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Explore the intriguing tale behind the grand Jagannath Puri Ratha Yatra festival, rooted in ancient texts and legends. Delve into the story of King Indradyumna's quest for the deity Nila-Madhav, leading to the creation of the iconic Jagannath temple. Learn about the significance of the Gundica Temple, Krishna's reunion at Kurukshetra, and the spiritual meaning of the Ratha Yatra procession. Discover the festival's essence and traditions in this captivating journey through history and devotion.
Jagannath Puri Ratha Yatra By: Shivani Kulkarni
The Story Behind the Festival • Lord Jagannatha - Skanda & Padma Purana. • Satya-Yuga: King Indradyumna & Queen Gundica. • Lived in ancient city of Avanti Nagari (Ujjain) • Ujjain was where Krishna was taught by Sandipani Muni. • Everyone was very religious.
The Story Behind the Festival … • Once pilgrims were talking about darshana of four-handed Nila-Madhav. • They said, “Whoever receives darshan of Nila-Madhav will attain four-handed form and become associate of Narayana in Vaikunta.” • Soon this news came to the king. • The king wanted to go to Nila-Madhav and bring him to his kingdom • But he did not know where to find him. • He couldn’t ask the pilgrims because they had already left.
Back To The Story …. King’s Search • The king commanded Vidyapati, an intelligent son of his priest, and others to search and find Nila-Madhava • They went in all the directions searching for Nila-Madhava • After 3 months, except Vidyapati, all other officials and commanders had returned • Vidyapati had gone to the east of India near the Indian Ocean. • Soon he reached a very beautiful village and decided to stay there for a while. The villagers sent him to the prominent leader, Visvavasu.
Back To The Story …. King’s Search • Vidyapati lived in Visvavasu’s house for a while. • Soon Vidyapati fell in love with the chief’s daughter Lalitha. • Vidyapati noticed Visvavasu went to worship every day at a mysterious far location • Vidyapati became convinced the chief was worshipping a beautiful deity of Lord Vishnu. • For his mission to succeed, Vidyapati married Lalitha. • He began to question his father-in-law, Visvavasu, about the chief's daily outings, and asked to be taken to the secret spot. • Visvavasu finally agreed to take Vidyapati there, on the condition that he be blind folded. • During the journey, Vidyapati marked the trail by dropping mustard seeds that were given to him by his wife Lalitha.
The Story (cont.) • When they reached Vidyapati became overwhelmed by the beauty of the deity • Vidyapati left the village to return to the kingdom. • Receiving the good news, the king marched to the spot. • There was no deity to be found there. • King Indradyumna was very sad, and had Visvavasu imprisoned as he began his return. • After much devotion, Nila-madhav consoled the king and assured him that he would be available soon, in a different form.
The Story (cont.) • The King Completed the temple…Then found a log • Vishwakarma came to carry out the carving • Told king that he would carve the deity in secret within closed room – never to be opened. • Days came and went • 21st day the queen got curious…opened the door • Found nothing except four partially done deities ! • A heavenly voice instructed the king on how to proceed, name four figures Jagannath, Subhadra, Balarama and Sudarshan. • King Indradyumna prayed to Brahma to perform the installation ceremony for the deities…
Gundica Temple in Jagannath Puri • Gundica temple is located very near to the Jagannath temple in Puri. • Gundica temple represents Vrindavana • The chariots go from PuriJagannath Temple to Gundica Temple • Jagannath, Balaram, and Subhadra stay there for 9 days during the RathaYatra. • The temple is situated on the end of the BadaDanda. • It is built in Kalingan style by King Indrayumna for his wife Gundica to honor her devotion.
Krishna’s Reunion at Kurukshetra • For solar eclipse Krishna went to Kurukshetra. • Krishna thought Nanda Baba would also come. • Nanda Baba found out about the trip. • He gathered everyone & proceeded to Kurukshetra. • Took personal items for Krishna like butter, etc. • Was told that Yashoda & Nanda Baba were coming. • Everyone was happy to see him. Everyone cried very, very bitterly. • Krishna went and sat on Yashoda’s lap. Seeing this Devaki got jealous. • Mother Rohini saw it and told Devaki to meet guests.
Gopies met Krishna at Kurukshetra • Krishna then met the Gopis. • Gopis asked him to come back to Vrindavana because they missed the pastimes with Krishna. • The Gopis mounted him on the chariot and tried to pull His chariot towards Vrindavan.
What does Ratha Yatra mean? • Signifies invoking Sri Krishna into our hearts. • Our heart is like a chariot, and we pray to Krishna, "Please come and sit in my heart.” • This was how the gopis prayed to him when he was at Kurukshetra: “You should come and sit in our hearts. Our hearts are Your Vrindavan.”
Information on the Festival • Month of June - July. This year it will start on July 13 • 10 Days of festival : 3 deities are taken through the streets of Puri. • Approximately 45 ft. high and are pulled by the pilgrims. • The festival is also known as Gundicha Jatra, Ghosa Jatra.
Video of Ratha Yatra Procession Click here to run the video as a separate window..
!?!Quiz Time!?! • Which Purana has the story of the appearance of Lord Jagannatha given? (Name one) Padma Purana • What is name of King Indradyumna’s wife? Gundica • What are the other two names of the Ratha Yatra festival? Ghosa Jatra, Gundica Jatra • In which Yuga did king Indradyumna rule? Satya Yuga • How high are the Ratha carts? 45 ft high • What sentiment one should have when pulling the Rathas? To invoke Sri Krishna into our hearts.
References • www.wikipedia.com • The Origin of Ratha-Yatra : A compilation of lectures by Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja • Pictures from www.google.com • http://jagannathguwahati.org/ story_of_nilamadhava_origin_of_t.htm Thank You!