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WEEK 9 s upporting significant life events Olutoyin Hussain

Explore how to improve the support available in health and social care organizations for individuals and their networks during significant life events, touching on patient-centered leadership, the NHS vision, and recommendations for bereavement, care home, and abuse support.

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WEEK 9 s upporting significant life events Olutoyin Hussain

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  1. WEEK 9supporting significant life events Olutoyin Hussain

  2. SSLE LO: 3.3 Make recommendations for improving the support available in a health and social care organisation for individuals and their social networks when affected by significant life events

  3. NHS enters its 66thyear -WHAT IS THE VISION? North west advancing quality programme: fantastic work is going on to use service level data, including patient feedback, to diagnose and tackle problems with quality.

  4. Keogh Review: (The King's Fund's 2013 leadership survey. Foot, 2013)stressed that, in still too many organisations, the mechanisms and skills to lead quality improvement are sparse. So, What can be done to improve quality of skills?

  5. Patient-centred leadership The leadership of the NHS at a national level: creates conditions in which local organisations have the freedom to deliver consistently high standards of care and where the needs of patients come first. The quality of care provided by NHS:under the leadership of boards, who must lead by example by focusing on the quality and safety of care. (The King's Fund's 2013 leadership survey)

  6. Patient-centred leadership Leaders need to value and support frontline staff and ensure the main focus is on patients and their care. Leadership development: supporting leaders at all levels to be patient-centred Patient leaders should work alongside NHS leaders.(The King's Fund's 2013 leadership survey)

  7. An NHS and Social Care Model for improving care for people with long term conditions (Department of Health,2012 ) Aim: • to treat patients sooner, nearer to home and earlier in the course of disease. To do this various actions are required : • earlier detection; • good control to minimise effects of disease and reduce complications; • more effective medicines management; • reduction in the number of crises; • promoting independence, empowering patients and allowing them to take control of their lives, and • prolonging and extending the quality of life. • In summary, we want to give patients the most intensive care in the least intensive setting.

  8. Key Actions: (Department of Health,2012 ) The NHS and Social Care Long Term Conditions Model will help ensure health and social care organisations take an overall structured and systematic approach to improving the care of those with long term conditions. Health and social care organisations should take action now to ensure that the model is implemented. The immediate focus: introduction of case management for the most vulnerable people with complex long term conditions. Significant numbers of hospital admissions relate to long term conditions and can be avoided.

  9. Recommendations -Bereavment Support Services? What would you recommend? How can you improve bereavement support in HSC?

  10. Recommendations - Bereavement Support Services? Services should be proactive Contact should established with those at risk The service should be responsive to age, cultural, disability and gender issues affecting bereavement; dealing with them in a sensitive and inclusive way.

  11. recommendations: Bereavment support services ? A systematic assessment process geared to the organisation within which it is located. Documentation should include: A risk assessment tool e.g. ‘Responses to Loss’ feedback Practical information, e.g. whether information leaflets have been given, who completed the form, etc. A confidential working agreement (individual support) or an information sheet (group support) A written assessment of needs and action plan/outcome measures agreed with client A written record of contact An ongoing review of action plan/intervention

  12. Recommendations for Care home? Need assessment of service users Risk assessment of service users Individual care plan Care plan feedback. For staff : Training need assessment of staff. Skills development for staff Need assessment for staff Reinforcements for staff

  13. Recommendations of supporting individual suffering from Abuse?

  14. Professionals in children's social care should: keep up to date with research on the impact of abuse and poor parenting, and maintain a good understanding of child development and attachment be fully informed of any family history of abuse or neglect offer support packages which are of sufficient intensity and length prioritise careful assessment and planning in abuse and neglect cases use written agreements with parents which include clear timeframes and consequences for non-compliance Davies and Ward(2011)

  15. Health professionals working with children should:Davies and Ward(2011)be able to refer be able to refer children and families quickly and confidently to children's social care, or if they have not yet met the threshold for intervention, to targeted and specialist services keep accurate records understand the limits of parental confidentiality where children are identified as suffering, or being likely to suffer, significant harm be aware of a range of validated high quality interventions available to address the complex needs of parents and children ensure that families and children receive ongoing and consistent support be able to give clear guidance to parents about what they need to do and by when. 

  16. References Department of Health (2012). An NHS and Social Care Model for improving care for people with long term conditions. http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/+/www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/Browsable/DH_4965951 Foot.C(2013). The Keogh Review: a welcome return to 2008. http://www.kingsfund.org.uk/blog/2013/07/keogh-review-welcome-return-2008?gclid=CPDArNf3h7sCFUn3wgodxGsA0A improving health and social care in London supporting integrated commissioning Davies, Carolyn and Ward, Harriet (2011) Safeguarding children across services: messages from research (PDF). London: Jessica Kingsley.The Department for Education (DfE) and Department of Health (DH) have produced four research briefs for professionals:

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