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Continuity of Operations (COOP) Awareness Training September 2009

Learn about COOP planning, NOAA's essential functions, impacts of COOP events, and preparation steps in this training. Understand legal basis, program management cycle, planning considerations, and elements of a viable COOP capability.

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Continuity of Operations (COOP) Awareness Training September 2009

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  1. Continuity of Operations (COOP) Awareness Training September 2009 NOAA Homeland Security Program Office

  2. Objectives • Provide an understanding of COOP, COOP terms, and benefits of COOP planning • Explain elements of a viable COOP capability • Describe NOAA’s Primary Mission Essential Functions • Provide information about how a COOP event might affect you, NOAA, and your family and what you can do to prepare

  3. Training Topics • COOP Definition and Purpose • Authority for COOP • COOP Overview • COOP Plan Development Process • COOP Impacts • How to Prepare for a COOP Event • Conclusion

  4. COOP Definition • “COOP,” or Continuity of Operations, is an effort within individual organizations to ensure that Mission Essential Functions continue to be performed during a wide range of emergencies, including localized acts of nature, accidents, and technological or attack-related emergencies

  5. The Purpose of a Continuity Plan When an organization is faced with a continuity event, the continuity plan will: • Provide for continuation of essential functions • Enable a rapid response to any emergency situation

  6. COOP is different from ordinary emergency plans. • It goes a step further to ensure delivery of the most critical services even when personnel, equipment and resources are missing or not working.

  7. COOP Authority Legal Basis: • National Security Presidential Directive/NSPD-51-and- Homeland Security Presidential Directive/HSPD-20, “National Continuity Policy” • Executive Order 12656, “Assignment of Emergency Preparedness Responsibilities”

  8. COOP Overview • DHS FEMA is the lead agent for Federal Executive Branch COOP • Responsible for issuing COOP guidance, and • Promoting understanding of and compliance with COOP requirements in Federal Continuity Directive 1 (FCD-1)

  9. COOP Overview FCD-1 directs COOP planning in the Federal Executive Branch

  10. COOP Overview: COOP Plan Operational Phases and Implementation Process Continuity plan implementation process takes place in four phases • Phase I: Readiness and Preparedness • Phase II: Activation and Relocation (0-12 hours) • Phase III: Continuity Operations (12 hours—30 days or until resumption of normal operations • Phase IV: Reconstitution (recovery, mitigation, and termination)

  11. COOP Overview: Program Management Cycle The Continuity Program Management Cycle is a four-step process that incorporates: • Planning • Training • Evaluating • Developing Corrective Action Plans

  12. COOP Overview: Planning Considerations COOP plans must: • Be capable of implementation anytime, with and without warning. • Provide full operational capability for essential functions not later than 12 hours after activation. • Be capable of sustaining operations for up to 30 days. • Include regularly scheduled TT&E.

  13. Essential Functions Orders of Succession Delegations of Authority Continuity Facilities Continuity Communications Vital Records Management Human Capital Tests, Training and Exercise (TT&E) Devolution of Control and Direction Reconstitution Operations COOP Overview: Elements of a Viable COOP Capability

  14. Initiate the COOP Process • The COOP Process starts with leadership’s serious consideration, then support, of the idea.

  15. Perform Risk Analysis/Capabilities Survey • First, look at the types of threats your agency might face....Floods, fires, severe weather, computer virus attacks, sabotage, pandemic? • What are the likely results of those kinds of events? • Power outages? • Computer failures? • Radio or telephone systems failures? • Personnel who can’t reach key facilities?

  16. Identify Essential Functions • This is the hardest part of the process. Not every service we provide will be needed in certain emergencies. Our essential functions become the core of the plan. What we do from here on will support those essential functions…..

  17. Essential functions are the nuts and bolts of the COOP Plan • They form the basis for determining resource requirements: • Staff • Vital information/critical systems • Equipment • Supplies and services • Facilities

  18. What exactly are Essential Functions? Essential Functions are those functions that enable an organization to: • Provide vital services. • Exercise civil authority. • Maintain the safety of the general public. • Sustain the industrial and economic base.

  19. NEFs, PMEFs, and MEFs There are three types of essential functions: • National Essential Functions (NEFs)—eight functions the President and the Nation’s leadership will focus on to lead and sustain the Nation during a catastrophic emergency • Primary Mission Essential Functions (PMEFs)—agency mission essential functions that must be performed to support the performance of NEFs before, during, and after and emergency • Mission Essential Functions (MEFs)—agency-level government functions that must be continued throughout, or resumed rapidly after, a disruption of normal activities

  20. What NOAA functions are most important during a COOP event? The following NOAA functions have been identified as having national-level significance and are identified as Primary Mission Essential Functions for the Department of Commerce: • Provide satellite imagery: Collect and provide the Nation with critical intelligence data, imagery, and other essential information for predictive environmental and atmospheric modeling systems and space-based distress alert systems by operating NOAA-controlled satellites, communications equipment, and associated systems. • Provide Meteorological Forecasts: Provide the Nation with environmental forecasts, warnings, data, and expertise critical to public safety, disaster preparedness, all-hazards response and recovery, the national transportation system, safe navigation, and the protection of the Nation’s critical infrastructure and natural resources.

