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Functional Behavioral Assessment/ Behavior Intervention Plan (FBA/BIP): Defining Target Behaviors and Collecting Data. Presented by: Stacey Weber, Ed.S ., sweber@nsseo.org Denise Hildebrand, Ph.D., BCaBA , dhildebrand@nsseo.org. Agenda. Introduction FBA/BIP within the Larger Context
Functional Behavioral Assessment/ Behavior Intervention Plan (FBA/BIP): Defining Target Behaviors and Collecting Data Presented by: Stacey Weber, Ed.S., sweber@nsseo.org Denise Hildebrand, Ph.D., BCaBA, dhildebrand@nsseo.org FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
Agenda • Introduction • FBA/BIP within the Larger Context • Getting the FBA Process Started • Defining & Prioritizing Target Behaviors • Next Steps…Application Assignment FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
FBA/BIP Training Series Overview • Defining Target Behaviors & Collecting Data • Analyzing Data to Develop Hypotheses • Developing Comprehensive BIPS • Evaluating and Refining BIPS • Troubleshooting and Coaching Monday, September 22, 2014 8:30 am-12:00 pm Wednesday, October 8, 2014 8:30 am-12:00 pm Thursday, October 23, 2014 8:30 am-12:00 pm Wednesday, November 18, 2014 8:30 am-12:00 pm Thursday, December 4, 2014 1:00 pm-3:00 pm FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
Training Expectations Attendees Presenters Attend all Trainings Provide Feedback to Each Team/District/Program on Assignments Share Resources • Attend all Trainings with Team Members • Bring Assignments to Follow Up Trainings for Coaching Support • Be Willing to Share FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
Over the 4-Day Training and Coaching Series Participants will: • Describe rationale for FBA and basic legal requirements in school settings • Define and prioritize target behaviors for data collection • Identify data collection tools to measure the frequency, duration and intensity • Analyze FBA data to develop hypotheses and determine primary function • Develop a comprehensive behavior intervention plan based on FBA data • Identify decision making rules to analyze progress monitoring data and evaluate effectiveness of the BIP • Apply skills to a district/program case example through on-site coaching FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
Learning Outcomes Day 1 • Understand FBA/BIP aligns with Problem Solving Process and Response to Intervention/Multi-Tiered System of Supports. • Learn basic legal requirements in conducting an FBA. • Understand where FBA fits into the ISBE paperwork. • Learn how to prioritizetargetbehaviors and define them in operational and observable terms. • Identify data collection tools to assess the frequency, duration and intensity of the problem behavior. • Applyskills of defining and prioritizing target behaviors to a district/program case example. FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
Training Day ‘Norms’ • ‘Mute’ cell phone ringers. • Minimize time checking cell phone calls or email (breaks will be provided to do so). • Participate in the small group and large group discussions. • Ask questions for clarification. FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
Think…Write…Pair…Share • Reflect: What is a Functional Behavioral Assessment? 2. Write down your thoughts. 3. Pair and Share with your 12 o’clock partner. FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
Statewide Evaluation Findings on FBAs/BIPs Van Acker, R. & Boreson, L. FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
FBA Evaluation Rubric FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
Group Activity • Materials: -your FBA/BIP -FBA Self Assessment form • As a team, evaluate your FBA/BIP document according to the following FBA Self Assessment components : • Student’s Strengths and Characteristics • Operational Definition of Target Behavior FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
Big Ideas of FBA FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
WHAT is a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)? The process identifying the relationship between behavior and the environment in order to develop a behavior support plan linked to the function of the behavior. O’Neill , et. al. (1997) FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
WHY do an FBA? • Interventions based on FBA’s are more likely to be EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT (Steege & Watson, 2008). • Failure to base the intervention on the specific cause (function) very often results in ineffective and unnecessarily restrictive procedures. • Ineffective interventions can lead to resistance to intervention by further supporting problem behaviors and making it harder to meet desired outcomes.
FBA/BIP Within the Larger Context FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
23 Behavior Continuum Academic Continuum MTSS Integrated Continuum FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
Team Talk • Identify behavioral systems/supports that are provided at your school/site at: • Tier 1 – For ‘all’ students • Tier 2 – For ‘some’ students • Tier 3 – For a ‘few’ students FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
FBA /BIP within the Larger Context • One on one counseling • Individual FBA / BIP • Targeted Social Skills Groups • Check in/Check out Programs • Group counseling • Mentoring programs • School-wide SEL • School-wide expectations, rules, and procedures, including the teaching and reinforcing of these rules and expectations • Character Counts • CHAMPS FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
FBA/BIP is Grounded in Applied Behavior Analysis Philosophy of Behavior… “All behavior, no matter how complex or simple, serves a function or purpose.”
