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Factors Influencing Land Use Patterns in Rio de Janeiro

Discover how physical, political, social, and economic factors shape Rio de Janeiro's land use. From favelas to elite neighborhoods, learn about historical influences, economic disparities, governmental interventions, and environmental hazards affecting the city's development.

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Factors Influencing Land Use Patterns in Rio de Janeiro

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  1. There are a number of physical, political, social and economic factors that have influenced the land use pattern of Rio de Janeiro Environmental factors

  2. Social factors • High segregation, poorest live in the favelas, elite either live close to CBD or outside the city in ‘gated communities’ • This is historical from the development of the railways which pushed to rich to the more aesthetically pleasing south and the poorer to the north • Areas that are prone to hazards such as landslides and flooding are home to the poorest • From 1950-1980, the number of people living in urban areas increased from 44 to 55 percent Economic factors • Land is cheapest at the outskirts of the city • Richest people can afford to move

  3. Political factors • Government has tried to encourage migration to Brasilia however, majority have not move but commute (counter urbanisation) • Rapid growth of the city has led to development of favelas from 1950-1970 Brazil industrialised • Since 1970 continued development although had a recession between 1990-1993 • Change in industry from industrial to tertiary, especially development of tourism this will affect the land use • Back in the late 1800s government encouraged segregation and upper class and lower class areas to be developed

  4. Airport, industry locates near to the airport to transport goods National park, restricted development. Parque Nacional de Tijuca Industry located along route ways Steep slopes, area frequently experiences landslides. Only favelas develop here Commercial area of shopping centres and golf courses due to sandy beach Natural harbour with calm waters and flat land suitable for industry Aesthetically pleasing area, so rich moved here Tourist industry has developed along coast with shops close to cruise ships Land prone to flooding, therefore leading to the development of favelas

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