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The amazing poet. Ivan Granger Christena Greene English pd.9 5209. Table of content. Biography How can I explain Goodnight moon There is no letting go Supper In love with the new sun Glossary Opinion about the poet Opinion on the poems. Biography.
The amazing poet Ivan Granger Christena Greene English pd.9 5\20\09
Table of content • Biography • How can I explain • Goodnight moon • There is no letting go • Supper • In love with the new sun • Glossary • Opinion about the poet • Opinion on the poems
Biography • Ivan M. Granger grow up in Oregon and Southern California and, as some of his poems suggest, he has lived on the island of Maui. He now lives in Colorado with his wife, Michele.When asked why he writes poetry, Ivan says, "Poetry has an immediate effect on the mind. The simple act of reading poetry alters thought patterns and the shuttle of the breath. Poetry induces trance. Its words are chant. Its rhythms are drum beats. Its images become the icons of the inner eye. Poetry is more than a description of the sacred experience; it carries the experience itself."He adds, My poetry is not fixed. When I read my own poems, I say them aloud, I repeat random lines, change the words around. Sometimes I sing them or chant them. I play with these poems until my mind relaxes enough to let the sacred spark shine forth.
Biography He read a lot of Greek mythology in his childhood. He loved the fantastical adventures, the heroes, the monsters, the convoluted relationships of the gods. He was fascinated that so many common words and phrases have their origins in the names and stories of Greek myths. He also had the vague, semi-formed idea that there was something deeper being said in these myth stories. This is the end of the biography about Ivan M Granger.
Beloved, they want to know:Did I reach up to You,or did You reach out to me?And they want to know:What is realtouch?How can I explainwe pourinto each other? I really liked this poem because this poem is talking about love and I love poem with love in it. How can I explain http://www.poetseers.org/spiritual_and_devotional_poets/contemp/ivan/nogo
Beloved, tell me —Why do you comeonly when Iorphan my ambitions?Why do you showonly when all hopehas fled?Why, Honeyed Moon,will you meet meonly on my funeral bed?And, tell me —Why won't the deadstay dead? This poem is very nice because the person is asking the moon a lots of questions about why there never here. Goodnight moon http://www.poetseers.org/spiritual_and_devotional_poets/contemp/ivan/nogo
The hungry worldstubbornly starvesnever tastingGodonce.some.Sit.Consume Godslowly.With the last crustof bread,mopevery drop.Lickeach fingerclean.Leave not a crumbwhen dawn breaks.Full at last,giddy with wine,ask, Who has eaten Whom? This poem is weird but I really like it. The reason I said that is because its talking about food. Supper http://www.poetseers.org/spiritual_and_devotional_poets/contemp/ivan/supper
There is noletting go.Even your absencetouches me.The new moonis not gone;she hidesher face in the night. This poem is very good I think this poem is the smallest and is was very good. There is no letting go http://www.poetseers.org/spiritual_and_devotional_poets/contemp/ivan/nogo
In love with the new sunthe cherry blossom forgetsthe night's frost http://www.poetseers.org/spiritual_and_devotional_poets/contemp/ivan/inlove This poem is not his greatest because I think he could have added more to it. In love with the new sun
Glossary • Amazing-causing amazement, great wonder, or surprise • Absence-the period of time that one is absend • Sacred-of or relating to religion : not secular or profane • Fantastical- not real : conceived or seemingly conceived by unrestrained fancy • Trance-a state of profound abstraction or absorption
Glossary • Experience-direct observation of or participation in events as a basis of knowledge • Ambitions-an ardent desire for rank, fame, or power • Devotional- : of, relating to, or characterized by devotion • Induces- to move by persuasion or influence • Convolution- a form or shape that is folded in curved or tortuous windings
Interpretation My interpretation of the poems is that I thought that the poet does great work and that he is good at want he does.Also I think his poems are very good and I really like them.And I would that is poems are short to.And all so that he