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The Personnel Information Management System (PIMS) aims to create a comprehensive database of staff information in colleges, facilitating management functions like gradation, promotion, and more. It offers user-friendly interfaces for colleges and administrators to manage and update details efficiently. This system enables tasks such as generating paybills, retirement benefits, and MIS reports, streamlining administrative processes for higher education institutions in Odisha.
Personnel Information Management System (PIMS)ForAll Colleges under Higher Education Department, Odisha www.nic.in • Prepared by: • National Informatics Center, Odisha
URL of PIMS : be available shortly)
USERID: demoPASSORD: demoorUSERID: SAMS College CodePASSORD: SAMS College Code
The Higher Education Department, Govt. of Odishaintends to implement the Personnel Information & Management System(PIMS) in all the Colleges of the State. In the current scenario, the Higher Education Department intends to create a database of all the information related to Junior/Degree Colleges and the teaching and non-teaching staffs of the concerned Colleges . This will bring a self sustained perpetual life cycle ranging from-* Gradation Management* Promotion Management* Transfer Management * Leave Management* Monthly Paybill Generation * Retirement Benefits & Pension Management* MIS report Generation.
Home PageLogin- Admin Login for RDEsCollege Login- For Colleges with College CodeUser Manual- Download
College Details can be Managed through the above System by filling through the very User Friendly Console. Hitting the submit button will result , College information to be captured in the Database
CollegeManagementSection The college details can be centrally managed from the admin login with proper authentication , they can be Viewed ,Edited & Deleted by hitting the respective buttons besides them.
CollegeLoginSectionLogin with College Codeand Password After Login , Employee Details of the College will be entered through the Basic Info console by clicking the Basic info tab.
Employee’sContactDetails The screen cast shows both the Current Address and Permanent Address for Correspondence .
Education Qualification Details The default single record field for Educational details ,in red mark can be extended by clicking the button as is demarcated. After filling the detailed educational details the Insert button be clicked to save the records and to activate the tab inscribed “Service Particulars”
ServiceParticulars This form will record the Details of service Particulars like Designation, Nature of Appointment, Appointment Order No, Date of Appointment, Date of Joining etc. In the similar fashion, Number of rows for records can be extended by clicking the button. After inserting the details the Insert button has to be clicked once to save the records.
Posting History This form will capture details like College Name , Date Of Joining ,Date Of Relieve , District, Transfer Order No , Date Of Joining in the New college, Post Held etc.
Employee’s Promotion Details
Account &EmolumentsDetails This is the most important section of the application as it manages the compensation details paid to the employee with details like Account No , HRMS ID, PAN No, GIS No, GPF/EPF NO along with complete Salary Brake-up details.
Training Details This form will capture all details like Year , Type of Training ,University / Institution , Training Duration etc.
ResearchDetailsSection The Research section contains multiple insert button for data related to PhD /D.Sc /D.Lit and contains fields like Title of Thesis , Publication (Journal/Books) , Books Published and details regarding guiding Research Scholars .
Details of Research Projects under taken, Conference/ Workshop/ Seminar Attended and Consultancy Provided,if any.
Awards Details of Awards Received,if any (other than Ph.D/D.Sc.)
For any technical query relating to PIMS, Please give a mail to helpdeskpims@gmail.com Technical Contact No: 9937887427 Mgmt. Contact No : 9437084690