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Clearing Up the Confusion

Clearing Up the Confusion. Comparing General Education and Program Assessment. A Panel Presentation Sponsored by the University Committees on General Education and Assessment. The Purpose of Assessment. Program Assessment Primary: Program Improvement

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Clearing Up the Confusion

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  1. Clearing Up the Confusion Comparing General Education and Program Assessment A Panel Presentation Sponsored by the University Committees on General Education and Assessment

  2. The Purpose of Assessment • Program Assessment • Primary: Program Improvement • Secondary: Accreditation, demonstrate accountability to the public, identify and share strengths with stakeholders. • Gen Ed Assessment • Primary: To improve student learning in general education. • Secondary: Assessment may also help clarify the purpose of Gen Ed.

  3. What is Different between the Two? Responsible Senate Committee Program General Education University Assessment Committee (UAC) General Education Committee (GEC)

  4. What is Different between the Two? What is Being Assessed? Program General Education Student Learning Outcomes Defined by the Major General Education Student Learning Outcomes, as approved by the Senate

  5. What is Different between the Two? When and Where is the Assessment? Program General Education Often near the completion of the program, but may be embedded throughout Assessment is embedded into the course. GEC recommends that data should be collected in the year prior to assessment.

  6. What is Different between the Two? Frequency of Reporting Program General Education One report every two years One report every 3 or 4 years for each Gen Ed course, as determined by the Gen Ed review schedule

  7. Tips to Creating An Outstanding Program Assessment Report/Plan • Use the assessment forms suggested by the UAC. • Forms available on the OIRA website. • Measurements need to reflect the SLOs! • Periodically review and revise the plan. • Surveys need to measure the student learning outcomes (SLOs). • Learn to develop and use rubrics.

  8. Tips to Creating an Outstanding Gen Ed Assessment Report/Plan • Use the assessment forms suggested by the GEC. • Location: OIRA or Gen Ed’s website. • Contextualize the Gen Ed SLOs for your course. • Develop assessment measures that tell you how to improve your course (in the context of the Gen Ed SLOs). • Measure something that varies! • If all your students get a 100%, then your measure needs to be more refined. • Learn to develop and use rubrics.

  9. Using Capstone Courses as Both Gen Ed and Program Assessment • It is possible to combine Gen Ed and Program assessment in some capstones. • Careful planning is required • Assessment must be coordinated • Course must be structured purposefully. • Don’t lose sight of the student learning outcomes. These are what you need to assess. • Embedding the Gen Ed SLOs in capstones courses is challenging.

  10. Other Ways to Maximize Efficiency • Some departments have decided to assess all of their Gen Ed courses in the same cycle. • It may be possible to use some Gen Ed data for the Program assessment, especially for knowledge application courses. • Involve multiple faculty.

  11. Issues • What are the problems that faculty are having? • Where? • Why? • Other questions about assessment?

  12. Closing Comments • The OIRA website has many wonderful resources for faculty. • Including all the forms that you need! • The purpose of assessment is to develop a system of information collecting that results in continuous improvements in student learning. • The data you collect needs to form a feedback loop.

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