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“Keep your clients in contacto” March, 2008. “USER MANUAL. Index. 3. Introduction 4 Global information management. 5. Work force tool 6. Sales manager benefits 7. Sales force benefits 8. Main menu layout 9. Basic client information (Info) 10. Contacts information (Contacts)
“Keep your clients in contacto” March, 2008 “USER MANUAL
Index 3. Introduction 4 Global information management. 5. Work force tool 6. Sales manager benefits 7. Sales force benefits 8. Main menu layout 9. Basic client information (Info) 10. Contacts information (Contacts) 11. Detail 1 information (Details1) 12. Detail 2 information (Details2) 13. Task information (Tasks) 14. What are cases? 15. Cases information (Cases) 16. Case details 17. What are Process and Stages? 18. History log information (History) 19. Sales information 20. Add new client (New) 21. Search for clients (Search) 22. Advanced searches (Filter) 23. General list of clients (Clients) 24. General list of contacts (Contacts) 25. General list of cases (Cases) 26. General list of tasks (Tasks) 27. General history log (History) 28. General sales (Sales) 29. Client Analysis & Graphs 30. Work activity analysis & Graphs 31. Sales analysis & Graphs 32. Notes 33. Internal mail 34. Configuration menu 35. Users Menu 36. User privileges 37. Rename fields Menu 38. Logins log 39. Products Menu 40. Group & Events Menu 41. Combo List Menu 42. Environment Menu 43. Processes Menu 44. Export to PALM (PDA) 45. Blackberry (Internet Mobil device) 46. Security, owner rights and data backups. 47. Ayuda, sugerencias y mejoramiento www.ContactoCRMOnline.com
Introducción Contacto CRM Online is an easy and powerful online web database, that allows you to organize and speed tasks in your company, increasing your productivity, providing a better customer support and increasing your sales. Contacto CRM Online was developed for company’s with the need of a online CRM system, and do not have the economic resources to purchase expensive software or hardware. We are shure Contacto CRM Online will exceed your expectations, because it was developed based on real company needs. Sincerely Santiago A. Torres Regional Manger Contacto CRM Online www.ContactoCRMOnline.com
Global information management Allow your sales force to work from different locations and still work as powerful group. Coffee Shop Office Blackberry PDA with Internet Home www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Contacto CRM Online London Miami Mexico Hong Kong
Work force tool. Provide a mobile tool, and increase productivity to your sales force. History Tasks Basic data Contacto CRM Online www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Contacts Sales Projects & Cases Sales analysis & reports Productivity report
Sales manager benefits As a sales manager allow Contacto CRM Online to assist you with: • Statistical and efficiency analysis. • Understand and analyze your clients and plan strategies. • How many clients are locally? • In with cities I have more clients? • What products do I sell more? • Analyze sales behaviors? • How many sales visits are we making? • Sales force team • Control the efficiency of your sales force, in and out of the office. • When a Sales person quits, what happens with his clients information? • Are you aware of the work done by each sales person? • If a client calls, are you in touch with the clients behavior? • What where the latest sales? • Generate sales reports by product or by sales person very easy. www.ContactoCRMOnline.com • Data Management • Organize and analyze your clients, prospects or leads information. • Want to know who are your contacts with your clients? • Tired of keeping your clients data on a spread sheet? • Would like to access your company’s information while being out of the office?
Sales force benefits As a member of the sales team Contacto CRM Online can assist your with: Mobility- Work from any place with an internet connection or from your Mobil phone. Don’t lose time commuting to the office. History - Keep records of all events that happen with your clients. Filter and find out how many calls where made, how many visits, etc. Be prepared! Cases - Keep track of specific process. Know where you are at, and at what stage your in. Control very effectively sales opportunities, leads or any process you wish. www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Tasks - Organize all tasks with your clients. Keep control of who and when your clients will be contacted. Register phone calls, appointments, follow ups and lots more. Never again forget task. Contacts - Keep track of all persons you have contact with. Names, emails, phones, job descriptions, etc. Sales - Keep on hand what your clients have purchased, at what price and when. Be prepared to negotiate.
