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Explore the ancient multi-ingredient preparation Theriac - once believed to cure all poisons and diseases. Learn about its origins, ingredients, and historical significance.
Theriak algorithm (etymology) Theriak. Berühmtestes aus zahlreichen Bestandteilen (u.a. Opium) zusammengesetztes Universalheilmittel, das nahezu zweitausend Jahre lang in Gebrauch war, heute jedoch bedeutungslos geworden ist. Die bekannteste der durch Galenos überlieferten u. in ihrem Ursprung auf das sog. Mithridatium zurückgehenden Vorschriften zur T.-Herst. Stammt von Andromachos d.Ä. (Einem der Leibärzte Kaiser Neros). Dieser fügte seiner aus insgesamt 64 Ingredienzien bestehenden Latwerge erstmals das hierfür charakterist. Schlangenfleisch hinzu u. gilt somit als der eigentliche Erfinder der zunächst als Antidot - gegen jedwelche Vergiftung, bes. Gegen den Biss giftiger Tiere - verwendeten Arzneizubereitung (daher auch der Name von griech.: ther = wildes Tier). … aus: Römpps: Chemie-Lexikon
Theriak algorithm (etymology) Theriac was an ancient multi-ingredient preparation; originating as a cure for the bites of serpents, mad dogs and wild beasts, it later became an antidote to all known poisons. The name theriac ... was derived from the Greek for wild beast - theriakos. The first formula was created by Mithridates Vl, King of Pontus ... In the 1st century AD, Nero's personal physician Andromachus improved the formula of Antidotum Mithridatium by adding flesh of vipers, which was commonly believed to be the best antidote against snakebite, and by increasing the proportion of opium. It became known as Theriac of Andromachus, and contained 64 ingredients including various minerals, herbals, poisons and animal flesh and blood, all combined with honey in the form of electuarium. Later it became the cure-all medicine which, accumulating all the simples into one form, was supposed to be a universal panacea against all diseases. http://www.curehunter.com/public/pubmed15125416.do
Theriak algorithm (etymology) La préparation des vipères pour la Composition de la Thériaque. Illustration du Hortus Sanitatis, Strassburg, 1586.
Theriak algorithm (etymology) This terracotta drug jar, one of a pair, was made to contain a specific preparation: theriaca Andromachi. The preparation was named for Andromachus, shown seated on the lid clasping a drug jar against his thigh, who was the court physician for the Roman Emperor Nero. Commanded by Nero to improve on an existing antidote for poison, Andromachus removed some ingredients and added others, the most important of which was vipers’ flesh. The relief on the back of the jar shows Andromachus in the act of cutting up some vipers, while being observed by a group of doctors, all wearing tall hats. The relief on the front shows the doctor presenting his new drug to the Emperor.
Theriak algorithm (etymology) The 56 ingredients of the theriaque Root of acora (antiseptic,tonic) 30g Giger race (stimulant, stomachique) 60g Ginger race (stimulant, stomachic) 60g Root of iris (emetic) 60g Root of cinquefoil (astringent) 30g Root of rhapontic (purgative) 30g Root of valerian (antispasmodic) 30g Root of meum (stimulant, diuretic) 20g Root of gentian (stomachic, febrifuge) 20g Root of aristolochae clematis (for rhumatism and gout) 10g Root of cabaret (purgative, emetic) 10g Wood of aloe (purgative, emmenagogue) 10g Schoenanthe (for ulcer) 10g Bark of cinnamon (excitant, stimulant, antispasmodic) 100g Bark of lemon (antiseptic, astringent) 60g Dryed Scilla sèche (cardiotonic, diuretic) 60g Heads of scordium (bitter, tonic) 60g Heads of marruba (febrifuge) 30g Heads of calament (stomachic, tonic) 30g Heads of chamoedrys (excitant, bitter and tonic) 20g Heads of chamoepitys (for bites of