Problem Identification Is there a problem? What is it? Problem Analysis Why is it happening? Plan Evaluation Did the plan work? Plan Development What should be done about it? FBA/BIP is a Process NOT an Event! FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
Basic Legal Requirements • What situations or contexts warrant an FBA to be conducted? • When parent consent is needed? • Who should conduct FBA? FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
What Situations Warrant an FBA to be Conducted? • You may after: • Unclear about intervention development after informal assessment data collection • Additional supports beyond what is provided in a classroom routine were not enough to eliminate the behavior • You should when: • A student’s behavior is so significant that it impacts their educational performance. ( e.g., extended avoidance, extended refusal, aggressive behavior) • Considering a change of placement or more restrictive interventions • You shall when: • Suspended for more than 10 consecutive school days; • Received a pattern of short-term suspensions totally more than 10 school days in a school year; or • Placed in an interim alternative educational setting for not more than 45 days. FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
When to Conduct an FBA for Students with a Disability? • Section 300.324 of IDEA: • The IEP team must conduct an FBA/BIP “in the case of a child whose behavior impedes the child’s learning or that of others, consider the use of positive behavioral interventions and supports, and other strategies, to address that behavior…” FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
Consent FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
WHO should be Responsible for the Conducting the FBA? • Team members responsible for the student’s school success! • For example: • General Education Teacher • Special Education Teacher • Principal/Administrator • Related Service Team Members ( Speech and Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Vision or Hearing Teachers) • Behavioral Specialists • Outside providers • School Psychologist/Social Worker • Student • Parents • Should include someone with historical knowledge of behavioral supports and challenges related to the student
Policy and Procedures • Section 14-8.05 of the School Code: • Requires each Illinois school board to establish and maintain a committee to develop policies and procedures on the use of behavioral interventions for students with disabilities who require behavioral supports. FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
Pair-Share:Reflect on District/Program Practices • Identify your 3 o’clock partner. • Share your current teaming practices related to conducting an FBA/BIP: • What is your process of initiating an FBA? • Who is involved in conducting the FBA and collecting data? • Who is involved in developing & implementing BIP? • How are parents involved in the process? FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
How are you feeling about your knowledge of when to conduct an FBA? I am more confused now about the criteria than when I got here. I have about the same understanding of the criteria as when I got here. I have a better understanding of the criteria than when I got here. Questions/Comments
Getting the FBA Process Started… FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
5 Primary Outcomes of the FBA Process • Clear description of problem behaviors in observable and measureable terms. • Identification of antecedents (events, times, situations, etc.) that predict when the problem behavior will and will not occur. • Identification of consequences that maintain problem behaviors (i.e., functions). • Development of hypotheses that describe the relationship between the problem behavior, antecedents and consequences. • Collection of direct observational data in which hypotheses are developed and/or confirmed or refuted. FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
Three Aspects of Functional Behavioral Assessment • Informant or Indirect Assessment (Review/Interview) • Direct Observation (Observe) 3. Functional Analysis (Test)
Informant/IndirectAssessment • Indirect assessments rely on reports about a student’s behavior rather than direct observation of the behavior. • Include interviews and rating scales (e.g., Motivation Assessment Scale, Problem Behavior Questionnaire). • An interview or rating scale should result in identifying: • The problem behavior(s) • Context/routines where problem behavior is most and least likely • Specific events (discriminative stimuli) that occasion the problem behavior(s) • Specific consequences that appear reinforcing.
Direct Observation • Systematic direct observation is often done to validate information obtained through interviews. • The student is observed in the context/routine where the problem behavior is most likely to occur. • Example observational tools include interval recording forms(e.g., BOSS), scatter plots, ABC recordings, frequency counts, etc. • Direct observation focuses on identifying: -the specific antecedents -consequences that appear to control the problem behavior
FunctionalAnalysis • Functional analysis involves direct observation of problem behavior during experimental manipulations of environmental events to systematically identify the antecedent events that trigger problem behaviors, and the consequences that reinforce problem behaviors. • Functional analysis typically is conducted only by trained behavior analysts.
Levels of Functional Behavioral Assessment • Informal Problem-Solving • Done in school by typical teachers/staff • Done as part of normal daily problem solving • Level I: Simple FBA • Done by trained members of school setting • Typically involves interview(s), and brief observation • Level II: Complex FBA • Done by behaviorally trained member of school or district • Typically involves interviews and observation • Level III: Functional Analysis • Done by trained behavior analyst • Involves interviews, direct observation, and systematic manipulation of conditions. Horner, 2008 FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
One Size Does Not Fit All! COMPLEX Functional Analysis ComplexFBA Simple FBA Informal Problem Solving SIMPLE
FBA and MTSS Connections Expectations/Rules for all Students TIER 1 Small Group Intervention Support TIER 2 Individualized Intervention Support TIER 3/IEP Informal Problem-Solving Simple/Complex FBA Functional Analysis FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
Components of FBA: ISBE Form • Student Strengths • Operational Definition of Target Behavior • Setting • Antecedents • Consequences • Environmental Variables • Hypothesis of Behavioral Function FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
Ready? Set? Go! FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
IdentifyStudent Strengths • Why start with strengths? Can be gathered through student, teacher and parent interviews and informal observations. • Areas to consider: • Social Strengths • Emotional Strengths • Behavioral Strengths • Communication Strengths
Use FBA Rubric to Evaluate Student’s Strengths and Characteristics • Kathy is a bright and sweet young girl who is a hands on learner. Kathy can identify emotions and solutions to problems in routine or more structured settings. When Kathy is upset (see additional information for specific environments) she can correctly identify her emotions, but is unable to apply an appropriate problem solving strategy. • Kathy's preferences include; cats (including stickers, videos, websites, books, pictures), being the teachers’ helper, and music. FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
Team Time Discuss how you are going to collect or summarize strengths for your student case example. Consider: • Social strengths • Emotional strengths • Behavioral strengths • Communication strengths • Student preferences FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
Defining & Prioritizing Target Behaviors FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1
Purpose of Defining Target Behaviors • To identify instances and non-instances of problem behaviors • To provide a contextual view of the specific behaviors and behavioral patterns (compare student’s behaviors to others in the classroom) • To define how long, frequency, who is affected, where it is/is not a problem, triggers or setting events Why? FBA/BIP Training Series: Day 1