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Non-electric applications with nuclear power

Non-electric applications with nuclear power. KHAMIS, Ibrahim Head, Non-electric Applications Unit Nuclear Power Technology Development Section Department of Nuclear Energy. Contents. Introduction to cogeneration Non-electric applications & Nuclear energy

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Non-electric applications with nuclear power

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  1. Non-electric applications with nuclear power KHAMIS, Ibrahim Head, Non-electricApplications Unit Nuclear Power Technology Development Section Department of Nuclear Energy

  2. Contents • Introduction to cogeneration • Non-electric applications & Nuclear energy • Status of major non-electric applications • IAEA support for non-electric applications • Conclusion

  3. What is Cogeneration & Multi-generation? Q Nuclear Reactor W Efficiency Matters!:

  4. Why cogeneration with nuclear?

  5. What is Non-electric applications? It is the use of nuclear power partially or fully for the production of heat (i.e. process steam) required for such applications: • Seawater desalination • Hydrogen production • District heating • Process heat for Industry: Petrochemical, refineries, oil sand/shale oil recovery, syn-gas production (coal-quality improvement), metal production (steel, iron, Aluminium..etc), glass and cement manufacturing..etc.

  6. Current status of nuclear power? Transport Sectors of global energy consumption Electricity Heat There is a big market for non-electric applications

  7. Non-electricApplications & Nuclear Energy The wide “spectrum” of current reactors can cover all applications

  8. Facts on non-electric applications with nuclear power • Less than 1% of heat generated in nuclear reactors worldwide is at present used for non-electric applications. • Potential: 340 units (1000 MWth) for district heating, 150 desalination, 240 for process heat, 600 for hydrogen • Proven technology: with 79 operative reactors and 750 reactor-years experience: • 1956: Calder Hall plant in UK provided electricity and heat to nearby fuel processing plant • 1963: Agesta NPP in Sweden provided hot water for district heating to a suburb of Stockholm • 1972: Aktau in Kazakhstan provided heat and electricity for seawater desalination to supply 120 000 m3/day fresh water for the city of Aktau • 1979: Bruce in Canada heat to heavy-water production and industrial & agricultural users

  9. Advantages of non-electricapplications using nuclear energy • Improve NPP efficiency (Energy saving): • Recycling of waste heat • Rationalization of power production (use of off-peak) • Improve the value of heat (use low-quality steam) • Improve economics of NPPs (Better Revenue due to): • Better utilization of fuel • Sharing of infrastructures • Production of more than one product (cogeneration) • Sustain the environment (keep Clean & reduce): • Consumption of fossil fuel to produce energy for non-electric applications • Impact due to all above (compared to two standalone plants) CO2

  10. Drivers for cogeneration • Improve economics • Meet demand for energy-intensive non-electric products (desalination, hydrogen,…etc). • Secure energy supply for industrial complexes • Accommodate seasonal variations of electricity demand • Match small and medium electrical grid with available large-size reactors

  11. Harnessing waste heat: PBMR for desalination Waste heat: Heat extracted from NPP with no penalty to the power production Using reject heat from the pre-cooler and intercooler of PBMR = 220 MWth at 70 °C + MED desalination technology Desalinated water 15 000 – 30 000 m3/day Cover the needs of 55 000 – 600 000 people Waste heat can also be recovered from PWR and CANDU type reactors to preheat RO seawater desalination

  12. Improvement of economics 10% of 1000 MWe PWR for desalination To produce 130 000 m3/day of desalinated water using 1000 MWe PWR Total revenue (Cogeneration 90% electricity +10% water): • Using RO : • Increased availability • No lost power as in MED • Using waste heat to preheat feedwater by 15oC increases water production by ~13% • Using MED: • Easier maintenance & pre-treatment • Industrial quality water

  13. Improvement of economicswith small desalination plants ~ 3%of total steam flow Nuclear PP 1000 MWe MED - TVC • Cheap nuclear desalinationFuel cost ~ 15% of total electricity costs GOR=10 150 ºC 125 MW(th) Steam extracted at 150 ºC after it has produced 55% of its electricity potential. 50,000 m3/d 3% x 45%= 1.35% more steam needed in order to compensate the power lost Source : Rognoni et al., IJND 2011