Main menu layout MAIN MENU -Add new client -Search clients -General clients -General contacts -General cases -General tasks -General history -General sales -Personal notes -Internal mail -Analysis -Configuration (Option in this menu shows information on all clients. To view specific data on a specific client use the CLIENT MENU). www.ContactoCRMOnline.com CLIENT MENU -Info (General info) -Contacts -Details 1 -Details 2 -Tasks -Cases -History -Sales (Options in this menu will show information only on the selected client. To select a specific client, go to Search ). Selected client data window In this window you will see the data requested.
Basic client information (Info) In the client information window you can find all basic information of the selected client. You must select a client to be able to see this window. To select a client go to SEARCH. NOTE: Remember your can change the names of all fields using the configuration menu. Edit information Go to (Info) Generate report (xls) Erase a client Erase, edit, and reports are functions that can restricted in the User profile, using the configuration menu. www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Name of selected client. Emails have hyperlinks with your default email client.
Contact information (Contacts) In the Contacts window you can see al contacts for the selected client. Add new contact. Go to (Contacts) Selected Client. NOTA: On this window you can access the contact information in two tables. 1. View all contacts in a list table 2. View all detailed information of each contact. Edit contact information www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Erase contact information. 1. List view table. 2. Detailed information. REMEMBER YOUR CAN CUSTOMIZE FIELD NAMES TO MEET YOUR NEED.
Detail 1 Information (Details1) On this window you have 16 fields (12 Multiple select fields & 4 Text fields) to store more detailed information of the selected client. These fields will help you sort, classify and analyze your clients. Edit information Go to (Details1) Selected Client. NOTE: Use these fields to save additional information of your clients. Examples: Client status: Lead, prospect, client. Type of client: Retail, Factory, Manufacturer Location: North, South, East, West. Payment options: Cash, Debit, Check, 30 Days. Method of contact: Email, Phone, Walk-in, Yellow Pages. Credit status: Very good, good, normal, bad, very bad. www.ContactoCRMOnline.com REMEMBER YOUR CAN COSTUMIZE ALL FIELD NAMES TO MEET YOUR NEED. THESE ARE ONLY EXAMPLES. TO CHANGE FIELD NAMES, GO TO THE CONFIGURATION MENU.
Detail 2 Information (Details2) On this windows your 16 fields (9 date fields & 8 text fields) to store additional information on the selected client. These fields will help you sort, classify and analyze your clients. Edit information. Go to (Details2) Selected Client. NOTA: With de date fields, save information on important dates. On the text fields store characteristics of the client. Date examples: Client since: Beginning of contract: Text data examples: Serial number: Number of employees: Size of company: $ Worth: www.ContactoCRMOnline.com REMEMBER YOUR CAN COSTUMIZE ALL FIELD NAMES TO MEET YOUR NEED. THESE ARE ONLY EXAMPLES. TO CHANGE FIELD NAMES, GO TO THE CONFIGURATION MENU.
Task information (Tasks) At the information window your can see all tasks relate with the selected client. Tasks are colored to easily differentiate when the task is due. Red (Task expired) Yellow (Task for today) Green (Future task). When a task is done your must finalize. To see all tasks of all clients, go to (General Tasks) in the main menu. Add new task Selected Client. Go to (Tasks) Tasks colors Red - Task expired Yellow - Task for today Green - Future task. www.ContactoCRMOnline.com If a task is related with a case, the case number will be displayed. Finalize or finish a task. When a task is finalized, it will be registered in the history log.
What are cases? Cases are proceses you have with your clientes. With each case your can control tasks, history and stages of the process. Each case has an ID number that identifies it. To enter case details. View important information on the case (stage, process, duration, status). Case details www.ContactoCRMOnline.com If you enter to the case details y can see a log of tasks and history entries for that process.
