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IST Programme Contract No. IST-1999-11979. RealSim. RealSim is Real Time Sim ulation for Design of Multi-Physics Systems RealSim goal: bring Modelica to industry Objectives : Develop high-performance Modelica simulators

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  1. IST Programme Contract No. IST-1999-11979 RealSim RealSim is Real Time Simulation forDesign of Multi-Physics Systems RealSim goal: bring Modelica to industry Objectives: • Develop high-performance Modelica simulators • Develop better tools for modeling, simulation and visualization for use by industry • Demonstrate practical industrial applications for Modelica

  2. Finding more information • More information can be found in RealSim Public Reports. • If you see text like this D3please visit the page for public reports and find the report there. • For other materials please contact relevant partners

  3. Modelica • An object-oriented, general simulation language • Designed by Modelica Association • Libraries of reusable components • Equation-based • Components created using a natural mathematicallanguage • Supports differential algebraic equations • Supports discrete events • Permits multi-domain simulation

  4. Modelica libraries of ready components

  5. Example - Car Power Train Typical multi-physics system A = if not deltax>0 then 0 else Amax*(1-exp(-Ainc/Amax*deltax)); Courtesy Toyota Tecno-Service

  6. Project map MS SQL Server RobotProduct Modeland DataManagement Multiple CompiledExecutables NewModelica Code Visio Mathematica AutoCAD User Interface SolidWorks RobotComponents MathModelica Multibody New Modelica Libraries CADTranslation Power System Components Translation ModelicaLibraries Dymola Parallelizer SPOT SimulationExecutable Dym2DSP Execution DspaceHardware Interactive Visualization MathModelica OpenGLVisualization ExternalHardware Visualization/Analysis Cult3DVisualization Optimizer(in Matlab,C)

  7. Partners • Dynasim(S), • DLR(D), • MathCore(S), • PELAB(S), • Kuka(D) • ABB(CH) See project presentation (D4)

  8. Modeling and Simulation Environments • Modelica-based scripting language • Modelica objects for user interaction (P3) • Interface of Modelica to LAPACK • Multi-criteria optimization environment • MathModelica simulation environment • Integration with Mathematica,Graphic GUI based on Microsoft Visio • Integration with CAD tools and 3D visualization

  9. Modeling Examples • Modeling of a Racing Car with Modelica’s Multi-Body Library • Paper presented atModelica 2000 Workshopin October 2000 • Real-time, human-in-the-loop simulation of3d car model, incl.wheel-suspension &tire models

  10. Modeling and Simulation Environment • MathModelica Model Editor…

  11. Modeling and Simulation Environment • … MathModelica Notebooks

  12. Efficient Simulation: Recent Achievements Modelica simulations should be made more efficient • Mixed-mode Integration: Real-time (interactive) performance for complex multi-physics systems • Mixed-mode integrationmethod for simulating“stiff” models. • Automatic partitioningof “fast” and “slow”dynamics of the model.

  13. Efficient Simulation: Recent Achievements • Efficient handling of large models (D27) • 100,000+ equations • 4+ physical domains • Handling DAE of varying structure (D22) • Parallel scheduling of model equations • Automatic fine-grained parallel scheduling of model equations on a PC cluster (D24) • See Enhanced Dymola (D7A, D7B,E3)

  14. Visualization and CAD integration • Study of integration forms and formats D1 • AutoCAD to Modelica Translator D15 • Exports Modelica code + STL for additional geometry information (for use by visualization components) • OpenGL-based interactive visualization of Modelica models • Live simulation controlled via Internet

  15. Robot designed in AutoCAD… …translated to Modelica…

  16. … Robot visualized …

  17. …Interactive visualization…

  18. Internet-based visualization (see D39) Cult3D graphics in WWW browser Modelica - based simulation Control (Java widgets) CLIENT INTERNET Server

  19. Internet-(1)…

  20. …Internet-(2)

  21. Robot optimization • Optimizing weight, speed, costs, accuracy for KUKA. • Modelica library components • Multibody library (freely available, see D8) • Proprietary robot components • Product model and data management application • Fast optimization for non-smooth problems using distributed simulation (see D19 )

  22. Database Robot component library Optimization Software Architecture Internal datastructure static calculation Matlab GUI Dymola Modelica translator File: robot115.exe File: robot115.mo

  23. Robot Configuration Systems “Assembly” of components into a robot Define which components are assembled Define how they are assembled

  24. Steering a robot • Recent display by KUKA & DLR at theHannover Fair Experience for robot applications, see D42

  25. Power system simulation Dynamic, object oriented Simulator of Power System Transients (SPOT) at ABB • On-line and off-line simulation of power systems • Scalable, cost efficient – basic version runs on a PC • Experience with RealSim described in D45

  26. Modeling software for Power Systems • Dym2DSP, software for automatic exporting of compiled simulations from Dymola to DSpace hardware • Complete power system component Modelica library • Basic Elements and Transformations, Turbines, Generators, Transformers, Transmission Lines, Impedance, Admittance and Loads, Motors and Drives, Converters, Inverters, Rectifiers, Breakers, Faults, Meters and Sensors, Non-linear Elements (Semiconductors, Varistors)

  27. Modular Power Converter Hardware-In-The-Loop • Simulation of electric locomotive: friction, inertia, electrical drive, switching, powerconversion, etc. • Offline • Realtime • RT Hardware-in-the-loop

  28. Complete System for Realtime Simulation

  29. Making people aware • The Dissemination and use plan in D9 • Modelica www site www.modelica.org • Modelica 2000 Workshop in Lund, Sweden (as D46) • International Modelica 2002 Conference in Germany (as D46) • University Course on Modelica D47 • SAE Congress in Detroit, USA 2001 • Hannover Fair, Germany 2001 • 10+ Papers, Journal articles, Conferences

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