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"18 minutes ago - COPY LINK TO DOWNLOAD : https://maulkilasjia.blogspot.com/?read=1492556491 | [PDF READ ONLINE] Pilates for Rehabilitation | Audiences Rehabilitation professionals, athletic trainers, physical therapists and physiotherapists, physical therapy assistants, and chiropractors. Reference for personal trainers and Pilates teachers seeking to incorporate exercises into their clientsu2019 programs to optimize function. Rehabilitate and heal injuries with Pilates Learn how to apply proven Pilates methods to help your patients achieve optimal posture, improve functional strength, and
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Pilates for Rehabilitation LINK IN LAST PAGE Simple Step to Read and Download: 1. Create a FREE Account 2. Choose from our vast selection of EBOOK and PDF 3. Please, see if you are eligible to Read or Download book Pilates for Rehabilitation 4. Read Online by creating an account Pilates for Rehabilitation READ [MAGAZINE]
Pilates for Rehabilitation DESCRIPTION 18 minutes ago - COPY LINK TO DOWNLOAD : https://maulkilasjia.blogspot.com/?read=1492556491 | [PDF READ ONLINE] Pilates for Rehabilitation | Audiences Rehabilitation professionals, athletic trainers, physical therapists and physiotherapists, physical therapy assistants, and chiropractors. Reference for personal trainers and Pilates teachers seeking to incorporate exercises into their clients’ programs to optimize function. Rehabilitate and heal injuries with Pilates Learn how to apply proven Pilates methods to help your patients achieve optimal posture, improve functional strength, and address dysfunction with Pilates for Rehabilitation. Detailed exercise instructions, accompanied by indications and contraindications, as well as the primary muscles involved, aids to determine when an exercise is appropriate for a specific patient. Variations and progressions allow you to change exercises based on the stage of rehabilitation or the severity of the injury or condition being treated. Suggested exercise protocols, organized by common orthopedic injuries in anatomical regions, offer you the flexibility to tailor a program to each patient. Recommended by BASI Pilates. For more information, please visit the official website of BASI Pilates. Exercise Excerpts Mat Exercises Pelvic Curl (page 57) Objectives Mobilization of the spine and pelvic region, spinal articulation, hamstring control, pelvic lumbar stabilization, and recruitment and cocontraction of the core muscles. Precautions or Contraindications Acute lumbar disk pathology and osteoporosis. Instructions Lie supine with the knees bent, legs parallel approximately hip distance apart, arms relaxed at the sides with palms down, and the pelvis in a neutral position (see photo a). Inhale to prepare, exhale to set the core, and begin to curl the pelvis and spine off the mat, one vertebra at a time. Inhale and hold at the top the pelvis should be at maximum posterior tilt and a stretch should be felt in the hip flexors (see photo b). Exhale as the spine is lowered, starting at the thoracic vertebra and rolling down one vertebra at a time until the tailbone touches the mat. Reformer Exercises Supine Arm Adduction (page 99) Objectives This exercise is done to strengthen the shoulder extensors and develop trunk and scapular stabilization and scapulohumeral rhythm. The simple act of holding the legs in the tabletop position strengthens and increases the endurance of the abdominals and hip flexors. Precautions or Contraindications None. Instruction Lie supine in a neutral pelvis position with legs in the tabletop position, arms out to side in a T position (90° shoulder abduction), shoulders stable with the hands holding the straps or the handles and palms facing the body. Exhale to adduct the arms to the sides of the body. Inhale to return to the starting position. Cadillac Exercises Walking (page 173) Objectives Lumbo- pelvic stability, hip joint mobility, hip extensor strength, and hip dissociation. Precautions or Contraindications None. Instruction Lie supine on the Cadillac in a neutral pelvis position with the feet in the straps, legs squeezing straight and parallel, hips at 90 degrees of flexion (if possible without tilting the pelvis). The arms are by the sides with the shoulders relaxed (see photo a). Exhale and alternate the legs with a small scissor-like motion while extending the hips and pressing the legs down toward the mat for five counts (see photo b). Inhale and raise the legs back up to the starting position while resisting the springs with the same scissor-like motion for five counts. Wunda or Combo Chair Exercises Piriformis Stretch (page 209) Objectives To stretch the piriformis and Achilles tendon. Precautions or Contraindications Contraindications include lumbar disk pathology, osteoporosis, or acute knee injury. Use caution with post-op total hip replacement patients. Instructions Stand behind the chair facing the seat on the spring side. Place one leg on the seat in a comfortable pigeon position (hip in external rotation). Reach straight back with the opposite leg and press the heel down on the floor (or a box or pad). Place the hands on the pedal
(see photo a). Exhale to press the pedal to the floor, completely relaxing the body over the chair. Hold the stretch and breathe for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
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