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19 minutes ago - COPY LINK TO DOWNLOAD : https://aduhkacongbeknasengak.blogspot.com/?book=0932551467 | READ [PDF] Marijuana Grower's Handbook: Your Complete Guide for Medical and Personal Marijuana Cultivation | A complete edition of the first herbal published by a woman artist&8213which has a remarkable backstory In the 1730s, Elizabeth Blackwell (1699&8211c. 1758) found herself penniless, with her ne&8217er-do-well husband confined to a London debtor&8217s prison. A talented artist, she came up with a unique and ambitious moneymaking scheme: the publication of a new illustrated guide to
Ham Radio DX - A Complete Guide: How to go from Karaoke to a DXCC Rockstar
Description A complete guide for Ham Radio Operators looking to work DX, defined as distant stations. Intended for more seasoned hams looking to improve skills and for beginners alike. The book includes sections on getting a ham radio shack setup for DX, hardware and software suggestions, automation, operating awards, QSL procedures as well as DX operating tips. Book covers various operating modes such as CW, phone and digital. A heavy emphasis is put on the currently popular HF digital modes as well as good operating practices to be a successful DXer.A DX Book, to the Point.Book Contents Include but are not Limited to:DXpeditions &DX Awards OverviewGetting Past Limitations to DXingFocus on 160m to 6m DXBlueprint for a DX Station - HardwareRadios, Antennas and Everything in BetweenExtensive Coverage of Computers &RequirementsHam Radio Software Overview, Focus on DXSeparate Chapters on CW, Phone and Digital OperatingHow to Bag the DX, Pileup Techniques for all 3 ModesFT8: Setup, Operating, Etiquette, Support SoftwareCleaning up your Signal &Dealing with RFIHow not to be a "LidquotFerrites, Low Band Antennas, Baluns &GroundingDealing with DX ChallengesWhen and Where to Work DX &PropagationHow to QSL, Manually and DigitallyDesigning your QSL CardHam Radio Specific Glossary