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Come to our fantastic hotel in Saturn!. By: Nicole Aguilar, Mateo Yepez , Juan Jose Del Alcazar and Martina Dousdebes . . Background Knowledge of Saturn: . What does Saturn means:
Come to our fantastic hotel in Saturn! By: Nicole Aguilar, Mateo Yepez, Juan Jose Del Alcazar and Martina Dousdebes.
Background Knowledge of Saturn: • What does Saturn means: • Saturn was the Roman god of agriculture. He was called Cronus by the Greeks. He is the son of Uranus and the father of Jupiter. Saturn overthrew his father to become king of the gods, but was then overthrown himself by his son Jupiter. • How much will you weight in Saturn? • Because Saturn is bigger than the Earth, you would weigh more on Saturn than you do here. • The rings: ` • Saturn is most well-known for its rings. However, it is not the only planet with rings. Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also have rings. Its beautiful rings are 169,800 miles wide. But the rings are amazingly thin, estimated to be less than a kilometer thick. That's only a little more than half a mile. The rings are split into categories, Ring A, Ring B, Ring C, Ring D, Ring E, Ring F and Ring G, totaling 7 in all. The rings are not solid but rather are made up of particles of ice, dust and rocks. The rings are held in place around Saturn by the moons that also orbit this large planet. The gravity of these moons also cause the gaps that are seen in between the rings.
Hotel Characteristics: ? • There will exist 200 habitations (normal) and 1000 suits • 20 buses for people to take and arrive where ever they want and need to go • 10 pools • 5 gyms • 30 elevators • The hotel is in an are all close together because of oxygen. • Tennis, golf, squash, basketball, soccer field. • Spa • Mall • Hairdressing • Restaurants
Explanation: • Seeing in my graph we can see that there exist about 12 activities the guests will do while they are in the tour. These 12 activities will be well done planned and in each activity they will expend about 2 or 3 hours each day. If we see in the graph ice skating and going to the roller coaster is the only 2 activities that guest will expend 1 hour. Guest will expend 3 hours climbing a mountain and also doing wind surfing. The rest of the activities that are left they are going to expend 2 hours and they are the following: extreme motorsport, surfing, playing an instrument, playing with the ice, jumping the row, swimming, paint snow ball and taking pictures. • In each activity there will be an special person that will guide the guest to do the activity in the correct way. For example: roller coaster, in this activity people will be in there sits and the charged person will go sit by sit making sure every one have there sit bell. In wind surf and surfing the person that is charged of this exercise will give guest a class practice where they teach them how to do this sport and also they help them in the moment of the activity.
Galactic Paradise: • Guys! Come on… come to Saturn in our industry we are going to do many fun activities that will make you laugh and pass a good time with your family and friends. Here we will do several of activities from ice skating in the rings of Saturn to playing an instrument. If you get our packet of activities you will have an extra activity for all you family and friends, the good news is that is totally free. Don’t think twice and come to our galactic paradise.
Activities: • What we are going to see in this planet? • The activity that we are going to see in this spectacular experience will be the rings of Saturn. This exploration will be a tour about 5 hours to see the main rings. There are seven rings around Saturn, each represented by a letter (A-G). The rings are around 20,000 kilometers wide, but less than 2 kilometers thick. In this expedition what we are going to see is not the seven rings, we are going to focus in the 2 more important rings and in there the activities will take place. Rings A, B, C- the main rings around Saturn. Rings A and B, the bright ones, are separated by the Cassini [ Division, the largest gap between the rings. Within the A Ring, there is the Cassini Division. In each ring A and B there will be a different activity to see and to do. This activities will be the following: a fantastic roller coaster in the middle of the Cassini Division, ice skating in the main rings, climbing a mountain in the ring C were there exist a fake mountain where children and adults could climb and even extreme motorsport where they will give you the motto and there will exist a track for you to follow. Don’t waste this incredible adventure. • The creative way to do this in your trip especially in this sight activity will be a tour through the seven rings of Saturn. Each person will have a camera and a notebook that through this expedition they will be able to see all the rings of Saturn take pictures and also take notes of the information of each ring that require. • Through this process they will also visit the zoo that it will be located in the rings D that is the closets to Saturn, in the expedition to this zoo what all guests will see is all different kinds of animals that are typical of Earth but they will be located in Saturn. This expedition to the zoo will make people see how animals leave in Saturn and also their style of life meaning how they behave and all the equipment they will need to use in order to be alive. In here guest will be able to jump the row, play an instrument, and take pictures. Going to the rings of Saturn and doing all this activities will be a memory that I know you will never forget.