  21. COOP Plan Development, Review, and Approval • Identify work sites and plans that may have to change in an emergency • Look at who will do what, and when those things will be done

  22. Development of Supporting Procedures • Develop procedures to use to make sure the plan works. • Discuss how to protect vital information and property • Decide who is responsible for what, and when they will be given authority to make decisions • Create plans to provide backup support, called succession plans

  23. Train Personnel • Check the knowledge, skills and abilities of all personnel • Provide training so everyone is sure they are ready for emergencies • Train on procedures for emergencies that occur with warning, and without warning Training is a key to being ready

  24. Test the Plan How ready are we? • Test the equipment • Exercise abilities to see if we can do what we said we could do • Carry out drills to make sure that every individual, in all areas, is sure of personal capabilities and personal responsibilities in the event of an emergency

  25. Keep the Plan Up-To-Date • Conduct drills • Evaluate drills • Drills and evaluations will aid us in developing improvement plans and help us change our plan to make it better All of this keeps our plan up-to-date and flexible to change, realizing that we are only as good as our next opportunity to show it

  26. COOP Impacts: What will employees/contractors do during a COOP event? During normal duty hours— • Emergency Relocation Group (ERG) personnel will depart to their designated alternate sites • Non-ERG personnel will be directed to proceed to their homes or to other NOAA facilities to await further guidance

  27. COOP Impacts: Employees and Contractors After normal duty hours— • Information on COOP activation will be accomplished through: • News media announcements • Management chain and phone trees • Email • NOAA Weather/All-Hazards Radio • NOAA and OPM websites

  28. COOP Impacts: Employees and Contractors After normal duty hours— • Once notified— • ERG personnel will depart for their designated alternate sites • Non-ERG personnel will remain at their homes to await further instruction

  29. COOP Impacts: Employees and Contractors When not at their workplace, employees should monitor the news media and use NOAA’s toll free number or Employee Check-In System* to report their status and provide contact information— • 1.888.NOAA.911, or • www.homelandsecurity.noaa.gov *This information can be found on the reverse side of NOAA ID badges or on plastic CAC card cases

  30. COOP Impacts: How will a COOP event affect employees and their families? A viable COOP plan and a family support plan will minimize the adverse impacts of a COOP event! • Uncertainty • Personal and family security • Job security • Economic well-being

  31. Be Responsible.Be Ready. YOU NEED TO THINK OF THE FOLLOWING AS THE MOST IMPORTANT TO-DO LIST YOU WILL EVER TAKE ON • Officials tell us that in the event of a disaster, we need to be prepared to be self-sufficient for 3 to 5 days. • Remember—it will be easy to do these things now, but almost impossible after the fact

  32. Be Responsible.Be Ready. • Put a Disaster Kit together containing provisions that will allow you and your family to be self-sufficient in your home for 3-5 days: • Water—One gallon per person, per day • Food—Ready-to-eat canned food; high energy food like peanut butter, granola bars and trail mix; treats like cookies, cereal, tea, coffee; canned juices

  33. Be Responsible.Be Ready. • (Disaster Kit continued): • Flashlight and extra batteries • Battery-powered radio and extra batteries • First-aid kit including scissors • Medications, both prescription and over the counter • Special needs for infants and others who require individual health and safety items

  34. Be Responsible.Be Ready. • (Disaster Kit continued): • Trash bags with ties • Blankets, sleeping bags • Soap, Toilet paper, bleach • Credit cards and cash • Change of clothes for each member of the household

  35. Be Responsible.Be Ready.

  36. Be Responsible.Be Ready. • Put a Portable Go-Kit together—If you have to leave your house in a hurry, you won’t have time to pack. You should have all of the items listed previous for your ‘Disaster Kit’, just in smaller amounts. AND, you should have important papers and documents in a portable and secure container.

  37. Be Responsible.Be Ready. • Have a plan and hold a family meeting—Every family member will have responsibilities and needs to be on the same page. Make sure everyone knows what to do. Talk about how to leave your house if you need to get out fast.

  38. Be Responsible.Be Ready. • Pick a meeting place—What if you’re at work, the kids are at a friend’s house and your spouse is running errands. Have a pre-arranged meeting place in addition to your home where you can find each other.

  39. Be Responsible.Be Ready. • Arrange for an out-of-town connection—Sometimes local telephone communications are knocked out before long-distance lines are. Pick an out-of-town relative or friend to be the contact person for everyone.

  40. Be Responsible.Be Ready. • Print Important Information Cards for all family members—make sure everyone in your family has one with them at all times. • Know how to shut off water, gas, electricity and any other utilities in your home—Gas leaks are just one of the dangers. If you have to turn everything off, make sure you know how.

  41. In Conclusion • Disaster can strike without warning. • Planning what to do in advance is an important part of being prepared.

  42. In Conclusion • COOP planning means we might need to do fewer things. • It means we might do things at a new location. • It means we might do things with different personnel.

  43. In Conclusion • What we get in the end is a real plan for keeping our people safe, our agency still working and our recovery safe and effective as we resume normal operations.

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