WHAT IS ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY? • Assistive technology is defined as a software or product system that helps increase, retain, and expand the learning abilities of individuals with disabilities, such as difficulties speaking, typing, writing, seeing, hearing, learning, and walking.
HISTORY • The U.S. Office of Technology Assessment issued a landmark report for technology and handicapped peopleandidentified the prospective of assistive technology for individuals with disabilities in 1982. • The definition of assistive technology was accepted in the Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act in 1986. • Assistive technology was included in the Amendments of the Developmental Disabilities Act in 1987 and appeared in the clarification of Medicaid amendments, the Technology-Related Assistance Act for states, and the Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf Act. • Assistive technology was extended by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 with the requirements to the private sector and later defined assistive technology in the context of civil rights.
In 1997, IDEA amendments involved assistive technology devices and services to be included in the IEP in order to meet the goals of education and the curriculum.
TYPES OF ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY • Hearing impaired • Seeing impaired • Learning disabled • Physically disabled
HEARING IMPAIRED Hearing impairment is a hearing loss that averts individuals from receiving sounds through the ear. Hearing aids are a electronic device that is worn in or behind the ear of an individual who has difficulties hearing.
SEEING IMPAIRED • Seeing impairment is a disability that prevents individuals from having normal vision in their eyes. • Individuals can experience difficulties, such as being near sighted and long sighted. • There are several devices that can beused to improve a person’s vision, such as glasses, magnifying glasses, surgery, and etc.
LEARNING DIABILITIES • Learning disabilities can affect an individual’s ability to read, write, speak, spell, compute math, and reason. It can also affect an individual’s attention, memory, coordination, social skills, and emotional maturity. • There are several devices that are used to help children with learning disabilities, such as tape recorders, talking calculators, electronic math worksheets, and etc.
PHYSICAL DISABILITIES • Physical disabilities cause limitations on an individual’s physical and functional mobility. • There are two types of physical disabilities: congenital and acquired. • Individuals with congenital disabilities are born with this physical ability or may develop it soon after they are born. • Individuals with acquired disabilities develop this disability froman injury or disease. • Individuals with physical disabilities are able to use wheel chairs and other types of equipment to help them become mobile.
References Dalton, Elizabeth M. (2002). A review of policies, standards, and curriculum integration from 1997 though 2000 involving assistive technology and the individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Issue and Learning 1:1. Learning Disabilities Association of American. Retrieved June 7, 2014 from http://ldaamerica.org/support/new-to-ld/ Vision Impairment Retrieved on June 5, 2014 from http://www.cyh.com/healthtopics/healthtopicdetails.aspx?p=114&np=306&id=1873#1 What is Assistive Technology? How is it funded? Retrieved on June 4, 2014 from http://www.atia.org