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Energy poverty remains widespread. Number of people without modern energy access by selected region, 2011. 446. 3. Middle East. China. Sub- Saharan Africa. India. 306. Rest of developing Asia. 695. 599. 818. 9. 68. 24. 1 9. Latin Americ a. 306. 605.
Energy poverty remains widespread Number of people without modern energy access by selected region, 2011 446 3 Middle East China Sub-Saharan Africa India 306 • Rest of developing Asia 695 599 818 9 68 24 19 Latin America 306 605 Million people without electricity Million people without clean cooking facilities Around 1.3 billion people without electricity and around 2.6 billion without clean cooking facilities • This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.