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American Indians

American Indians. Antonín Procházka. Origin. Usually it is considered that they came here from Russia „Out of Europe“ theory Clovis culture and Folsom Complex are first inhabitants Around 17 000 years ago came from Beringia

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American Indians

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  1. American Indians Antonín Procházka

  2. Origin • Usually it is considered that they came here from Russia • „Out of Europe“ theory • Clovis culture and Folsom Complex are first inhabitants • Around 17 000 years ago came from Beringia • Archeological findings proof this, but genetic analysis suggests, that at least some people came from south-west Europe

  3. References • http://www.reuters.com/article/us-science-native-americans-origins-idUSBREA1B1TS20140212

  4. Environment • Vast land (more than 2 times bigger than Europe, even with east Europe) with no oversee trade. • Snow in the north, deserts in south, mountains in west and rivers in east – diverse environment • Scarce population and small amount of domestic animals – prone to diseases (They didn‘t developed immunity) • No conditions to support big culture – Bigger diversity • Even today 30% of native americans have pre-diabetes and have 2.2 times higher likelihood of catching diabetes.

  5. References - enviroment • http://www.csin-rcid.ca/downloads/maffi_linguistic_cultural_biological_diversity.pdf • Guns Germs and Steel • http://www.diabetes.org/living-with-diabetes/treatment-and-care/high-risk-populations/treatment-american-indians.html?referrer=https://www.google.cz/ • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1447266/

  6. Pequot War • 1630s – Dutch and English began to arrive to New England • Tension and small attacks and Uncas warning about preemptive strike against the English culminated in a war • July 1636 - September 1638 • British people lost 1000 soldiers, which was third of their garrisoned army / Pequot and allies lost 2000 soldiers, which was 2 thirds of their army • British then tried to destroy their culture by selling them as slaves and sending them to other tribes, so they would assimilate

  7. References • https://web.archive.org/web/20120228194959/http://bc.barnard.columbia.edu/~rmccaugh/earlyAC/pequottl.htm

  8. Siux • Not a homogenous tribe, but name for 3 branches of tribes –Dakota, Lakota and Nakota • Nomadic people who traveled the same pattern as buffalos • 1500s they gained horses from Spanish • Chief had to be also a strong warior • They were in constant war with Pawnee – last battle in August 5, 1873

  9. Great Sioux War of 1876 • USA wanted Siux to cede Black hills, but they refused • Siux formed coalition with Cheyenne • Custer's Last Stand – June 25th 1876 • July 19, 1881 – Sitting Bull surrendered – played in Wild West Show • 1890 –shot out of fear of his influence • Wounded Knee Massacre - 29 December 1890

  10. Tecumseh's Confederacy • Created under anti-american religion, taught by Tenskwatawa, Tecumsehs brother • 1811- peemtive strike by USA, when he had 700 wariors, 50 died, 70 were wounded • Was in Second war of independence • Cherokee nad Iriquois on the side of America • Tecumseh's Confederacy, Shawnee and several other tribes on side of Britain and helped to conquer Detroit • Sever months later he was killed in battle

  11. References • http://www.biography.com/people/tecumseh-9503607#synopsis • http://www.history.com/topics/native-american-history/tecumseh

  12. Mahican • Current religion is moravian church • Lived near rivers for food and water • They were hunting,farming and fishing sometimes they were creating early maple sirup • Later they hunted oters and beavers • They had troubles with USA government until 1934, when they gained title to 2250 acres of reservation.

  13. References-mahican • http://www.moravian.org/the-moravian-church/history/ • http://www.mohican.com/

  14. Geronimo • Not apache chief, but led a lot of tribesman because of his skill • Lived constantly at danger, from Mexicans, Americans, Navajo tribe, Comanches • Apache tradition was also raiding and G. Led 4 raids in his 17 • After his family was killed he went to war with Mexico and then USA settlers • 1886 surrendered and spent 27 years in prison • 1905 he was celebrity and published his own biography

  15. References • http://www.biography.com/people/geronimo-9309607#final-years

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