Activities: • What different activities can guests do while visiting these sights? • While all the guest and visiting the sights they will not only see the different rings, and take notes on them, they will also interact with the animals and make different activities that will be incredible. • The creative way of doing all this activities while the sight will be that each activity will be related to one of the sight expeditions. When the guest are in the visiting of the rings they will do a couple of activities, the first one will be ice skating, they will have a special cloth for skating, and there will be special people that will help them skate through the seven rings of Saturn, in the ring C there will be another activity that will be climbing a mountain, in this activity there will exist a fake mountain so people will experience climbing a real mountain. There will be another activity that will be playing with the snow and this will be free meaning that the guest will have their time to interact with the snow and with the ice. • The second way of making the expedition to the zoo in a creative way will be that guest will interact with the animals and they will touch them and be with them. There will be an activity in groups of jumping the row with the animal you must like and how there doesn’t exist gravity it will be fun. Finally there will exist the contest who took the best picture and that person will have a price.
Extra Activities: • Other than 12 activities that are planned for the guest to do each day they will have extra activities that they are going to see. Is an incredible experience you will have in your life because this industry offers you a fantastic adventure that you will remember for the rest of your life.
What do astronauts use? • Astronauts have to use long cotton underwear, a nylon cotton liner, and a lot of layers to protect them from temperature. • To communicate they use a hat and helmet which they can communicate with people on the rocket. • For breathing astronauts use a type of bag at the back which contains oxygen which is similar to divers. • Use a parachute, flotation device, gloves, back pad, seat support, boots, gravity pants, socks, diaper, and diaper belt. • This equipment is important in space because of the lack of pressure in space which will cause people to die and also to the lack of oxygen and changes of temperature. The diaper is used for takeoff because during this period, the pressure will make the bladder more sensible and cause some accidents in it. The helmet is used to protect people from pressure and to communicate with others
How our spacesuits will look? • The space suits will be much less thick and more comfortable and it will be more elastic so the person will be able to do more things and more activities. Instead of using a big helmet to communicate, people will use a type of mascara that will only cover their head and more comfortable for it. Instead of using a big bag at the back which will contain oxygen, they will use a type of bracelet in their hands which will be connected to the mascara for breathing and it doesn’t weight. This bracelet will also serve as GPS and a location system so if someone gets lost, the bracelet will tell exactly where they are. For takeoff people will not need to use diapers because automatically the suit will absorb completely the liquids leaving no signs of fluids around it. • Our equipment has the same things but is more comfortable in every single detail. It’s less thick but not weaker so it will still protect people from temperature and pressure. The suits will also have a type of remote control that is located in a type of belt around your waist and with that control people can choose the temperature they want to make them feel more comfortable. The equipment full of oxygen will not be located in the back to cause people to move and sleep the way they want without any distractions. It will be more comfortable for them and since the suits are more flexible and way less thick they will be very comfortable for people to do the activities programmed in this adventures.
Explanation: • How we can see in our table the ages from Earth to Saturn change a lot. The exact number that your age duplicates is 2.5 meaning that if you have a certain age in Earth imagine 17 and you multiple by 2.5 your age in Saturn will be 40.8 years. This will be a big change so you need to be ready for it.
Where will we stay? You may have more than one location • Saturn has many places as the Langrangian points. So we plan to stay on the surface of Titan or in the surface of Phoebe that are very close of each other and have similar characteristics. Also we are staying in this place because the surface will be perfect for humans and for the location of the resort with the gravity. Our hotel location is scientific proved so the location will be very confortable for all the guest that will visit our hotel.
