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Linked Opendata

Explore the Milano OpenData Portal to access a wide range of linked open datasets on various thematic areas. The portal provides structured data in non-proprietary formats, enabling direct online usability. You can also find datasets in the national and European catalogs. Take advantage of the guided query feature and graphical navigation to easily explore and analyze the data.

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Linked Opendata

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  1. Linked Opendata Area Gestione ed Integrazione Dati Unità Sviluppo Opendata

  2. Opendata Portal Thematic areas The datasets are also shown in the national and European catalog dati.comune.milano.it 462 DATASET DATASET DCAT_AP-IT National profile of metadata

  3. Opendata Model the international community defines a 5-star model that classifies OD based on 3 characteristics: information, access and services. Linked OD March 2019 Current Portal 17.12.2017 unstructuredfiles (es: pdf, word, jpg) First Portal 04.10.2012 structured data but in proprietary format(es: excel) structured data in non-proprietary format(es: csv) structured data and encoded in a non-proprietary format makes them usable directly online structured data that contains links to other data (Linked Open Data)

  4. The themesof the dataset Government and public sector Others 394 CSV 53 Transport 363 133 32 JSON 38 60 GeoJSON 89 44 Education culture sport Population and society 95 SHP 4 7z Economy and finance

  5. LOD – the perimeter Datasets already exposed on the opendata portal «Core Business» of Municipality 4 Thematic Areas representing the administrative Action

  6. LOD Project – Implementationsteps threephases We defined a working model for the construction of the ontologies and the subsequent realization of LOD through several brainstorming sessions

  7. LOD Project - Ontology design Drawingsteps In the Library onthology , they are identified as classes: heritage, members, books, etc. Identify the main entities in order to define entities or relationships. For example, Book is a part of the Heritage externalontologies (DBPEDIA, SPCDATA, MIBACT) wereimportedintoProtege Different ontologies for the same domain OntologyValidation

  8. LOD Project census and data preparation validatedontology E-R model guarantees the maintenance of vocabularies and LODs normalization E-R model

  9. LOD Project Loading on triple-store and graph generation Normalizeddatasets Platform choice Openlink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition Endpoint SPARQL The Virtuoso database automatically generates the Triple-Store Triple- Store Virtuoso Database

  10. The LOD Portal It will be presented on March 16th during the Milan Digital Week 4 navigationareas Four ontologies will be initially published

  11. LOD PortalDocumentation A tutorial to makeeasier SPARQL queries To write a SPARQL query, the ontology documentation is needed

  12. LOD PortalFree queries In this section it is possible to perform queries using SPARQL

  13. LOD PortalGuidedquery The results are in HTML and CSV format In this section it is possible to issue guided queries on the 4 ontologies

  14. LOD Portalgraphicnavigation Thanks to WebOWL, ontologies can be navigated graphically Detaillevel

  15. Thankyou opendatamilano@comune.milano.it

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