Cases information (Cases) On the case window you can see cases that are active with selected client. Each table shows you important information (Status, start data, stage, process, duration, value) regarding the specific case. Press on the case number to view detail information for the case (Tasks & History). If you want to view all cases for all clients go to (General Cases). Add new case. Go to (Cases) Generate report (xls) www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Select to view active & finalized cases. Enter case details. Current stage. Days in process. Status Process name Stage name
Case details In the Details for each case, you can view tasks and History logs related to the case. To finalize a case there must be no tasks pending. Remember only tasks created in this window will be related to this case. Options to erase or finalize are controlled by the user privileges. Back to all cases. Selected Client. End or finalize this case. Generate report (xls) www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Tasks for this case Finalize the task. History log for this case Erase log.
What are Process and Stages? Process and stages allow you to organize and control processes with your clientes.You can creat your own process and stages to meet your company need. Following you will see some examplesof process and its stages. These process and stages can be modified in the configuration menu under processes. List of Processes List of stages for the specific process. Process: Lead Stages: 1 Initial contact 2 Presentation 3 Negotiation 4 Close of sale Process: Claims & Suggestion Stages: 1 Register the Claim 2 Resolve the Claim 3 Conclusion of Claim Process: Sales Orders Stages: 1 Purchase order. 2 Shipping 3 Confirmation Process: Customer Support Stages: 1 Initial Contact 2 Visit client 3 Repair needed 4 Work done 5 Conclusion www.ContactoCRMOnline.com
History log information (History) In the History log window you can register and keep track of all contact you have with your clients. Know who, when and what was done with your clients. Information appears in descending order by time. To erase a log entry y need to do it from the (General History) window. Add history log. Client selected. Go to (History) Amount of logs to show on screen www.ContactoCRMOnline.com History logs
Sales information (Sales) On the sales window you can view all sales for the selected client. Here you can register you sales, allowing your to analyze sales conducts for your clients. Before you can register new sales, you need to include products to your products list. The products list can be modified in the configuration menu. To Analyze sales go to the (Analyze) option in the main menu. To view all sales information for all clients go to (General Sales) on the main menu. Add new sale Go to (Sales) Number of months to view View voided sales www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Erase or void a sale.
Add new client (New) To add a new client go to the option (New) in the main menu. Entries will be checked to avoid duplicates. You must fill al three fields to accept entry. Go to (New) www.ContactoCRMOnline.com All fields must be filled to accept entry.
Search for clients (Search) In the search window you can search for your clients. Use the text search to find a specific client, or use the (Filter) button to make advanced searches on your database. Go to (Search) View all records Limits the number of result Active filter being applied Text to search www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Advanced search Select the client you wish to work with.
Advanced searches (Filter) Use this option de generate complex query’s to your database. Select the field you want to search, determine the the comparison method and the text to search. After you have created your search, you can save your search for future use. These searches are saved by user and are not available to other users. Comparison: = exactly the same *_* containing <> different Name of field to search on. Text to search on selected field. Note: - Searches con be made up to 3 criteria's at the same time. www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Saved searches Start search Select to save a search Select to erase a search Clean all fields. This option dose not erase a saved search, only cleans data on the fields.
General list of clients (Clients) In this window you can see all clients in a table view. Remember that this list is also affected by the filter used previously in the search or filter section. Check the status bar to see if there is any filter applied. Export current client information to a PALM, Current filter (Status bar) Go to (Clients) Generate report (xls) Analysis & charts Maximum number of records to show on screen. www.ContactoCRMOnline.com To select a client, press on the clients name.
General list of Contacts (Contacts) On this screen you can view all contacts for all clients. Remember that this list is also affected by the filter used previously in the search or filter section. Check the status bar to check if any filter is applied. You can search for contacts by Client, Name, Job or phone number. Contacts are sorted by Name. Maximum number of contacts to shown on screen. Search fields. Go to (Contacts) Generate report (xls) Current filter (Status bar) www.ContactoCRMOnline.com To select a client, press on the clients name.
