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Introduction to EIS/EA

Introduction to EIS/EA. Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation. Classes of Action. Class 1 - Environmental Impact Statement Significant Impacts Class 2 - Categorical Exclusion No S ignificant Impacts

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Introduction to EIS/EA

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  1. Introduction to EIS/EA Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  2. Classes of Action • Class 1 - Environmental Impact Statement • Significant Impacts • Class 2 - Categorical Exclusion • No Significant Impacts • Class 3 - Environmental Assessment • ??????? Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  3. Significant - Context and Intensity Context • Effects upon environment, geographic area, setting, socioeconomic profile • What’s there? Intensity • Magnitude, severity • Howbad is it? Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  4. EIS Major Steps • Scoping • Notice of Intent (NOI) • Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) • Circulation Period • Public Hearing • Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) • Record of Decision (ROD) Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  5. SAFETEA-LU • Section 6002 • Efficient Environmental Reviews for Project Decision-making • New Procedures for EISs • Optional for EAs and CEs Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  6. Lead Agencies • Federal Lead Agency – USDOT (FHWA) • Joint Lead Agency – Project Sponsor Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  7. Role of Lead Agencies • Everything we normally do, plus…. • Identify & Involve Participating Agencies • Develop Coordination Plans • Provide Opportunities for Involvement • Manage the process and resolve issues • Ensure the environmental review process moves forward in a timely manner Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  8. Participating Agency • Any federal or non-federal agency that may have an interest in the project • Must be invited by lead agency Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  9. Declining an Invitation Federal Agencies If a federal agency chooses to decline, the response letter must state they: • Have no jurisdiction or authority with respect to the project • Have no expertise relevant to the project • Do not intend to submit comments If the response does not state their position in these terms, treat them as a participating agency Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  10. Declining an Invitation Non-Federal Agencies • A state, tribal, or local agency must respond affirmatively in order to be designated as a participating agency • If they fail to respond or decline the invitation, regardless of the reasons, they should not be considered a participating agency Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  11. Opportunities for Involvement • Purpose & Need • Range of Alternatives • Evaluation of Alternatives Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  12. EIS Format • Cover Sheet • Summary • Table of Contents • Purpose and Need • Alternatives • Affected Environment • Environmental Consequences • List of Preparers • EIS Distribution • Comments and Coordination • Index • Appendices Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  13. Notice of Intent • Timing – prepare an environmental document or prepare an EIS? • Content • Proposed action • Alternatives • Scoping process Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  14. Summary • Description of Proposed Action • Other Federal Actions in the Area • Reasonable Alternatives Considered • Major Environmental Impacts • Areas of Controversy/Unresolved Issues • Other Federal Actions as a Result • 404 permit, 106 agreement, etc. Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  15. Make it Reader-Friendly • Summarize Data • Tables and Graphics • Pictures • Compare Information • Minimize Text • Technical Information in Appendices Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  16. Purpose and Need • Importance • What if we don’t do anything? • Range of Alternatives • Establishes the yardstick • Basic Elements • Mobility, safety, system linkage, economic development etc. • Use in Decision-Making • Screening, justification, and impacts Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  17. Alternatives • Describe how preliminary alternatives were developed and basis for their elimination • Describe how reasonable alternatives were selected • Compare level of detail • Include discussion of “no build” • Discuss TSM alternative where applicable • Graphics • Presentation Techniques Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  18. Affected Environment • Existing Setting • Social • Economic • Environmental • Environmentally Sensitive Features • Engineering Features • Topography, Facilities, etc. • Photographs and Graphics • Planning process with maps Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  19. Environmental Consequences • Section 4(f) Properties • Historic Sites • Wetlands/Floodplains • Farmlands • 10. Other ????? • Relocations • Noise, Air, Water • Land Use • Economic • Social Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  20. List of Preparers • FHWA, state, consultant or other agency persons who made substantial contribution to the preparation • Qualifications, including education background and/or experience. • Areas of EIS responsibility • FHWA officials responsible for review • If not included above Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  21. Comments and Coordination • Early coordination process including scoping and Participating Agencies • Meetings with groups and/or individuals • Results, not just times, dates, and numbers) • Key issues and pertinent information received from public and government agencies • Every comment deserves a response Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  22. Final EIS Options • Traditional - “New” document • Condensed - Summary of changes • Abbreviated - Re-circulate DEIS Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  23. Condensed FEIS • Reference & summarize DEIS information • Discuss changes • Identify Preferred Alternative & basis • Alternatives not selected & basis • Mitigation & enhancements • Unresolved issues • Comment & coordination • Final 4(f) Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  24. Abbreviated FEIS • Minor changes only • DEIS attachments contain: • Extra sheets • New section with items as shown in condensed version Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  25. FEIS Distribution • File with EPA • Cooperating & Participating Agencies • DEIS Commenters • Requestors • Publish Availability in Local Newspapers • Make Available Locally • Library, City Hall, District Office, etc. Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  26. Record of Decision (ROD) • Decision, including 4(f) Determination • Alternatives Considered & Preferred • Mitigation • Monitoring/Enforcement • Responses to Comments on FEIS • May be submitted concurrent with FEIS Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  27. EA • A document prepared for an action where the significance of the environmental impacts is not clearly established Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  28. EA Major Steps • Early Coordination • Environmental Assessment (EA) • Circulation Period • Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  29. EA Content • Concise Public Document • Briefly provide evidence and analysis • Include brief discussion of… • No long descriptions or detailed data… • CEQ suggested page limits - take a guess Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  30. EA Suggested Format • Cover Sheet • Purpose & Need • Alternatives Considered • Impacts/Mitigation • Comments & Coordination • Section 4(f) • Appendices Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  31. Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) • Briefly presents why an action does not have a significant impact • Must include or reference the EA Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

  32. EA and FONSI • Does not need circulated • Notice of Availability: • Clearinghouse • 30 Day Comment Period Managing the Environmental & Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Dept. of Transportation

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