scorpion) 20g Heads of pennyroyal (excitant, nervin) 30g Dictame of Crete (excitant, emmenagogue) 30g Foils of daphne (febrifuge) 30g Centaury (tonic, stomachic, febrifuge) 10g Hypericum (woundwort, hemoptysic, anti-asthmatic, anti-hysteric) 20g Stoechas (stimulant) 30g Red roses (astringent) 60g Saffron (excitant, stomachic, emmenagogue) 40g Semin. of ammi (carminative, diuretic) 20g Semin. of anise (carminative) 20g Semin. of fennel (carminative, diuretic) 20g Semin. of Daucus of Crete (excitant, diuretic) 20g Semin. of Seseli (excitant) 20g Semin. of parsley (carminative, emmenagogue) 30g Cardamome minor (stomachic, stimulant) 80g Black pepper (aphrodisiac, heating) 60g Long pepper (aphrodisiac, heating) 120g Sem. of ers (resolutive) 200g Semin. of turnip (pectoral, resolutive) 60g White agaric (purgative, drastic, antisudoral) 60g Castoreum(content of a glandular sac of Castor Fiber: stimulant, anti-hysteric, antispasmodic) 10g Opium of Smyrne (sedative, narcotic, antidhiarreic) 120g Suc of liquorice (digestive, diuretic) 60g Suc of cachou (emmenagogue, hemostatic, intestinal astringent) 40g Arabic gum (pectoral, sweeting) 20g Galbanum (stimulant, antispasmodic) 30g Myrrha (resin gum : antispasmodique, emmenagogue) 10g Oliban (antirhumatismic) 30g Benzoin (excitant, balsamic) 20g Opoponax (antispasmodic, expectorant) 10g Bitum of Judea (sedative, stimulant of the nervous system) 10g Sigillated glaze (hemostatic, astringent) 20g Dryed sulfate of iron (astringent) 20g Terebenthin of Chio (arise secretions) 50g White honey (laxative, emollient, refreshing) 3500g Wine of Grenache , 16° d'alcool 250g Opium 120g The relief on the back of the jar depicts the doctor Andromachus cutting up some vipers as a group of doctors watch.
min Theriak algorithm N minimize: ∆Gtot = ∑ nj · j j=1 nj = number of moles of species (Endmembers) j j = chemical potential of species (Endmembers) j N minimize: ∆Gtot = ∑ nk · k k=1 nk = number of moles of phase k k = molar Gibbs Free Energy of phase k
Theriak algorithm A0.25B0.75 0.75 nA There's always an easy solution to every human problem -- neat, plausible, and wrong. (Henry Louis Mencken)
Theriak algorithm A B C D F Gf G H E 0.0 0.5 1.0 X
Theriak algorithm non-solution phases composition A B C D F Gf G H E 0.0 0.5 1.0 X
Theriak algorithm non-solution phases Gibbs free energy composition A B C D F Gf G H E 0.0 0.5 1.0 X
Theriak algorithm non-solution phases A B C D F Gf G H E Bulk composition 0.0 0.5 1.0 X
Theriak algorithm non-solution phases A initial guess B stable assemblage A A B B C C C D D D F F F Gf G G G H H H E E E Bulk composition 0.0 0.5 1.0 X However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results. (Sir Winston Churchill)
Theriak algorithm solution phases
Theriak algorithm solution phases A1 B1 Gf X 1.0 0.0 Loop 1 Considered phases: endmembers Find minimum Gf assemblage A2 B2 Bulk composition step00
Theriak algorithm solution phases A1 B1 A2 Gf B2 X 1.0 0.0 Loop 1 step02
Theriak algorithm solution phases A1 B1 A2 Gf B2 X 1.0 0.0 Loop 1 step04
Theriak algorithm solution phases A1 B1 A2 Gf B2 X 1.0 0.0 Loop 1 step06
Theriak algorithm solution phases A1 B1 A2 Gf B2 X 1.0 0.0 Loop 1 step07
Theriak algorithm solution phases A1 B1 A2 Gf B2 X 1.0 0.0 Loop 2 step07
Theriak algorithm solution phases A1 B1 A2 Gf B2 X 1.0 0.0 Loop 2 step08
Theriak algorithm solution phases A1 B1 A2 Gf B2 X 1.0 0.0 Loop 2 step09
Theriak algorithm solution phases A1 B1 A2 Gf B2 X 1.0 0.0 Loop 2 step10
Theriak algorithm solution phases A1 B1 A2 Gf B2 X 1.0 0.0 Loop 2 Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats. (Howard Aiken) step11
Theriak algorithm solution phases A1 B1 A2 Gf B2 X 1.0 0.0 Loop 3 etc. etc. etc. ... Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats. (Howard Aiken) step11