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Age-appropriate Transition Assessment Webinar #4. March 10, 2010 Presented by: Center for Change in Transition Services Cinda Johnson, Wendy Iwaszuk, Denny Hasko 206.296.6494 ccts@seattleu.edu www.seattleu.edu/ccts. AGENDA. Overview of the Age-appropriate Transition Assessment
Age-appropriate Transition AssessmentWebinar #4 March 10, 2010 Presented by: Center for Change in Transition Services Cinda Johnson, Wendy Iwaszuk, Denny Hasko 206.296.6494 ccts@seattleu.edu www.seattleu.edu/ccts
AGENDA Overview of the Age-appropriate Transition Assessment Formal Assessments Informal Assessments Transition assessment in the IEP Resources and Forms Questions and Answers
Age-appropriate Transition Assessment 34 CFR 300.320(b) - WAC 392-172A-03090(1)(j)(i) Transition assessment The ongoing process of collecting data on the individual’s needs, strengths, preferences, and interests as they relate to the demands of current and future working educational, living, personal and social environments. Assessment data serve as the common thread in the transition process and form the basis for defining goals and services to be included in the IEP and is gathered from multiple sources.
Age-appropriate Transition Assessment The IEP Team gathers information from the student, about the student and for the student beginning at age 15 to be in the IEP when student turns 16; The first transition assessment is likely to be the most comprehensive and time-consuming; Assessment is revised each year the after initial assessment;
Age-appropriate Transition Assessment Best practice is for the student to lead the IEP Team in the development of the IEP, beginning with transition assessment; Information is then transferred into the IEP.
Age-appropriate Transition Assessment The IEP Team Student Parent/family IEP Case Manager General Ed Teacher Building Administrator Transition Specialist Counselor Support Staff Paraprofessional Agency Personnel CFR §300.321(a)
Guiding Questions for Age Appropriate Transition Assessment • Strengths: What strengths does the student have in meeting some of life’s demands as they relate to education/training, employment, and independent living? • Needs: What are the main barriers around the student reaching postsecondary endeavors (e.g., college/training program, a job/career, accessing the community, or living independently)? • Interests: What are the student’s ambitions, currently and in the future? What activities/experiences promote curiosity and catch their attention? • Preferences: Given the opportunity to choose from available options in the areas of education/training, employment, and independent living, what options, according to the student, will motivate the student and make him/her happiest? from Issaquah School District
Age-appropriate Transition Assessment IS: IS NOT : A single student interview Interest inventories only Conducted by the special education teacher only Conducted by the school psychologist only Formal assessments only Informal assessments only Psych evaluation or re- evaluation only • Conducted by IEP Team • Academic & functional assessments • Interest & aptitude tests • Student, family, teacher, employer interviews • Family, teacher, employer observations • Employer evaluations • Psych reports • Entrance/placement exams
Types of Formal Assessments Aptitude tests Transition planning inventories Career maturity or readiness tests Self-determination assessments Intelligence and achievement tests
Types of Formal Assessments Interest and work value inventories Entrance/placement exams Work-related temperament scales Personality or preference tests Behavioral assessment information
Formal Assessments ● Age-appropriate Transition Assessment Guide National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center (www.nsttac.org) Adaptive behavior assessment, aptitude tests, interest and work value inventories, intelligence tests, achievement tests, personality or preference tests, employability tests, self-determination assessments, work-related temperament tests, transition planning inventories. ● Assessment Reviews Transition Coalition www.transitioncoalition.org Transition Planning Inventory, Work Personality Profile, AIR Self- Determination Scale, Brigance Employability Skills Inventory, Occupational Aptitude Survey & Interest Schedule (OASIS-3), SDS Career Explorer Self- Assessment and Careers ●Life Skills Inventory DSHS Independent Living Skills Assessment Tool www.dshs.wa.gov/pdf/ms/forms/10_267.pdf Ansell Casey Life Skills Assessment www.caseylifeskills.org
Formal Assessments ● Self-determination Assessment Tools The Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment http://education.ou.edu/zarrow/?p=38 AIR Self-determination Assessment, ARC Self-determination Scale, ChoiceMaker Self-determination Assessment, Field & Hoffman Self- determination Assessment. ● Transition Assessment Data through Standardized Instruments The Transition Coalition www.transitioncoalition.org/assessing/book01/ch2a.htm Examples of Standardized Tests Specifically Designed for Transition Planning with Adolescents
Formal Assessments ● Directory of Commonly Used Published Tests National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth www.ncwd-youth.info/career-planning-begins-with-assessment Extensive lists of formal assessments in four domains: educational, psychological/diagnostic, vocational/career, medical; Assessment listings have publisher website, target group, norming procedures, administration qualifications, reliability/validity and costs. ● College admissions The College Board www.collegeboard.org Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), Pre-SAT (PSAT/NMSQT) ACT www.act.org/education/index.html The ACT, Explore, PLAN, Quality Core, College Readiness Standards, WorkKeys, DISCOVER, COMPASS, EPAS (Ed Planning and Assessment System), CAAP.
Informal Assessments √ Interviews and questionnaires 1. conducted with a variety of individuals; 2. used to determine needs, strengths, preferences and interests relative to postsecondary goals; 3. involves gathering information about a student and the family’s current and future resources; tools: Transition Assessment Checklist (CCTS)*; Needs Planning Survey (CCTS); Dream Sheet (NSTTAC); Employment –related Questionnaire (NSTTAC); Planning for the Future (Transition Coalition); Transition Needs and Preferences Survey (CCTS); Transition Survey for Parents (CCTS); (*=link to document)
Informal Assessments √ Direct observation: 1. Conducted within natural or school employment, post secondary, or community setting; 2. Direct observations are done most times by an “expert” in the environment: parent, teacher, job coach, co-worker, paraprofessional, other persons in a student’s natural support system; 3. includes organized collection of information for behaviors (work/home/school), task completion, affective information (happy/sad/angry); tools: Transition Information Gathering Form (CCTS)*; Worker Rating Standards (CCTS); Community Work Site Evaluation (CCTS); (*=link to document)
Informal Assessments √ Environmental or Situational Assessment 1. carefully examined environments where activities normally occur (ex. Student wants to attend leisure activities at local YMCA: analyze environment for member expectations at Y, transportation to Y, social interactions at Y) 2. analysis of a job situation comparing job requirements to student’s skills and accommodations needed: job restructuring, modifying equipment, adaptive devices *source for job accommodations = Job Accommodation Network (www.jan.org)
Informal Assessments √ Curriculum-based assessments: 1. designed by educators; 2. gather information about a student’s performance in a particular curriculum; 3. develop instruction for the student; Educator might use task analyses, work sample analysis, portfolio assessments, and/or criterion- referenced tests.
Age-appropriate Transition Assessment in the IEP Student’s Name: ___SHANA age 15__ Disability category: __05 - SLD_______ Date: ___5/5/08___ By: SE Teacher student family GE Teacher Admin Counselor Psych Parapro Support Staff
Secondary Transition Resources • Center for Change in Transition Services: www.seattleu.edu/ccts/ • National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center (NSTTAC): www.nsttac.org • Transition Coalition: (see Presentations) www.transitioncoalition.org • National Center on Secondary Education and Transition www.ncset.org
Secondary Transition Resources • National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth www.ncwd-youth.info • Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment Student-directed transition planning www.ou.edu/zarrow/pilot/ • National Alliance for Secondary Education and Transition www.nasetalliance.org/
Age-appropriate Transition Assessment Contact The Center for Change in Transition Services with any additional questions at: 206.296.6494 ccts@seattleu.edu