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Was Jesus God?. By Chris Flynn. 7. Investment opportunity& Good News. ?. ?. 1. Was Jesus God?. ?. 4. Was Jesus crazy?. ?. ?. ?. 2. Did Jesus state that he was God?. 5. Was Jesus a hypnotist?. 8. Contacting Information. 6. Did Jesus fulfill the prophecies about the Messiah?. ?. ?.
Was Jesus God? By Chris Flynn 7. Investment opportunity& Good News ? ? 1. Was Jesus God? ? 4. Was Jesus crazy? ? ? ? 2. Did Jesus state that he was God? 5. Was Jesus a hypnotist? 8. Contacting Information 6. Did Jesus fulfill the prophecies about the Messiah? ? ? ? 3. Was Jesus lying? 9. credits
Was Jesus God? There is very little debate about whether or not the man named Jesus existed, but the real question is was he God or was he just a mortal man?
Did Jesus state that he was God? The first thing we are going to examine is whether Jesus proclaimed he was God or not. In John10: 24-33 Jesus said, in a synagogue, “I and the Father am one.” Now this does not sound like he is calling himself God to our modern ears, but what did the people around Jesus think when he said this? In the next verse is the answer. They wanted to stone him! Why? “For blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God!”
Jesus said he was God! , but was he just telling a lie?
Was Jesus lying? People lie all the time, but if someone is telling a lie do you think they would be willing to die a painful, tormented death? Well Jesus died one on a cross. Every time he took a breath, he would have to lift himself up tearing his skin because of the nails in his hands and feet, he was lashed with a whip made of rope intertwined with nails and pieces of broken glass, and having a crown of thorns driven into his skull while soldiers gambled for his clothes. If I were going to die like that, for a lie I had told, I would have given up my lie pretty fast!
Jesus wasn't lying! , but was he crazy?
Was Jesus crazy? So if Jesus thought he was God, and was not lying, then was he crazy? Anyone who claims to be Michael Jordan, besides Michael Jordan is crazy. So how can you tell if a person who says he is Michael Jordan, is who he says he is. You can tell, because he could beat anyone you matched him with in a basketball game. So, could Jesus back his claims up to let us know that he is God and not crazy? John 10:19-21 clears it all up. “These aren’t the words of a crazy man. Can a maniac open eyes.” Basically John is saying that Jesus performed miracles that backed up his claims!
Jesus wasn't crazy! , but were these miracles truly from God, or was he simply hypnotizing the crowds that witnessed him performing his “miracles.”
Was Jesus a hypnotist? When hypnotists talk to people in large crowds, they talk to them in soothing voices, and see if anyone is responding, then they pick those people and hypnotize them. Jesus would have had to hypnotize a whole crowd, including the Jewish leaders who did not want there to be any proof that Jesus was God. In order to be hypnotized, you have to want to be hypnotized!
Jesus wasn't a hypnotist! , but did he fit the identity of the prophesied messiah?
Did Jesus fulfill prophesies about the messiah? Dr. Peter Stoner, and his staff calculated that the chances of any one person fulfilling just eight of the Old Testament prophecies that Jesus fulfilled, that couldn’t have been purposely fulfilled, is one in every hundred-million-billion, a number with 17 zeros behind it! That is like putting one and a half inch squares over all the land on all seven continents and on just one of those squares there being a gold star!
If I were offered a chance to invest in a stock that had a chance of only one in a hundred million billion of failing I would take everything I own and invest it in that. So it’s your choice, was Jesus God, or was he a man?
If you have made a decision to invest in Jesus,please join me in saying this prayer, Lord Jesus, I am a sinner, and do not deserve Your Grace. I am sorry for the sins I have committed, and would like you to come into my heart and put my name into the book of life. I know only You can do this since You are the only one who has paid for the sins of the world. I ask this in Your holy name, amen.
If you have made the decision to follow Christ, Congratulations! You are now a part of God’s Family! If you would like a free Bible and information on your new faith, call me at (518)-884-2788, or E-mail me at JRF56@ Quixnet.net. A good sight to visit to learn about your faith is: www.ballstoncenterchurch.org
Inspiration: Jesus Creator: His child, Chris Flynn Many thanks to: “The Case For Christ”, for supplying the information needed to write, “Was Jesus God?” Christco. 2004