  14. Better economics during off-peak power Hydrogen production $/kg 4.15 $3.23 $2.50 $1.5 – 3.5 Conventional Electrolysis (> 1000 kg/day) Dedicated nuclear HT Steam Electrolysis plant Off-peak grid electricity ($0.05/kW hr), HTSE Large-scale Steam Methane Reforming directly dependent on the cost of natural gas, no carbon tax

  15. Nuclear Desalination • Reactors: 13 • Countries with experience: 4 • Total reactor-years: 247 Aktau, Kazakhstan Demonstration Projects India The 6,300 m3/d MSF-RO Hybrid Nuclear Desalination Plant at Kalpakkam, India, consists of 4,500 m3/d MSF plant and 1,800 m3/d SWRO plant, Pakistan MED thermal desalination demonstration plant of capacity up to 4,800 m3/d at KANUPP Korea Constructing a one-fifth scale SMART-P with a MED desalination unit in parallel with the SMART nuclear desalination project Ohi, Japan Commissioned in 2010

  16. Nuclear Desalination Issues and Considerations Characteristics • Sound technically and economically • Available experience • Cogeneration issue • Need of Potable Water • Cogeneration: Nuclear heat and/or electricity • Co-location & Sharing of facilities and services (NPP & ND) • Innovations to make ND more viable

  17. Routes for Nuclear-Assisted H2 Production

  18. Hydrogen production using nuclear power • Current nuclear reactors: • Low-temperature electrolysis, efficiency ~ 75% • Off-peak power or intermittent • Future nuclear reactors: • High-temperature electrolysis, efficiency ~ 95% • Thermo chemical splitting, efficiency ~ 95%: • Sulfur- Iodine cycle. • Sulfur-Bromine hybrid Cycle cycle • Copper Chlorine cycle

  19. District heating Technical features: • Heat distribution network • Steam or hot water 80-150°C • Typical distribution 10-15 km • District heat needs: • Typically up to 600-1200 MWth for large cities • Annual load factor < 50% Characteristics: • Well proven: Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland and Ukraine • Usually produced in a cogeneration mode • Limited in applications

  20. District Heating Finland Russian Federations Switzerland

  21. Industrial process heat applications Example of future nuclear application - CANADA Replace burning of natural gas for mining oil sands • Examples: • Enhanced brown coal quality • Coal Liquefaction • Coal Gasification • Enhanced oil recovery • Experience: Canada, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, and India • Main Requirements: • Location close to user • High reliability Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage

  22. Enhanced oil recovery Path ways for Enhanced oil recovery: • Exploitation of Heavy oils Reserves • Recovery of nature and de-graded oil fields • Production of Clean fuels and syngas from heavy sour crude oil and refinery tars /dirty fuels)

  23. Challenges for non-electric applications • Disparity between characteristics of nuclear reactors & heat markets : • Reliability & availability: no unexpected outages & Max availability • Large vs small NPPs (industrial park vs decentralized industries) • Wide range of processes or industries • Planning schedule for complete projects (long vs short) • Industry trends: • Require small amount of heat 1-300 MWth, majority < 10 MWth, • Buy energy but not risk build it • Demonstrate newly NPPs tailored for industry (HTR)

  24. Challenges for non-electric applications • Economics of NEA : • Best option: • Large reactors vs SMR • Single purpose vs cogeneration (more than one product) • Affordable (and at stable prices) • Available on short & medium terms (15 years) • Licenseability of tailored cogeneration NPPs with ensured safety • Siting: • NIMBY: the “Not in my back yard” syndrome • Transport of electricity or heat vs products

  25. IAEA Project on Non-Electric Applications + Support to Near-Term Deployment Website: http://www.iaea.org/NuclearPower/NEA/

  26. IAEA tools in support of non-electric applications

  27. IAEA tools in support of non-electric applications • Not yet released

  28. Conclusions Nuclear energy can: Penetrate energy sectors now served by fossil fuels as: seawater desalination district heating Hydrogen production heat for industrial processes Provide near-term, greenhouse gas free, energy for transportation Nuclear cogeneration is feasible and economically viable: Provide near-term, greenhouse gas free, energy for transportation

  29. …Thank you for your attention

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