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Prometheus Process

Prometheus Process. The Cardinal Rules. Future Picture. Design the Future. Guiding Precepts. Strategic Measures. Open Planning. Cardinal Rules. Systems and Centers of Gravity. Internal. Target for Success. External. Parallel Operations. Campaign to Win.

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Prometheus Process

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PrometheusProcess The Cardinal Rules

  2. Future Picture Design the Future Guiding Precepts Strategic Measures Open Planning Cardinal Rules Systems and Centers of Gravity Internal Target for Success External ParallelOperations Campaign to Win Strategically Aligned Organization + Finish with Finesse - Smart End Games

  3. Think Like An Architect Not Like A Bricklayer! Think Like An Architect

  4. Focus on the Future • Work Back From The Future • Don’t Waste Energy On Yesterday • Create And Use A Tomorrow Vocabulary • Break Connections With The Past • ”Corporate Executive Committee” Instead Of “Management Committee” -- IBM • Skate To Where The Puck Is Going To Be, Not Where It Is • Wayne Gretzky

  5. Execute Good Enough Plans • Good Enough Plans Rapidly and Aggressively Executed Are Far Superior to Perfect PlansToo Long Delayed • “Let The Dice Fly High!” • Julius Caesar On Crossing The Rubicon • “Audacious Ignorance Hath Done The Job While Timorous Wisdom Stands Debating” • Samuel Daniel • “L’audace, l’audace—toujours l’audace” • Frederick the Great, Napoleon, George Patton • The Organization Which Exploits Information The Fastest Is The One Most Likely To Win • “Gerstner decided that sooner is better than perfect… .” M. Hammer (Reengineering the Corporation) in NYT Article

  6. Go To Rome • Know The Difference Between Battlesand Wars • Getting It Wrong—Hannibal at Cannae • Getting It Right—Ho Chi Minh at Washington • Focus On The Strategy—Not On The Tactics • Getting It Wrong—Apple Computer • Getting It Right—Ray Kroc and McDonald’s

  7. Concentrate For Success Enemy Forces Roman Legions

  8. Enemy Forces Roman Legions Defend All—Lose All

  9. Stay Out of the Balkans! • “Balkans” Absorb Command Time and Resources Without Regard To Their Value • Know What Is Truly Important

  10. Maximize Friends, Minimize Enemies, Choose Wars • Getting It WRONG • Germans In World Wars I & II • Microsoft 1998-2003—Where AreThe Friends? • Getting It RIGHT • Nixon In China • Jamaica Medical Center “Many Enemies, Much Honor, Much Glory” Almost Always A ChoiceEnemies Are Very ExpensiveFriends Are InvaluableWars Are Incredibly Dangerous

  11. Don’t Underestimate What It Takes To Win • New Projects Almost Always Cost More, Are Far More Difficult, And More Time-Consuming Than First Estimates • Initial Under-funding Reduces Likelihood Of Success—And Normally Will Cost Far More In The Long Term • Don’t Start If You Can’t Stomach The Cost • Understand The Importance of The Event In Terms of Its Strategic Impact and What It Will Cost To Do Something About It • Examples: Intel and DRAM; The Alamo • Examples: Pearl Harbor; Tylenol

  12. Clashes Between Axiomatic and Articulated Almost Always Resolve In Favor of The Axiomatic The Way Things Have Always Been Done People Have A Tendency To Deny Change “If I Just Hold On, This Too Will Pass” For Change To Stick, Everyone Must Believe In It and Accept Its Inevitability Do Whatever Is Necessary To Prevent Reversion To The Axiomatic Articulated Policy What You Say You Are Going To Do Axiomatic Policy What You Are Going To Do Regardless OfWhat You Say Don’t Deceive Yourself

  13. Maintain MomentumBy-Pass Barriers

  14. Only Offense Changes An Environment Offense More Powerful Than Defense Best Outcome As A Defender?You Don’t Lose Everything On The Defense: Forced To React Be Offensive When In DoubtAttack!!!

  15. Maintain and Use Reserves • Forces and Assets Available For EmploymentAt A Critical Juncture • Reduce Risk Significantly • Compensate For Inability To Predict Future • Employment of Reserves Should Make MajorChange In A Situation • Battle of Britain • JP Morgan • Can Be Used To Reinforce Success or To Check Failure • Battle of The Bulge • Microsoft Switch to Internet • Failure to Maintain Reserves Frequently Fatal • France –June 1940 • Hewlett-Packard Kittyhawk Project

  16. Impose Your Plan! • The Best Plans Seize The Initiative • And Deprive Your Opponent Or Market Of The Ability To React • The Next Best Plan Forces Reaction—Which May Necessitate Subsequent Response • The Worst Plan Cedes The Initiative, Takes Planning Out Of Your Hands, And Forces You To React • When You Make The Rules, It Is Easy ToChange The Game

  17. Cost of Operations Competition Begins to React Counter Ad Campaign Starts The Ideal Plan: Highly Compressed, Highly Parallel Competition Fields New Product Alternative Products Market Changes Venture Irrelevant Serial Domain Parallel Domain Make Time Your Servant High Ps Likelihood of Achieving Objectives Low Very Short Very Long Time Required To Affect The Key Centers Of Gravity Associated With A Business Venture

  18. Cardinal Rules

  19. PrometheusProcess Cardinal Rules Insights and Discussion Photo Credits: (Cardinal Rules, Lightning Photo BigSkyPhotos License) (Focus On The Future, Photo BigSkyPhotos License)

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