How will day and night change for your guests? How will the resort deal with this time change? • Day and night for my guests will change every 24 hours as they where in earth instead of 10 hours and 39 minutes. The resort deal will make the guests enjoy the day and night normally because of our special machine. This special machine will consists of a time regulation that will regulated time for our guest and help them feel if they were on Earth so the activities and everything that is planned for them will be more easy and routine. Making this special machine that will regulated the ours will also make the guest enjoy more the day and have more things to do.
What will be challenging about living at this resort? How will your resort accommodate this? • What will be challenging for the guests will be that Saturn is a gas planet so it is to hot and there is no oxygen the average temperature is minus 288 degrees Faherenheit. This will be a complication because maybe guest will be warm and this can be a bad thing for them. The oxygen is a big problem because without oxygen humans will die so if we don’t have oxygen in our hotel they will die. Our resort will accommodate this with special space suits so they have oxygen all day long, this will help them be save and something good about this suites is that they are very light and the air that is transmitted is 100 pure. For solving the problem of warm environment this suite will have an air conditioner that will help them to be fresh, in case of beinthursty they will have a bag of water (1000ml). All this things will be in this special suite.
Picture • it shows the Langrangian points where we plan to stay.
Picture: In here we can see the special suit that contains everything for this spectacular trip.
Explanation: • Even though traveling to space and going to Saturn for a incredible vacation trip sleeping is essential for humans, in our hotel guest will have a very developed schedule that will help them be as a guide to see when they need to sleep and also the time that you need to do the activities. There is also time for eating, exercising, personal hygiene, entertainment and experiments.
How long in Earth days or years will it take to get to your planet? • It takes 5.9 years to get to Saturn.What we would do is that we would travel at a very fast speed, like at warp speed so the ship only takes about an hour. This will help guest to travel faster ad also will help them to the trip don’t be as long as it look like.
What important activities do you need to do in space to maintain good health? • To eat health, and stay in form because the gravity can affect you if you do not are in formmeaning that you can wait more and this can be a disadvantage and also if you don’t have the enough physical state all the activities that you are going to do in Saturn will be very hard to you. What we would do is that during the travel everyone needs to pass through a special machine that tells if you can or you cant travel to space. This will help to have people that are prepared in space and evade any problem. In the case you dint pass though this test you can prepared all the year and next year try to see if you are ready enough.
What challenges will your travelers face on the way to your planet? How will your trip deal with those problems? • That you would not have so much food in a space and the same for water, oxygen and also that you cannot take so many people in a ship. This can be some problems that we can face in the way to our planet. Our trip will solve this problems for oxygen because all the travelers will have this special suit that have everything need for the adventure and 100 % of pure oxygen for them to breath. The problem of food and water we will solve by having another special ship that will contain all the food and alimentation system for all the trip. The ship that our guest will travel will be the most technological and big ship so they will not have any problem and there will be sits for everyone. The most difficult challenge would be that it may be difficult to pass through the asteroids belt at a speed so fast. But this will be easy because our ship will be so technological that will be prepared foe anything that appeared into the way.
MLA: MLA: • http://www.kidsastronomy.com/saturn.htm • https://www.google.com.ec/search?um=1&hl=es&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=jumping+the+row&oq=jumping+the+row&gs_l=img.3...55889.68273.4.68464.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47534661,d.dmQ&biw=1789&bih=902&ech=3&psi=ysyvUbCzEqnq0gHjrYDQAw.1370475724790.1&emsg=NCSR&noj=1&ei=X82vUdTkPIu00AHQxYHoDw#facrc=_&imgrc=2meQboU3kORe2M%3A%3B5JJvRrg4OtgINM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fthumbs.dreamstime.com%252Fz%252Fgroup-six-kids-standing-row-jumping-7821825.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.dreamstime.com%252Froyalty-free-stock-photo-group-six-kids-standing-row-jumping-image7821825%3B630%3B900
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