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PSYCHOLOGY AND LANGUAGE LEARNING. SCHOOL :. Ciencias de la Educación: Mención Inglés. NOMBRE :. Lic. Anna M. Gates. Marzo – Agosto 2009. FECHA :. 1. SECOND BIMESTER. Objectives. Provide an overview of Chapters 5, 6 and 7 Explain details of second bimester assignment
PSYCHOLOGY AND LANGUAGE LEARNING SCHOOL: Ciencias de la Educación: Mención Inglés NOMBRE: Lic. Anna M. Gates Marzo – Agosto 2009 FECHA: 1
Objectives • Provideanoverview of Chapters 5, 6 and 7 • Explaindetails of secondbimesterassignment • Explaindetails of secondbimester test
Linguistic competence doesn’t suffice to explain what happens in the acquisition of a language that will be used for communicative purposes • Field of sociolinguistics, emerged in 1960’s • Only knowing the structures of a languages doesn’t prepare a person to use that language for social interaction
Linguistic aspects important for language acquisition • Equally important is knowledge of how, when and why to used these linguistic aspects • Language community • Language itself • Culturally based behaviors • L1 vs. L2
Important from the social perspective to know if the language acquisition is second language, foreign language, auxiliary language, etc.
Second Language Acquisition • Need it and all of the cultural accompaniments to participate in the dominate community • Foreign Language Acquisition • Little opportunity or need to participate fully in the culture behind the language • Auxiliary Language Acquisition • Limited to a specific domain, often in one’s own homeland.
What a speaker needs to know to do what he/she wants to do • Judgments about how to gain that knowledge DEPENDS ON THE SOCIAL CONTEXT IN WHICH THE PERSON LEARNS AND USES THE LANGUAGE
Sociocultural Theory • Accordingto Sociocultural Theory • Interactionis a necessary factor and the cause of languageacquisition
Input and interaction • How native speakers modify their language with L2 learners/speakers • Social factors that influence quantity & quality of input • How cultural knowledge & prior experience are involved in processing & interpreting input
Learner language is variable • One reason is due to the changes that occur in what learners know as they progress • Much variation at every stage of learning • Most important contribution of sociolinguistics • Show that previously thought irregularities in language production follow regular & predictable patterns when considered as variable features.
Variation that occurs in different contexts in any point of time • Register-Accommodation theory • Change in use of language depending on who you are talking to • Native speakers simplify language when speaking to learners who are not fluent • Learner variety reflected by who friends are
After linguistic, psychological and social contexts explain learner variations there are still questions • Explained by the theory of free variation happening in 4 stages • Single form is used for a variety of functions • Other forms have been acquired but are initially used interchangeably • Variant forms begin to be used systematically • Non-target forms eliminated
More onlanguagemodifications • ForeignerTalk • Waynativespeakersspeakto non nativespeakersstilllearningthelanguage • Long pauses • Slowrate of speech • Loudvolume • Etc. (See page 106 for more information)
More onlanguagemodifications • In writtentext • Techniquesthathelpmaketextseasiertounderstand • Highlightingkeyterms • Clear topicstatements • Visual aids, such as pictures and graphs • Etc. (See page 108 for more information)
More onlanguagemodifications • Interactionalmodifications • Techniquesnativesspeakers use tohelplearners • Repetition • Paraphrase • Sentencecompletion • Etc. (See page 109 for more information) • These are consideredscaffolding, orprovidingtoolstohelpstudents
More oninteractionalmodifications • Scaffoldingisany set of toolsortechniquestohelplearnersreachnextstage of development. • LevVygotskypostulatedthatlearnershad a Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) or a place in developmentthatneededguidencetoreachthenextstage(join Foro nextweektolearn more)
Feedback • Indicationtolearnerthattheirlanguageissomehowincorrect and servestohelplearnercorrectmistakes • Negativeevidencenotfrequentfor L1A butcommon in L2 learning • Directcorrection • Grammarorotherexplanation • Tellinglearnerthey are wrong • Indirectcorrection • Problemislearner my notnoticethecorrection • Examples can befoundon page 110 and 111
What is acquired in L2 includes variable linguistic structures and knowledge of when to use each • Process of acquisition includes progress through stages in which different types of variability are evident • Reasons why some learners are more successful that others include how well they can perceive and align own usage with target system
Input absolutely necessary but role is in dispute, even in the social context • Some consider it as data for innate linguistic capacity development • Others claim it determines what features are learned, and how • Social approaches also consider nature and role of interaction in acquisition
Interaction facilitates input becoming intake, by contributing to the accessibility of the input for the learner. • Interaction connects input, internal learner capacities, selective attention, and output • Doesn’t account for the success of those who are able to teach themselves, without interaction.
