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American Nurses Association (ANA)

American Nurses Association (ANA). Nursing 320 Holly Cole Lori Rosendale Marsha Thomas Christie Kleinert. American Nurses Association (ANA). The American Nurses Association (ANA) is an organization dedicated to: Maintaining the standards of nursing practice

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American Nurses Association (ANA)

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  1. American Nurses Association (ANA) Nursing 320 Holly Cole Lori Rosendale Marsha Thomas Christie Kleinert

  2. American Nurses Association (ANA) • The American Nurses Association (ANA) is an organization dedicated to: • Maintaining the standards of nursing practice • Fighting for nurse’s rights in the workplace • Lobbying Congress and regulatory agencies on health care issues that affect their profession and the public (American Nurses Association, 2013)

  3. Functions of the ANA • Establish standards of practice, nursing education and services • Establish a ethical code of conduct • Ensure a system of credentialing • Support systematic study, evaluation and research in nursing • Conduct an affirmative action program (American Nurses Association, 2013)

  4. Functions of the ANA • Serve as the central agency for the collection, analysis and dissemination of information relevant to nursing • Promote and protect the welfare of nurses • Represent and speak for the nursing profession with allied health groups, national and international organizations, government bodies and the public • Provide professional development for nurses (American Nurses Association, 2013)

  5. Functions of the ANA • The ANA through its functions is able to accomplish its mission of advancing the nursing profession to improve health for all and carry out its purpose of ensuring that an adequate supply of highly-skilled and well educated nurses is available. (American Nurses Association, 2013)

  6. Mission • “Nurses advancing our profession to improve health for all” (American Nurses Association, 2013).

  7. ANA-Michigan Mission: • Impact health status and availability of health services • Foster high standards and excellence in nursing practice • Stimulate and promote the professional development of nurses (American Nurses Association-Michigan, 2013) • On 9/23/11, Michigan became the 51st state nurses association to affiliate with the ANA • Prior to that date, they functioned as the registered nurses association in Michigan (RN-AIM)

  8. Role of the ANA-Michigan • Promote excellence in nursing practice and health care in Michigan • Seeks to improve availability of health services for all • Promote the professional development of Michigan nurses • Offer members convenient opportunities for support, leadership and continuing education (American Nurses Association-Michigan, 2013)

  9. ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses • History • Developed after Florence Nightingale’s written pledge to define nursing and code of conduct • Multiple revisions, latest published in 2001 • Purpose • Framework and guidelines for nurses to base their professional nursing practice • Specifies obligations and responsibilities of nurses • Ethical standards for all nurses, which are nonnegotiable • Nursing’s commitment of care to society (American Nurses Association, 2001)

  10. Code of Ethics • Components • Provisions • Specific topics of nursing care • 9 total • Provisions 1-3: fundamental values and commitments of nurses • Provisions 4-6: boundaries of duty and loyalty • Provisions 7-9: commitment of nurses to the community and health promotion (Mikos-Schild, 2010) • Interpretive statements • Further explanations of guidelines • More specific explanation for each provision

  11. Code of Ethics: Provisions • Provisions 1-3 • Fundamental values and commitments of nurses • Relationships with patients, families, communities, colleagues • Focus: respect, dignity, diversity • Provisions 4-6 • Boundaries of duty and loyalty • Addresses conflicts of interest, professional boundaries, privacy • Focus: safety, confidentiality, nursing judgment • Provisions 7-9 • Commitment of nurses to the community and health promotion • Discusses continual education of nurses, advancement of nursing, advocacy for health care & promotion • Focus: professional advancement, patient education, health care promotion, integrity (Mikos-Schild, 2010)

  12. Impacting our Practice • ANA-Michigan impacts our practice by providing the necessary resources and regulations to promote the most optimal working environment • Provides professional councils such as: • Administration and Education • Excellence in Nursing Practice • Public Policy • Nursing Research • Evidence Based Practice (American Nurses Association-Michigan, 2013) • Provides yearly conferences to further education

  13. How the ANA Impacts My PracticeLori Rosendale In my current practice area of pediatrics, the ANA practice standards influence my nursing practice in multiple ways: • Set high standards for nursing practice which require me to provide the best possible care for my patients • By outlining the scope of practice with which I am allowed to practice within-this requires me to work within my scope of practice and communicate and collaborate with other health care professionals • Focusing on care innovation with advanced nursing service models-this allows me to provide my pediatric patients with the most up to date care and nursing guidelines • Provide a healthy and safe environment for the patients and nurses • Set regulations for safe staffing to ensure the nurse to patient ratio is safe for the pediatric population (American Nurses Association, 2013)

  14. How the ANA Impacts My PracticeChristie Kleinert • The ANA is consistently working to improve nursing through evidence based practice. • Working in an Emergency Room we are always looking for ways to do things better • We have implemented many new standards of care to improve patient safety and satisfaction • We use Core Measures to ensure each patient is receiving the same standard of care for their diagnosis • Many protocols are in place to allow nursing staff to work within their scope of practice • The ANA sets standards of care which we follow due to best outcomes for patients. They also ensure safe patient handling and safe working conditions. (American Nurses Association, 2013)