General list of cases (Cases) On this screen you can view all cases for all clients. Remember that this list is also affected by the filter used previously in the search or filter section. Check the status bar to check if any filter is applied. Create a new case View finalized or ended cases Search field Go to (Cases) Generate report (xls) Current filter (Status bar) www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Enter case details
General list of Tasks (Tasks) In the general list task window you can view all tasks for all clients. Remember that this list is also affected by the filter used previously in the search or filter section. Check the status bar to check if any filter is applied. Tasks are color differentiated by color. Red (Task expired) Yellow (Task for today) Green (Future task). Search fields Go to (Tasks) Generate report (xls) Tasks colors Red - Task expired Yellow - Task for today Green - Future task. Current filter (Status bar) www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Finalize or end a task (When a task is finalized a history log is registered.
General history log (History) On this screen you view all history logs of all clients. Remember that this list is also affected by the filter used previously in the search or filter section. Check the status bar to check if any filter is applied. The erase option is determined by the user privileges. Maximum number of logs to show on screen Search fields Go to (History) Generate report (xls) Analyze work done www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Current filter (Status bar) Erase log entry.
General list of sales (Sales) View all sales information of all clients. Remember that this list is also affected by the filter used previously in the search or filter section. Check the status bar to check if any filter is applied. Number of months to be displayed. Current filter (Status bar) Generate reports (xls) Search fields Go to sales (Sales) Sales analysis www.ContactoCRMOnline.com
Client Analysis & Charts To access this screen you can go to (Analysis) in the main menu or (Chart) in the General clients windows. Remember that this list is also affected by the filter used previously in the search or filter section. Check the status bar to check if any filter is applied. Use any field from INFO, DETAILS1 or DETAILS2 Go to (Analysis) Perform additional searches Current filter (Status bar) www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Select type of chart Select the field you want to analyze
Work activity analysis & Charts To access this screen go to (Analysis) or (Chart) in General Log History. Analyze the work your sales force group. Compare work activities for each sales person. This information is recollected from the History logs. Remember that this list is also affected by the filter used previously in the search or filter section. Check the status bar to check if any filter is applied. Go to (Analysis) Perform additional searches Current filter (Status bar) Select type of graph to use. www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Select Sales person Determine group or event to analyze Select period to analyze
Sales Analysis & Charts To access this screen go to (Analysis) or (Chart) in General sales. Use this tool to visualize sales tendencies by product, client or by Sales person. Select periods per month or year. Remember that this list is also affected by the filter used previously in the search or filter section. Export sales information to en Excel (xls) file. Go to (Analysis) Current filter (Status bar) Determine the group period to analyze (Year, Month) Select the time periods to analyze (3 years, 6 Months, 3 Months, etc..) www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Product to view Client to view Sales person to analyze Type of graph to use
Notes In the Notes section you can save important information you need to remember. These notes are save to each user and cannot be seen by other users. Add new note Go to (Notes) www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Edit note Erase note
Internal mail Use Internal mail to send internal messages between users of Contacto CRM Online. Eliminate the use of paper notes for simple messages. Create new mail. Go to (Mail) www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Inbox messages. Saved messages
Configuration Menu In the configuration menu you can setup all options for Contacto CRM Online. This options can be made not available to users depending on the user privileges. Users: Add, erase and set privileges to Contacto CRM users Rename fields: Change field and menu names. Logins: View user logins. Keep track of when users enter the service. Products: Add, edit and modify list of products, descriptions and prices. Groups & Events: Add, erase and edit list of groups and events to register history logs and tasks. Items list: Add, erase or edit combo lists. Environment: Change the look end feel the program. (colors, fonts, etc..). Processes: Create, edit and modify process available for your cases. Go to (Configuration) www.ContactoCRMOnline.com
Users Menu To enter Contacto CRM Online you need a user name and password. Each user has its own user privileges which determine what the user can see or edit. (Users) menu can be accessed through the configuration menu, in the main menu. Configuration menu. Add user Edit user information, change privileges or password. Erase user User name. Password www.ContactoCRMOnline.com User privileges. Determine what the user can or cannot see or edit.