Sociocultural theory (Lev Vygotsky) • Interaction causative force of language learning • All learning grounded in sociocultural settings
Scaffolding • Experts provide learners with pieces of language that learners can use to express concepts beyond their independent means • Can occur among peers • Scaffolding happens with the learner, not to her
Draw on frameworks of Ethnography of Communication and Social Psychology
Languages have power for both symbolic and practical reasons • Political identification and unity • Dominate language is expected to be learned by newcomers; native language of immigrants discouraged • Very important in nation building (invasions, rebirth of languages lost in conquests, revolutions, etc) • Perceived economic or military importance of language • SLA motivated by desire to have access to opportunities
Linguistic boundaries • Serve to identify membership in communities and exclude outsiders from insider communication • L2 acquisition may be discouraged • Membership requires language is learned; culture and value system too • Other languages may be discriminated against
Profoundly influenced by external social factors • Group motivation strongly influences SLA and cultural integration, sometimes creates distance among social groups • Majority groups often don’t learn any L2, especially if they don’t want to be associated with the minority language group • Acculturation Mode • Factors that result in negative SLA effects • Dominance of one group over another • Desire to preserve lifestyle
Social institutions are systems established by law, custom or practice to regulate life in public domains: examples are religion, politics, and education • These have power, authority and influence in relation to SLA • Official and unofficial policies that regulate which languages are used in which situations • Policies that provide access or barriers to SLA
Subtractive Bilingualism • Loss of L1 resulting in alienation from L1 group and ultimate disappearance of the L1 itself • Inability to transfer knowledge in L1 acquired in L2 If this doesn’t happen when learning a second language it is called Additive Bilingualism
Age, sex, education level, ethnicity, etc. • These categories often influence experiences one has, how one is perceived • Coupled with language learning, these categories create different learning experiences for each student
Prior educational experience • Cognitive styles dependent on how one is raised • Field dependant (cooperative rural settings, lower economic status) • Field independent (competitive urban settings; affluent economic status)
Acquiring knowledge for L2 use • Competence and Use • Communicative competence combines: • Linguistic competence (knowledge of language, knowledge of the specific components and levels of a language) • Knowledge required for their appropriate use in communicative activities.
Cultural knowledge Linguistic elements Content Context • Language use • Competence requires
Academic vs. interpersonal competence • Academic competence Knowledge needed by learners who want to use the L2 primarily to learn about other subjects The activities that have highest priority are receptive: • Reading • Listening • Writing • Speaking
Academic vs. interpersonal competence • Interpersonal competence Knowledge required of learners who plan to use the L2 primarily in face-to-face contact with other speakers. The activities that have highest priority are oral: • Listening • Speaking • Reading • Writing
Academic and interpersonal domains involve genres. Academic genres include research, lectures, and book reviews • The development of academic discourse competence requires reading and hearing a great deal of academic texts. Interpersonal genres include conversations, service encounters and letters • The development of interpersonal discourse requires opportunity for social interaction and the input and feedback that it produces.
RECEPTIVE ACTIVITIES READING • It is the most important area of activity for individuals to engage in for the development of L2 academic competence and for interpersonal functions • It provides significant input related to technological developments, world news, and scientific discoveries • Fluency in reading is an essential aspect of academic competence which takes time to develop in either L1 or L2.
LISTENING • Listening is an important activity for learners: To participate in oral interpersonal communication To receive information from oral sources. • Listening to academic lectures has the potential to be reciprocal depending on whether listeners have the opportunity to participate in discussion.
Developing fluency in reading requires acquiring sufficient knowledge specially of vocabulary, grammar and discourse structure Functions for reading in academic settings • Reading to find information • Reading for general understanding • Reading to learn • Reading to critique and evaluate
Reciprocal communication requires learners to speak as well as to listen • Non-reciprocal communication requires listener to process input and construct meaning without being able to request repetition Video-recording television programs can provide a useful source for listening practice
PRODUCTIVE ACTIVITIES WRITING • It is the most important productive activity for L2 learners to develop • It is a common medium for testing knowledge • Many professionals and occupations require a high level of L2 proficiency in writing
Effective academic writing requires considerable knowledge of: • vocabulary, morphology and syntax, • mechanisms of orthographic representations and conventions related to style and organization.
SPEAKING It is a very important area of activity for L2 learners if they will be using the language for interpersonal purposes. There is need for speaking in situations where L2 learners participate in the L2 community • Tourists generally need to ask directions • Immigrants need to shop for goods • Foreign students need to negotiate transactions for housing and also express in an academic or professional speech
In order to have a successful participation in conversational speech activities learners must have: • Knowledge of conversational structure • Knowledge of contextualization cues • Knowledge of communication
Components of language knowledge • Language has been divided by linguists into the following components: • VOCABULARY(lexicon) • MORPHOLOGY(word structure) • PHONOLOGY(sound system) • SYNTAX(grammar) • DISCOURSE(ways to connect sentences and organize information)
VOCABULARY • It is the most important level of L2 knowledge for all learners to develop (for academic or interpersonal competence) • There is a core of high frequency words in a language that everyone needs to learn. The core vocabulary in every language includes: • Function words a limited set of terms that carry primarily grammatical information