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Syria in white. The Index. 1- introduction. 2- definition of the two concepts in the project. 3- the architectural concept: 3-1 types of shelters we need. 3-2 why using the circle shape? 3-3 the structural technique. 3-4 Why using paper tubes? 4- The psychological concept:
The Index 1- introduction. • 2- definition of the two concepts in the project. • 3- the architectural concept: • 3-1 types of shelters we need.3-2 why using the circle shape? 3-3 the structural technique. • 3-4 Why using paper tubes? • 4- The psychological concept: • 4-1 definition of human needs. • 4-2 self actualization in Maslow’s hierarchy. • 4-3 connect Syrian human needs with self actualization. • 5- how to reflect the psychological concept to activities? • 5-1 Give me food, water, shelter. • 5-2 Give me safety and security. • 5-3 Give me Give me love, society, identity, belonging. • 5-4 Give me confidence, self esteem, respect. • 6- the philosophy of the shape • 7- the reference. • Syria in white 1
1- Introduction Syria before 2011: There was the good There was the bad That was the beautiful balanced life in Syria. There was the bad in the good There was the good in the bad so Syria Since 2011: The life look like: then then And Gradually the bad cover the almost of the life. Now: Restore the white part in Syria Now Our work is to: 1- accept the situation as it is.2- define the problems scientifically and transform it into challenge. 3- create the hygienic environment in order to build up a better society.4- design the architectural spaces and activities that form the suggested environment.
2- definition of the two concepts of the project the project is to help Syrian people who have been damaged by the bad troubles epically who have been forced to leave their residents. The concept of the project working equally trough two axes : 1 Architectural axe 2psychological axe looking for the Syrian refugee human needs under the current conditions. Put a concept for a temporary buildings and shelters, to form the architectural space that includes the social development project activities, which will have the role to help the people. • Syria in white Put a concept for a social development project in order to respond for all of these needs. So as a result 3 The project has two concepts for one target
3- the architectural concept3-1 types of shelters we need As a Syrian citizen and architect, I met two types of residence needs for people who are forced to leave their homes: 1-temporary refugees resettlement on relief: refugee can be settled in temporary camps (In an a farm land or in open area such as schools court yards or play area in stadiums and sport buildings) , with the local government or other agencies supplying food and other needs. 2-temporary refugees villages: while the damaged urban have been rehabilitated, reconstructed and available live in. • Syria in white And in my project I am going to focus on the first type only. 4
3- the architectural concept3-2 why choosing the circle shape? Because: A- The area: The circle is the shape with the largest area for a given length of perimeter. B- the simplicity in construction: The shelter in its simple idea consist of 7 rings of paper tubes, graduated in size from the base to the top. • Syria in white Strong tie because the large diameter couldn't go through the smaller one Then we start pulling the rings to the top beginning from the smallest one. pulling 5
3- the architectural concept3-2 why choosing the circle shape? pulling 1 2 4 3 • Syria in white 5 6 6
3- the architectural concept3-3 the structural technique. Tension cables Metal profile column • Syria in white Structural section 7 Movable attachment for temporary structure
3- the architectural concept3-3 the structural technique. • Syria in white 8
3- the architectural concept3-3 the structural technique. 800 cm • Syria in white Site plan Architectural plan structural plan 9
3- the architectural concept3-4 Why using paper tubes? Each unit is about huge paper tubes collected together, the paper tube material have been chosen because: A Paper has the clear potential to be engineered as a cost-effective, easy-to-produce and globally available building product. B Simple techniques of coating. • Syria in white Notes: the paper tubes have to be coated with a water resistance casing material , while they are produced at the factory. The paper tubes should be based on a prefabricated concrete base, which should be attached in the production stage also. 10
4- the psychological concept 4-1 human needs Depending on Maslow hierarchy*, human needs could be prioritized from the base to the top like this: - Maslow used the term ‘hierarchy’ because, like a pyramid, the higher levels of needs rest upon the foundation of the lower level needs. • Syria in white 11 * Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper “A Theory of Human Motivation” in Psychological Review.
