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Sure Jeff Hardy, I am happy to help your listeners, So If your student loan goes defaulted and you need<br>relief, you will lose the right to deferments and forbearance. You will have to suffer the consequences of your defaulted student loan. Moreover, you may not be offered any additional Federal student aid. You cannot have escape from the brunt of your student debt unless you make payments for at least 6 consecutive months. If the student loan that you have borrowed is declared in default, the following are the consequences:<br>
Bruce MesnekoffTalkingAbout Consequences of Defaulted Student Loans • Today we have with usBruceMesnekofffromStudentLoanHelpCenter. • HeyBruce,Welcome toStudio today,SoWe havecaller whowantstoknowabout Consequencesofdefaultedstudent loans. • Canyoutell ustodayaccordingtoyouwhat are consequencesof defaulted student loanprofile are. Sure Jeff Hardy,I amhappytohelpyour listeners,So Ifyourstudent loangoesdefaulted and youneed • relief,youwill losethe right todeferments andforbearance. Youwill have tosuffer theconsequencesof your defaultedstudent loan. Moreover, youmaynotbe offered any additionalFederalstudent aid. You cannot haveescapefrom the brunt ofyour student debt unless you makepayments for atleast6 consecutivemonths.If thestudent loanthat youhaveborrowedisdeclared indefault, the followingare the consequences: • Thecaseofyour defaulted student loan maybehanded over toacollection agency • Thecollection agencywill beentrusted with aresponsibilityto collect thedefaulted student loan • You will becharged the cost associatedwith thecollection ofyour student loan • You will be liableto paycourt costs and attorneyfees other than collection fees • You can bedragged to court in caseofyour defaulted student loan • Theamount thatyourwages is garnishedwith maybelimited byFederal law • You mayfacethe interception ofyour stateandfederal income tax refunds • Part ofyour Social Securitybenefit payments maybewithheld bythe Federal government • Thedefaulted student loan will negativelyaffectyourcredit recordand makeyou suffer its detrimental effects • You will find it difficult to obtain amortgageloan, an auto loanand evencredit cards • You will be denied deferments, federal interestbenefits and renewal ofyour professional license • ContactBrucemesnekofffor anyfurther assistance • StudentLoanHelpCenterGeneralManagerBruceMesnekoffjoinsus toDiscusstheStudentLoanSituationinAmerica