Million Dollar Baby Agent Training Use ONLY
Imagine setting your child or grandchild up for life… for the cost of a cup of coffee? Agent Training Use ONLY
“Million Dollar Baby” $25 week for 5 years $35 week for 2 years $46 week for 8 years Subtotal To help pay for College $12,000 x 4yrs $48,000 Total Contribution Till age 14 $28,800 Down Payment For a Home $25,000 Agent Training Use ONLY
“Million Dollar Baby” Vacation Home $100,000 At age 45 Subtotal Agent Training Use ONLY
“Million Dollar Baby” Age 65 $142,263 year Total Contribution $28,800 $3,729,575 Agent Training Use ONLY
Recap College Expenses $12,000 x 4years = Mortgage Down Payment Vacation Condo $48,000 $25,000 $100,000 Retirement Income from age 65-89 Tax Free $142,263 x 24 years = $3,414,312 Total $3,587,312 Agent Training Use ONLY
Recap Total Cash Received Tax Free $3,587,312 Death Benefit at age 89 Income Tax Free $1,679,396 Total Benefit at age 89 $5,266,708 Total Premiums Paid = Paid until age 14 then zero after $28,800 Agent Training Use ONLY
Great College Plan College expenses taken out Tax Free Not included in college aid/grant formulas Cash Value is owned by parents Plan completion (even if you can’t) Agent Training Use ONLY