4- the architectural concept 4-2 self actualization in Maslow's hierarchy Maslow insists that the urge for self-actualization is deeply entrenched in the human psyche, but only surfaces once the more basic needs are fulfilled. Once the powerful needs for food, security, love and self-esteem are satisfied, a deep desire for creative expression and self-actualization rises to the surface. • Syria in white Maslow refers to peak experiences as the experience of happiness. He notes above that self-actualized people tend to experience a steadier, grounded sense of well-being and satisfaction with life. According to Maslow, self-actualizing people perceive reality accurately; they have a sense of awe, wonder and gratitude about life So as a result 12 Self actualization Happiness and We can notice the important connection between
4- the architectural concept 4-3 connect Syrian human needs with self actualization As a Syrian architect, and while living in the heart of the Syrian troubles for about 4 years I have realized the extreme need for the happiness, which mean the need for self actualization. And if we can create the development project that lead the refugee to fulfill his first four needs, by him self, so we can lead him step by step to be happy, and self actualized. actualization needs esteem needs • Do it your self • Syria in white • Do it your self • Do it your self Toward Syria in white Social needs • Do it your self Safety needs 13 Physiological needs
5- how to reflect the first concept to activities? 5-1Give me food, water, shelter Do it your self Handmade Syrian food activity: This activity consist of spaces for refugees for making traditional hand made Syrian food, with traditional materials and techniques (such as labne, cheese, makdoos…..).The target is: A- let the refugees feel their identity.B- let the refugee eat from which they have made C- let the refugee package and market their products through public shops in their temporary settlement or to other settlements. • Syria in white Self actualization Self actualization 14 Self actualization
5- how to reflect the first concept to activities? 5-1Give me food, water, shelter Do it your self Handmade shelters and urban activity: • Syria in white This activity is to let the refugees make up their shelters and another social activities spaces in order to plan and design their new urban by their hands, from sustainable materials and simple useable techniques.The target is: A- let the refugees feel their identity.B- let the refugee use and live in spaces they have made C- let the refugee feel their value through having a simple job in building and construction. Self actualization Self actualization 15 Self actualization
5- how to reflect the first concept to activities? 5-1Give me food, water, shelter So the urban zones will be: Water storages Shelters for living in Swage system services • Syria in white Handmade Syrian food activity 16
5- how to reflect the first concept to activities? 5-2 Give me safety and security protection from violent rapes, attacks, weapons and explosions, freedom from fear. Do it your self Handmade fences and plants fences for every shelter: • The target is: A- let each refugee family feel its privacy and independence. • B- let the refugee feel friendly with nature and recycled materials. • Syria in white Self actualization Self actualization 17
5- how to reflect the first concept to activities? 5-2 Give me safety and security protection from violent rapes, attacks, weapons and explosions, freedom from fear. Do it your self Design safetyequipments: plan • Such as: A- toilet equipments for girls who are afraid to go to the far toilet in the night because of their fear from violent rapes. • Syria in white Self safety. elevation Psychological treatment: • Reproductive health treatment and activities for people who have been hurt from the war environment, and help the refugee through group working to treat him self. 18 Self safety.
5- how to reflect the first concept to activities? 5-2 Give me safety and security protection from violent rapes, attacks, weapons and explosions, freedom from fear. Do it your self I miss my schooooool !!!! • Syria in white Create education spaces , construct them by students hands Self actualization, happiness 19
5- how to reflect the first concept to activities? 5-2 Give me safety and security protection from violent rapes, attacks, weapons and explosions, freedom from fear. So the urban zones will be: • Psychological treatment activity Water storages Swage system services Shelters for living in • Syria in white • Education spaces • Education spaces Handmade Syrian food activity 20 • Shops for marketing the handmade food
5- how to reflect the first concept to activities? 5-3 Give me Give me love, society, identity, belonging Do it your self volunteering groups activities : This activity is to form volunteering groups from the refugees and teach them to introduce a lot of different services for the settlement that they live in. The target is: A- let the refugees (epically the teenagers) have the feel of belonging to a group; then gradually they will trust these new people. B- let the refugee have the feel of volunteering; which lead him to feel that he Is a useful person and he can give a lot of services to his society . C- let the refugee feel the happiness of the giving. • Syria in white Self actualization Self actualization 21 Self actualization
5- how to reflect the first concept to activities? 5-3 Give me Give me love, society, identity, belonging Do it your self Educate fathers and mothers activities: • Syria in white The activity is to train fathers and mothers on the perfect way which they could caring about psychological, mental and biological health of their families. The target is: Take care about the family health because it is the first and the most important unit in the society. Family Self actualization 22
