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Support and evaluation of pedagogical innovation using ICT: The TECFA approach with the roman community of the Swiss Virtual Campus. http://tecfa.unige.ch/proj/cvs/. Jacques VIENS, Ph.D. Nathalie DESCHRYVER, assistante Daniel PERAYA, Ph.D. TECFA, Université de Genève. PLAN. Context.
Support and evaluationof pedagogical innovation using ICT:The TECFA approach with the roman community of the Swiss Virtual Campus http://tecfa.unige.ch/proj/cvs/ Jacques VIENS, Ph.D. Nathalie DESCHRYVER, assistante Daniel PERAYA, Ph.D. TECFA, Université de Genève
PLAN • Context • Mandate (goals/tasks) • Method • Early results • Questions/Conclusions GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland
CONTEXT • Swiss Virtual Campus (SVC) : a national response… - 50 eLearning projects (3 y., 3 uni., prof.) - 28 in 2000, 22 in 2001 - Matched funding, app. 1M Euro - 4 mandates (2 ped, 1 inst., 1 tech.) GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland
CONTEXT • Swiss Virtual Campus (SVC)... - Consolidation phase 2003-2007 1. Maintenance of projects + user community support 2. 19 professional production teams 3. A third call for projects (76 with less $) 4. Coordination, mandates and program management GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland
CONTEXT • Emergent information society - eLearning is new for most of us - our culture of education is old/traditional - eLearning a catalyst for a renewed pedagogy - pedagogical innovation in 4 points 1. Learners’ autonomy and deep involvement 2. Contextualised activities (real world), projects 3. Collaboration, co-elaboration of knowledge 4. Deep learning, high level cognitive skills/activities GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland
MANDATE • Goals/Tasks • To provide pedagogical support to the projects • To make an inventory of the projects’ pedagogical practices, mainly the exploitation of the innovative and interactive potential of ICT; • To set the bases of an evaluation frameworkassessing the innovative nature of eLearning pedagogy, in collaboration with the national and international community. GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland
METHOD • “Recherche-action-formation” • Participative and collaborative • 5 initial steps • First contact meeting with each projet • Interview : current situation, needs analysis and follow up planning • Specific support to the projects • Animation of a virtual communityof practice • Collective face to face activitiesand workshops GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland
METHOD… • Data collection • Notes from meetings of step 1-3 • Transcription of interviews (step 2) • Egroup activities and emails • Literature review • Data analyses • Qualitative • Cycles of readings, linking, sense making • Validation by triangulation GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland
EARLY RESULTS • Global observations • Stepped in after launching • Complex challenge : 3 uni., 3 lang., 3 cult. of ed. (vision/rep., goals, abilities/exp., practice) • Systematic development: (intuitive production) Analysis Design Production Pilot/evaluation Revision Implementation GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland
EARLY RESULTS… • Global observations… • Many projects are eager to integrate innovative pedagogies and learning strategies • Some deeply involved in IntersTICES activities • Some wants to go their way GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland
EARLY RESULTS… • Technological aspects • Platform or no platform (time/energy cons.) • Many members of teams not familiar with eTech. Many do not really know what is technically possible A culture to be developed… • Hire eLearn dev. staff is difficult and expensive • Initial planning under-estimate cost and time • Links between technology and pedagogy… GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland
EARLY RESULTS… • Pedagogical aspects • Heterogeneity intra-inter projects • Mostly mediated and individualized instruction • Some efforts to integrate actice pedagogy communicative/collaborative/knowledge construction • Emergent stoppers are : • How to ? Big groups ? Novice learners ? How to convince partners ? • Too much is done to change ! SVC wants individualized instruction GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland
EARLY RESULTS… • Institutional/management aspects • Multiple partners/uni/cultures/problems • Those who have collaborated before SVC…OK • Some decided to cooperate not collaborate • Project management is underestimated, difficult and too often combined with development responsibilities • Implementation issues are just being addressedby many projects.. GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland
QUESTIONS • What is an innovative pedagogy ? What is to change ? • How can we support transition ? • How to implement active pedagogy with big groups ? • What for ? When ? How much ? Online vs face-to-face activities group vs individual activities • Tutoring issues … • Evaluation issues … • Communicate desire/know how of innovative ped. GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland
Conclusion • A high level and complex challenge … many dimensions and actors • A matter of culture transition ? • Innovative eLearning is to be seen as a progressiveprocess… Small contributions count in the long run GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland
Conclusion • Innovative eLearning is to be seen as a progressiveprocess… Small contributions count in the long run A continuum… where are you according to : 1. Learners’ autonomy and deep involvement 2. Contextualised activities (real world), projects 3. Collaboration, co-elaboration of knowledge 4. Deep learning, high level cognitive skills/activitiesmetacognition, reflexive/critical thinking, Cognitive tools GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland
Conclusion • Multidimensional and systemic analyses: • “dispositif” (mediated, online and face to face), • many actors and roles (professors, developers, site maintenance, content developers, tutors, learners…) • Institutional context (programs, faculties, Uni, etc.) • Societal context : SVC, job requirements, etc… • Culture in terms of : representations, attitudes, abilities and practice GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland
Factors in interrelation Technology Pedagogy/learning Objects Dispositif… media Knowledge Competencies Content Objectives Competencies Processes Products Representations Abilities &Ressources Practices Institution Attitudes O-P-P Teachers Learners GMW 2002, Basel, Switzerland