User privileges You can set each user with it’s own privileges. Determine what they can or cannot view, edit or change. This menu is located under Users in the configuration menu. www.ContactoCRMOnline.com
Rename fields Menu In Contacto CRM Online you can change any word on any field or menu you need to. This allows you to customize the program to your needs. Find the word you want to change in either tables available. This option is under the configuration menu. Tables Configuration menu Edit Word www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Wright new name of field
Logins log Keep track of when your users enter Contacto CRM Online. Configuration menu Generate report (xls) www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Enter logins
Products Menu To be able to register sales you need to have products registered. Remember you can change field names to adapt your products needs. SKU field data has to be unique to each product. Products are located on the configuration menu. Add product. Search for product. Configuration menu. Generate report (xls) www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Edit product. Erase product.
Groups & Events Menu All history logs and Tasks are registered under a Event and Group. This allows you to organize, classify and evaluate the type of work your sales representatives are doing. This options are available under the configuration menu. List of Events available under the selected group Select a group List of groups Configuration menu Erase event www.ContactoCRMOnline.com Add event. Add a group Erase a group
Combo List Menu On the Tabs for INFO and Detail1 there are combo list fields. These combo list fields con be edited on this menu. Add, edit or erase items that appear on these combo list fields. This menu can be accessed under the Configuration menu under Items List. Combo Lists List items for selected combo Configuration menu Add item to combo Erase combo item www.ContactoCRMOnline.com View items for combo
Environment Menu Change the environment colors and font sizes to your liking or companies needs. Each user can have its own settings. This menu is available on the configuration menu. Background colors Font colors Configuration menu www.ContactoCRMOnline.com JPG Background (Used for company logo) Font size Reset setting
Processes Menu Processes are the main core of Cases. When a Case is created, it is based on a process. Each process has its own stages y duration that allows you to control the steps of the process being applied. This menu is available under the configuration menu. (see “What are cases” for more information) Remember you can create your own processes and it’s stages. List of Processes (Selected process is colored yellow) Edit or Erase processes Create a new process Select a process www.ContactoCRMOnline.com List of Stages for the selected process Add a Stage for the selected process Move up the Stage Edit or erase a Stage
Export to PALM (PDA) If you do not have an ONLINE device (Blackberry, Any Mobil phone with internet access) you can download your information to a PDA as a read only device. Lets your sales rep have important information while they are not in the office or do not have an internet connection. The PDA device requires PALM OS 5.0 operating system. This module will download the database your have query at the time of the download. Meaning that the current filter being applied will affect the information to be downloaded. Steps for Download: 1.Download the program Contacto.prc y NSBRuntime.prc 2. Download the database files (8 files) C4Da.pdb C4Co.pdb C4Ta.pdb C4Ev.pdb C4Ve.pdb C4No.pdb C4Ca.pdb 3. Load these files to your HotSync PDA software, and upload them to your PDA. You can access this option “EXPORT TO PALM” in the General Clients option or in the Analysis option. www.ContactoCRMOnline.com
Blackberry (Internet Mobil device) Now you can have access to your information on the run. Access can be made using your Blackberry device using its internet access navigator. (Blackberry or any Mobil device with internet access) 1. Enter you Mobil internet explorer device 2. Access your web page www.yourcompany.contactocrmonline.com 3. Select the “for Blackberry” option www.ContactoCRMOnline.com
Security, owner rights and data backups. DEVELOPMENT Contacto CRM Online was developed using the latest languages (PHP 5 y MySQL 5). Our server is located in the USA with an uptime of 99%. SOFTWARE AND DATABASE The software , its manual and any material used is owned by Contacto CRM. Al information in the database is owned by the user who rents the service. BACKUPS -SERVER Server backups are made daily and are kept by the provider of the SERVER service. -Contacto CRM At Contacto CRM we make additional backups once a week. -The user The user can request at any time a copy of its database at no extra cost. This request has to be made in a written from by the person who acquired the service. Backup’s are email in a .SQL file format. www.ContactoCRMOnline.com
Customer support At Contacto CRM we are glad to help you with any question you might have. You can reach us using MSN Messenger at contactocrm@hotmail.com or send us a message through our help button Online. Help I you need to talk to us directly you can request a SKYPE conference call at any time. USERID: contactocrm www.ContactoCRMOnline.com