  15. How the ANA Impacts My PracticeHolly Cole • Inpatient pediatric RN at Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital • Impact on my practice: • Code of Ethics: The code of ethics set forth by the ANA helps to define my responsibilities and goals as an RN. It also helps define my professional nursing practice, encourages respect, safety, and confidentiality • Promotion of evidence-based research: Evidence-based research helps to define policies and protocols based on research findings. These policies and procedures ultimately define my scope of practice and responsibilities as a beside RN • Professional Development: The ANA’s promotion of professional development, both for nursing as a general field of practice as well as nursing specialties, is very important to be a competent nurse. Medicine and research is constantly changing, and it is only through continual education and development that we can stay current with policies, procedures, and research findings. • Promotion of healthy nurses: Nurses, by nature, often put other’s needs before their own. The ANA’s promotion of healthy lifestyles (physical, mental, emotional) is a great reminder and resource for nurses. Pediatrics can often get stressful, especially when dealing with critically-ill children. Having the resources available for self-help when needed is a phenomenal resource. (American Nurses Association, 2013)

  16. How the ANA Impacts My PracticeMarsha Thomas • The ANA has impacted my practice personally and I never realized it. The number of continuing education credits that are required to renew my license, the pain management CEU requirement, and the ACLS certification I must maintain are all a result of the ANA’s mandate of standards of practice. My decision to obtain my BSN is a result of the ANA’s support of the BSN as minimum entry level into nursing.

  17. Members • The ANA is made up of Registered Nurses from across the country • The Board of Directors are all Registered Nurses • Several types of membership • ANA and State • ANA Only • ANA and E • ANA for Nursing Students (American Nurses Association, 2013)

  18. Types of Membership • ANA and State: • Full member with voting rights in the American Nurses Association and access to benefits and discounts with free CEU access • ANA Only: • You have voting rights and access to benefits and discounts • ANA E-Membership: • Access to discounts and benefits but no voting rights • ANA Nursing Student: • Access to benefits and publications • All memberships have fees (ANA Membership Works, 2013)

  19. Research • ANA encourages research for evidence-based practice • “ANA’s goal in developing this research agenda is to identify gaps in evidence for practice” (American Nurses Association Research Agenda, 2013) • When completing research ANA looks at: • Values of Nursing: • Methods, Factors, Economic value, Strategies, and Quality • Factors: • Innovative Care, Measures, Differences Among Nursing Units, Nurses’ credentials, and Strategies • Use of NDNQI: • “The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) is the only national, nursing quality measurement program that provides hospitals with unit-level performance comparison reports to state, national, and regional percentile distributions” (Access to the NDNQI Database for Your Research) • Nurse Workforce Issues: • Workforce Blend of Staff, Roles and Settings for Work, Impact of Workplace Violence, Safe Patient Handling, and Stress • Population Health Issues: • Nursing Contributions (American Nurses Association Research Agenda, 2013)

  20. Publications • The ANA has various published works including: • The American Nurse • Discusses advances in nursing practice • American Nurse Today • Peer-reviewed journal • OJIN: Online Journal of Issues in Nursing • Peer-reviewed journal addressing research, education, and nursing practice (ANA Periodicals, 2013)

  21. HealthyNurse™ Program • A healthy nurse “actively focuses on creating and maintaining a balance and synergy of his or her health, safety, wellness and life to their fullest capacity physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially , spiritually; both personally and professionally across the wellness/illness continuum” (American Nurses Association, 2013). • HealthyNurse™program • Health risk appraisal available • ANA using collected data for research & statistics • Focuses on safety, health, wellness for nurses • Health promotion • Self care, healthy lifestyles, activity and wellness • Resources available • Quizzes, games, fact sheets (American Nurses Association, 2013)

  22. References "Access the NDNQI Database for Your Research." Access the NDNQI Database for Your Research. N.p., n.d. Web. http://www.nursingworld.org/ndnqidataaccess American Nurses Association (2001). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Retrieved from http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/EthicsStandards/CodeofEthicsforNurses/Code-of-Ethics.pdf American Nurses Association (2013). Annual report. Retrieved from: http://www.nursingworld.org/2012annualreport American Nurses Association (2013). HealthyNurse. http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/WorkplaceSafety/Healthy-Nurse American Nurses Association (2013). Nursing world. Retrieved from: http://www.nursingworld.org American Nurses Association-Michigan (2013). Welcome to ANA-Michigan. Retrieved from: http://www.rn-aim.org/new_site/about_anami.php "American Nurses Association Research Agenda." nursingworld.org. N.p., n.d. Web. http://nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ThePracticeofProfessionalNursing/Improving-Your-Practice/Research-Toolkit/ANA-Research-Agenda/Research-Agenda-.pdf "ANA Membership Works for You." ANA Membership Works for You. N.p., n.d. Web. http://www.nursingworld.org/JoinANA "ANA Periodicals." ANA Periodicals. N.p., n.d. Web. http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories Mikos-Schild, S. (2010). Legal/Ethical Column. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development, 26(2), 85-87. doi: 10.1097/NND.0b013e3181d4d3c0

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