5- how to reflect the first concept to activities? 5-3 Give me love, society, identity, belonging Do it your self Cultural activities: Create culture spaces for cultural activities and events, which help the refugees to feel their identity, belonging, and the hope for a new world. • Syria in white Self actualization Such as music on the road events, that is related to Sada music agency 23
4- how to reflect the first concept to activities? 4-3 Give me love, society, identity, belonging So the urban zones will be: • Psychological treatment activity • Cultural activities Water storages Swage system services Shelters for living in • Education spaces • Syria in white • Education spaces Educate fathers and mothers activities Handmade Syrian food activity • Shops for marketing the handmade food 24 volunteering groups activities
4- how to reflect the first concept to activities? 4-4 Give me confidence, self esteem, respect Do it your self Create interactive safety spaces between the shelters (by the refugee them selves): Creating this interactive space between many building units will help the refugee to:A- feel safety that he is surrounded by people that have been damaged like him, and sharing with them their hurts and stories. B- feel confidence that he is a member and a part of a small society. C- feel that his society is like his big family. • Syria in white Happiness Happiness 25 Happiness
4- how to reflect the first concept to activities? 4-4 Give me confidence, self esteem, respect Do it your self Create working groups from different types o f people and characters; and train them about many human issues such as: • Syria in white A- How can the person accept him self and his life facts, epically in the state of war. B-How can person accept others, even how much they are different. • C- How can the problem, and the bad situation that they have fall in be an opportunity to change fora better life, more than a disaster. D- How can the person love and feeling the love surrounding him. And let the refugee challenge and change him self under these topics; with a high respect for the environment that he come from. Which mean 26 Self actualization
5- how to reflect the first concept to activities? 5-4 Give me confidence, self esteem, respect Do it your self I miss my joooooob !!!!!! • Syria in white Work opportunities in Syrian hand made jobs such as: handloom, blown glass, handmade laurel soap….. 27
5- how to reflect the first concept to activities? 5-4 Give me confidence, self esteem, respect So the urban zones will be: • Psychological treatment activity • Cultural activities Water storages Job opportunities in Syrian hand made products Swage system services Accept others activities Shelters for living in • Education spaces • Education spaces • Syria in white Handmade Syrian food activity Educate fathers and mothers activities volunteering groups activities • Shops for marketing the handmade food 28
6- the philosophy of the shape And as a result: The shape of architectural concept reflect the psychological philosophy. • Syria in white 29
7- the psychological reference SELF-ACTUALIZATION What a man can be, he must be. This need we may call self-actualization…It refers to the desire for self-fulfillment, namely, to the tendency for him to become actualized in what he is potentially. This tendency might be phrased as the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming. (Maslow, 1954, Motivation and Personality, p. 93)The top ‘pier’ of Maslow’s hierarchy is dubbed “self-actualization.” Maslow studied happy people in order to determine what it was that made them happy or, self-actualized (Maslow, 1987, p. 22). Esteem needs Maslow felt there was a clear distinction between love and respect or esteem. He felt that an ability to feel self-esteem and personal uniqueness sprung from being loved and embraced by families and communities. As individuals, we naturally wish to excel or be exceptional, to be noticed for our unique talents and capabilities. Once one has some measure of self-esteem and confidence, one gains the psychological freedom to be creative and to grow as well as to be more generous to others (Maslow, 1987, pp. 21-22). Belongingness and love needs As social beings, family, friendships and intimate connections get many people through the ups and downs of life. Numerous studies have shown that the healthiest, happiest people tend to be more involved in their communities. While there is debate on whether one causes the other is unclear, there is some sense that having wider social connections and relationships are an important part of being happy. Lack of interactions, human relationships and the sense of belonging may result in depression or loneliness while an abundance of love and community often sustain people through difficult times (Maslow, 1987, pp. 20-21). • Syria in white Safety needs Once the basic needs are fulfilled, other needs invariably arise (Maslow, 1987, pp. 17-18). In Maslow’s hierarchy, the safety needs come after the physiological needs. Maslow used the word “safety” to mean more than just physical safety. Economic, social, vocational, psychological security all fall underneath this second tier of human needs. While safety needs are less immediate or demanding than the physiological needs, when one loses one’s job, family, home, life savings, health insurance, etc, one is likely to feel terribly insecure and unprotected. Fulfilling the safety needs might be likened to providing a bumper or airbags on a car; while you don’t always need them, having them gives you some confidence that you can face minor bumps and bruises along the road of life (Maslow, 1987, pp. 18-20). Physiological Needs The Physiological Needs such as breathing, food, drink, sleep, sex, excretion are largely (and obviously) biological and physical requirements. When they are not fulfilled, people become preoccupied with filling those needs above all else. For example, starving people in a war zone can be oblivious to danger when in search of food (Maslow, 1987, pp. 15-17). 30