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The EUROPEAN UNION OF MEDICAL SPECIALISTS. Medical specialists ’ voice in the eu. UEMS COUNCIL Sections & boards plenary meeting brussels , 20th april 2012. The UEMS ID. Name: Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes (UEMS) Date of birth: 20 July 1958
The EUROPEAN UNION OF MEDICAL SPECIALISTS Medical specialists’ voice in the eu UEMS COUNCIL Sections & boardsplenary meeting brussels, 20th april 2012
The UEMS ID • Name: Union Européenne des MédecinsSpécialistes (UEMS) • Date of birth: 20 July 1958 • Place of Birth: Belgium • Nationality: European(35 Countries represented) • Aims: Promotion of free movement of European medical specialists while ensuring the highest quality of medical care for European citizens; • Defenceof professionals’ interests • Areas of Interest: CME-CPD; Post-GraduateTraining; Quality Assurance in Specialist Practice
The AIMS of the uems • - The study, promotion and harmonisation of the highest level of training of the medical specialists, medical practice and health care within the European Union; • - The study and promotion of free movement of specialist doctors within the EU; • - The representation, within this framework of the medical specialist profession in the Member States of the EU, to EU authorities and any other authority and/or organisation dealing with questions directly or indirectly related to the medical profession, and any action which might further the achievement of the afore mentioned objectives. • - The defence of the professional interests of European Medical Specialists
The UEMS Structure Executive Daily management President, Secretary-General, Treasurer, Liaison Officer + Vice-Presidents (4) Council Plenary decisions 2 delegates per country Specialist Sections 2 delegates nominated by the National specialist association Secretariat Brussels European Boards 2 delegates per country (Balance profession-academia) Board Financial matters 1 Head of delegation per country
UEMS specialist sections • Criteria to create a Specialist Section:(Article X.1 of the Statutes and VI,2 ROP) • Independent specialty in at least 1/3 EU Member States • Registered in the Official Journal of the EU • Effectively carried on in exclusive practice, • Practiced in institutions withsufficient training facilities • Sufficient number of specialists practising this discipline • How doesitwork? • Sections are managed by a Bureau (President, Secretary and Treasurer) elected for 4 years • Members are nominated by UEMS National Member Associations • Whocan attend? • Nominateddelegates • If invited: members of scientificsocieties or medical organisations (observer)
The UEMS DIVISION • Whatis a division? • - a division is a subgroup of the Specialist Section devoted to the study, promotion and defence of a branch of the specialty or competence, which forms an integral part of its practice, and involves a recognised higher training programme • How does it work? • - it works under the monitoring of a Section but is composed of separate members. • - a bureau of the division is elected (President, Secretary, Treasurer) • Who can create a division? • - the UEMS Council upon request of a Section • Who can attend? • - delegates nominated by UEMS National Member Association • - If invited: other scientific societies or medical organisations or with observer status (observer)
RULES GOVERNING THE CREATION of a MULTIDISciplinary joint committee
THE multidisciplinary joint committee • Whatis a MJC?: • - A MJC is a grouping of Specialist Sections for competences or spheres of activity • belongingto severaldisciplines • How do theywork?: • - MJCs are open to all interested Sections • - The daily management isentrusted to one or more Sections • - Theyfollow the samerules as the Specialist Sections • Whocancreate a MJC? • - The UEMS Council uponrequest of one or more Sections or on itsown initiative • Whocan attend? • - Members of Sections • - If invited : otherinterestedsocieties (observer)
Europeanboards • Whatis a EuropeanBoard? • A EuropeanBoardis a working group of a UEMS Specialist Section addressing training issues • It is a « joint venture » between the Specialist Section and the ScientificSocieties in the discipline concerned. • How doesitwork? • Members of Sections and Members of ScientificSocietiesmeetat least once a year and work on Medical Training Standards, European Curriculums, Europeanexaminations…. • Whocancreate a EuropeanBoard? • - The UEMS Council uponrequest of a Specialist Section, or Division or MJC