal: Academic Excellence - Learning for All Students Every student experiences educational success at the highest levels of achievement. We believe that each student has a unique ability to learn in an environment that is enriched with a challenging curriculum, where learning is modeled and expectations are both known and high. We expect all students to demonstrate continued and improved academic achievement, through Collaboration, Communication, Critical thinking, and Creativity, to be college and career ready, and to become lifelong learners.
Rancho-Starbuck Intermediate School School Goal: Students with Disabilities will demonstrate growth in ELA and Math as measured by growth on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). Annual Measureable Outcome: All Students with Disabilities will demonstrate growth by an increase of 10 points toward level 3 on on ELA and Math portion of the CAASPP. District Strategic Goal: Every student experiences educational success at the highest levels of achievement. We believe that each student has a unique ability to learn in an environment that is enriched with a challenging curriculum, where learning is modeled and expectations are both known and high. We expect all students to demonstrate continued and improved academic achievement, through Collaboration, Communication, Critical thinking, and Creativity, to be college and career ready, and to become lifelong learners
Rancho-Starbuck Intermediate School School Goal: It is the goal of Rancho-Starbuck to increase student engagement by continuing to create a positive, safe and nurturing school culture. Annual Measureable Outcome: Through surveys, students will report an increase of 10% when asked questions pertaining to feeling successful at school and being recognized for good behavior. Through data on California Dashboard, Students with Disabilities will show a decrease in absences to move from orange to yellow and all students at Rancho-Starbuck will show a decrease in suspension rates as measured by California Dashboard data. District Strategic Goal: Safe, Orderly, Positive, Respectful Learning Environment: All campuses provide an aesthetic, orderly environment that is organized to ensure learning. We believe in a collaborative spirit of place where all feel safe, welcomed, valued and respected. We foster culture that promotes the emotional health, safety, well-being and involvement of students, staff, family and community.
Action Steps and Timelines • Detailed information on the Action Steps and Timelines to meet these goals was provided in the plan itself along with the supporting data to develop these goals. • Any questions or areas that you would like more information on at a future meeting?