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VNNIC – NIR Update

This update presents the current status of IPv6 deployment in Vietnam, including the quantity of members, IPv4 address allocation, and major events in 2010 and early 2011. It also highlights the efforts to promote IPv6 awareness, policies for IPv6 deployment, and the Vietnam National Action Plan on IPv6.

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VNNIC – NIR Update

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  1. VNNIC – NIR Update Presented: Nguyen Vinh Hoang Email: hoangnv@vnnic.net.vn NIR SIG – APNIC 32 Busan, Aug - 2011

  2. PRESENT STATUS • Quantity of Member: 94 • 51 ISPs. • 43 multihomingorganisations • Number of IPv4 Address: 15,5 Millions (0.93 /8) • Number of IPv6 prefix: 32 • Hostmaster team: 03 IP hostmasters • Announce the schedule to allocate IPv4 address in the exhausted period to members, officially change into period of allocation by the last /8 policy on 15/04/2011

  3. IPv4 allocation in Vietnam during years Unit: /24

  4. MAJOR EVENT IN 2010 AND EARLY 2011. • Held annual members meeting in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city through Video conference. Year 2011, members meeting coordinated with the meeting of the IPv6 Task force to announce the exhaustion of IPv6 address and Nationl plan of Ipv6. • With the presentation from Ms Anna of APNIC. • Setup 4 IPv6trainning course for member and certificate to more than 100 attendants

  5. MAJOR EVENT IN 2010 AND EARLY 2011 • VNNIC has officially allocated4ByteASN, and now it has been using by all our members. • In the World IPv6 day, VNNIC and attended ISPs both successfully deployed basic IPv6 platform based applications (contains: websites and DNS system, ...) with very good result.


  7. Effort to promote IPv6 in Viet Nam • Play the role of National Internet Registry (NIR), Vietnam Internet Network Information Center (VNNIC) soon see the importance of promoting awareness and implementation of IPv6 in Vietnam. • Since 2004: • Information update; Published books and documentations about IPv6. • IPv6 training courses. • Give reports and propose IPv6 deployment policies to the MIC. • Setup VNNIC’s IPv6 network. Make the VNIX available with IPv6 for the members to connect. • Project to deploy IPv6 in the national DNS infrastructure

  8. Policies for IPv6 Deployment • 6 May, 2008, the Minister of Information and Communications has issued directives to promotion using IPv6 address. • Assigned to the management units and ISPs three basic tasks: to propagate and disseminate awareness about the importance of using IPv6; quickly deploy, use and provide services based on IPv6 and strengthen research and training activities on IPv6. • A milestone in the process IPv6 deployment in Vietnam.

  9. Policies for IPv6 Deployment • 6 January, 2009, the Minister of Information and Communications has establishment Vietnam National IPv6 Task Force with the task of research, plans and schedule for implementing the transition of IPv4 to IPv6 in Vietnam. • Most recently, 29 March, 2011, Minister of Information and Communication has issued Vietnam National action plan on IPv6 which determine the objectives, specific roadmap for transition to IPv6 in Vietnam.

  10. Policies for IPv6 Deployment • Preparation Stage (2011 – 2012): • Make the assessment of the network; forming the national IPv6 test network; implementation of IPv6 test and performed extensive training of human resources • Vietnamese ISPs shall issue their own IPv6 action plan, follow on National plan on IPv6. • Implementation Phase (2013 – 2015): • Transition from IPv4 networks to simultaneously support IPv4 and IPv6; forming national IPv6 network infrastructure; and provide testing IPv6 services to end users. • Accomplishment Phase (2016 - to 2019): • Ensure the stable operation of Internet in Vietnam with IPv6-based technology

  11. Vietnam National Action plan on IPv6 - RoadMap

  12. Emailv6 • Offer IPv6 mail service for members who connect to National IPv6 testing network. • http://mail.ipv6.vnnic.net • VoIPv6 • Offer VoIP with IPv6 for members who connect to National IPv6 testing network. • Both soft phone and hard phone are available. • Tunnel Broker • VNNIC offer client and tunnel broker services for community. Enduser and endsite can have international IPv6 connection through IPv6 National IPv6 testing network. • Vietnames National Ipv6 testing Network without international native connection IPv6 Services in Vietnamese National IPv6 Testing Network

  13. ISP’s attitude towards IPv6 deployment • VNNIC was disseminated information to address members and the ISP in countries of WIPv6D, which launched in response WIPv6D in Vietnam (http://www.ipv6.vn/index.htm). • On WIPv6D, VNNIC with ISPs in countries such as VNPT, SCTV, NetNam, SPT, QTSC ... signed up to attend the The Internet Society. • The most important benefit of the test is that it not only raised awareness of the need for an alternative to IPv4, but it demonstrated that v6 can run without disrupting existing v4 users

  14. ISP’s attitude towards IPv6 deployment • Vietnamese ISPs play crucial role in the national transition to IPv6. • The National Action Plan on IPv6 has assigned specific, clear tasks to Vietnamese ISPs: evaluation of current network and service; building and issue Action plan for transition to IPv6 networks and services follow the national action plan; connect to VNIX to form National testing network; construction of IPv6 network infrastructure and provide IPv6 services. • Vietnamese ISP will soon start with IPv6: “Say goodbye to IPv4, and welcome to IPv6” !

  15. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! For further information, please contact: Vietnam Internet Network Information Center – VNNIC. Tel: +84-4-35564944, ext 105 Fax: +84-4-37821462 Email: ip-hostmaster@vnnic.net.vn Website: http://www.vnnic.vn

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