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HTML5 Overview

HTML5 Overview. 숙명여자대학교 임순범. Table of Contents. History of Web HTML5 History HTML5 Key Features Standard & Web Development Mobile & HTML5 정보과학회 MOBAS 워크샵 2010.10 일부 PPT 자료제공 : 이승윤 팀장 , ETRI. Source: http://channy.creation.net. History of Web. WWW. HyperText. 1965, Nelson

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HTML5 Overview

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  1. HTML5 Overview 숙명여자대학교 임순범

  2. Table of Contents • History of Web • HTML5 History • HTML5 Key Features • Standard & Web Development • Mobile & HTML5 정보과학회 MOBAS 워크샵 2010.10 일부 PPT 자료제공 : 이승윤 팀장, ETRI

  3. Source: http://channy.creation.net

  4. History of Web WWW

  5. HyperText • 1965, Nelson HyperCard • 1987 Apple

  6. World Wide Web • 1990, CERN • TimBerners-Lee “Information Management:A Proposal” Tim Berners-Lee,CERN March 1989, May1990

  7. Mosaic Web Browser • 1993, Marc Andreessen & Eric Bina • NCSA, Univ. of Illinois

  8. WWW Consortium • 1994, http://www.w3c.org

  9. Web Browsers 1st Stage • Netscape • 1994~1997 1.0~4.8 • 1998 오픈소스발표 v4.0 • 2000 Mozilla 기반 • 2007 AOL v7.0 • Microsoft • 1995 v1.0 ~ 1997 v4.0 • 1999 v5.0, 2001 v6.0 • 2008 v7.0, 2009 v8.0, • 2010 v9.0 • 치열한 경쟁 • 비표준 태그크로스 브라우징 • 반독점금지법,2000 미 대법원

  10. Web Browsers 2nd Stage • 1996 Opera, Norway • 2002 Mozilla (2007 Netscape 9.0) • 2004 Firefox (Phoenix, Firebird) • 2003 Safari • 2008 Chrome

  11. Development of Web

  12. HTML5 History HTML

  13. HTML versions • 1991, HTML 1.0 (Berners-Lee) • 1995, HTML 2.0 (IETF) • 1997, HTML 3.2 (W3C) • 1997, HTML 4.0 (W3C) • 1999, HTML 4.01 (W3C) • 2000, XHTML 1.0 (W3C) • ?? , XHTML 2.0 • Xform, Xframe, DOM대신 XML event, RDFa, 일부요소 추가

  14. Why “new HTML” ? • Fail of XHTML2 • Developer Productivity • Browser Compatibility • Rich Web functions: Flex, Silverlight, AIR Now, Web is a Platform Web on Everything

  15. Web Platform is Accelerating

  16. Key Developer Challenges

  17. WHATWG • WHATWorking Group • Web Hypertext Application Technology • Open Community, 2004 • W3C는 유료 회원에게만 개방 • Developing • Web Form 2.0, Web Application 1.0

  18. New Activities on W3C, 2005 • Web Application Format WG • Web Form 2.0, Widget, etc. • Web API WG • XMLHttpRequest, DOM3, File Upload, etc. HTML WG created, 2007 • 600+ invited experts, open mailing-list

  19. HTML5 Key Features Extension of HTML + Add “Rich Web Application”

  20. HTML의 발전 역사

  21. What is “HTML5” ? 새로운 마크업 구조 + {Canvas, Web Storage, Drag&Drop, Microdata, …}

  22. HTML5 언어의 특징 • HTML5의 방향 • 마크업에 보다 의미를 부여, 스타일은 분리하도록 CSS3 활용 • 플러그인대신 웹 표준 적용하도록 SVG, MathML 지원 • 인터랙션 개발을 위해 자바스크립트를 지원 • 웹 애플리케이션의 개발을 위하여 다양한 API를 제공 • 특히 위치관련 및 오프라인 등 모바일 환경까지 고려한 API 제공

  23. (1) 강화된 마크업 요소 • 의미 부여가능한구조적 마크업 요소 • 페이지 단위의 문서 구조를 표현 • 다양하고 편리한 웹 폼(WebForm) 입력 기능 • 편리한 UI 개발을 위해 Form 기능 대폭 개선 • <input> 요소에 date, number, color 등 각종 type 추가 • 웹 미디어 기능의 강화 • <video> 요소와 <audio> 요소 • <canvas> 요소: 래스터 그래픽스그리기 기능 • SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics): 벡터 그래픽스 처리 • MathML 언어: 수식의 의미와 모양까지 표현 <header> <nav> <article> <aside> <section> <section> <footer>

  24. HTML5, Structure <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8”> DOCTYPE HTML  HTML5

  25. <iframe> • <iframe src =”파일주소” width=”폭” height=”높이” name=”이름”> </iframe> • <figure> <figcaption> • <a href=”…”target=”intro”> <figure> <p>멀티미디어 배움터 2.0</p> <img src="multi.jpg" alt="책표지" width="70"><br> <figcation>[그림 1] 책 소개</figcaption> </figure> <iframe name=”intro”>

  26. HTML5, WebForm2 • INPUT TYPES <input type="search"> <input type="tel"> <input type="email"> <input type="url"> <input type="number"> <input type="datetime"> <input type="date"> <input type="month"> <input type="week"> <input type="time"> <input type="color"> • ATTRIBUTES placeholder required autofocus autocomplete min max step pattern ...

  27. HTML5, Audio & Video <video width="xx" height="yy"> <source src="file.ogg" type="video/ogg"></source> <source src="file.mp4" type="video/mp4"></source> </video> <video controls autobuffer autoplay poster="img.jpg">

  28. 사용중단 권고 • CSS 대체가능한 요소 • <font> <big> <center> <s> <u> <b> <strike> … • 웹접근성에 지장있는 요소 • <frame> • 혼란 야기 요소 • <applet> <acronym>

  29. 애플리케이션개발을 위한 API • 드래그앤 드롭(Drag & Drop) API • 오프라인 웹 어플리케이션(Offline Web Applications) API • 웹 스토리지(Web Storage) API • 인덱스드 데이터베이스(Indexed Database) API • 파일(File) API • 웹 소켓(Web Sockets) API • 웹 메세징(Web Messaging) API • 위치정보(Geo-Location) API

  30. HTML5, Canvas • CANVAS 2D (API) • paths (lines & strokes) • Fills • Gradients • Shadows • Text • Bitmaps • Manipulation • Animation

  31. HTML5, Geo-Location

  32. HTML5, Web Sockets

  33. HTML5, WebGL & SVG

  34. Standard & Web Development HTML5 Standard Service Model

  35. HTML Events Source: http://channy.creation.net

  36. W3C Standards (in draft) http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/

  37. HTML5, milestone • 2007-05 HTML5 & Web Forms 2.0 specs adopted as basis for review • 2007-11 HTML Design Principles • 2008-02 HTML5 First Public Working Draft • 2011-05 HTML5 Last Call Working Draft • 2013-08 HTML5 Candidate Recommendation 6 • 2014-01 HTML5 Proposed Recommendation • 2014-04 HTML5 Recommendation

  38. Mobile & HTML5 Mobile Web

  39. HTML5 vs. Mobile • Offline Support • Canvas and Video • GeoLocation API • Advanced Forms • Storage API

  40. [Ref.] Useful site for HTML5 • http://www.w3.org/html/wg • http://webstandards.or.kr/html5 • http://html5rocks.com • http://html5test.com • http://html5doctor.com • http://html5demos.com • http://www.html5video.org • http://html5gallery.com • http://www.diveintohtml5.org

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