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Reference Review. Dictionary. Almanac. Online Database. Atlas. Thesaurus. Encyclopedia. Which One?. An alphabetical listing that tells the meaning of words, how to pronounce words, and how to spell words. Dictionary. Dictionary. Guide words Parts of speech Meanings of words
Reference Review Dictionary Almanac Online Database Atlas Thesaurus Encyclopedia
Which One? An alphabetical listing that tells the meaning of words, how to pronounce words, and how to spell words. Dictionary
Dictionary • Guide words • Parts of speech • Meanings of words • Word pronunciation • Word origins
be•ware (bĭ-wâr’) v.–wared, -waring, -wares. To be on guard against; be cautious of. Used chiefly in the imperative or infinitive. [Middle English be war : BE (imperative) + war(e), WARY.] be•wil•der (bĭ-wĭl-də-r) v.1. To confuse or befuddle, especially with numberous conflicting situation, objects, or statements. 2. Rare To cause to become lost. [BE + archaic wilder, to stray, probably from WILDERNESS.] bevy | bewilder bev•y (bĕv’ē) n., pl. –ies. 1. A group of animals or birds, especially larks or quail. 2. A group or assembelage. __See Synonyms at flock. [Middle English bevy.] be•wail (bĭ-wāl’) v. –wailed, -wailing, -wails To express sorrow or regret over; cry or complain about. To wail or lament. Continue with review
Guide Words • Located at the top of the page • Gives the first and last word on the page • “Guides” user to the correct page when searching for information “Bewail” is on the page with “bevy” and “bewilder” as guide words! Back to dictionary sample page
Part of Speech • Part of speech is located after pronunciation • Part of speech is italicized • Abbreviations are used: noun: n. verb: v. adjective: adj. adverb: adv. be•wail v. … “The queen bee bewailed when her drones did not return to the hive.” Back to dictionary sample page
Meaning OR Definition • Like it says: tells what the word means “Bewail” means to wail or lament. • Defines the word • Sometimes followed by a sample sentence Back to dictionary sample page
Pronunciation • How to “pronounce”, or say a word • Accent marks for syllable emphasis • Symbols over letters ă short vowel, as in “apple” ā long vowel, as in “ape” ə schwa, sound of the “a” in “adore” ’ accent mark (be-wail’: say “beWAIL” not “BEwail” Back to dictionary sample page
Word Origins • Tells where word comes from, or “originates.” • Found after the definition; last part of entry EXAMPLE: be•ware (bĭ-wâr’) v.–wared, -waring, -wares. To be on guard against; be cautious of. Used chiefly in the imperative or infinitive. [Middle English be war : BE (imperative) + war(e), WARY.] This is the word origin. Back to dictionary sample page
Which One? Gives general information about people, places, and events. Information on almost anything! Encyclopedia
Which One? A one-volume book of statistics and facts. Almanac
Which One? A book that lists synonyms and antonyms for words. It helps with good word choice. Thesaurus
Thesaurus • Guide Words or numbers • Synonyms, antonyms • Words to use as different parts of speech • Expand writing with “good words”
Synonyms and Antonyms Antonyms: words that mean the opposite Synonyms: words that mean the same thing These words will be listed by the original word you look up. These words are at the end of an entry.
Which One? Contains maps of different places as well as other geographical information. Atlas
Which One? An online collection of information. This can be cataloged in a variety of ways. Online Database
Online Database At WMS, we have two subscription databases: One is World Book Online, and it is a supplement to our print World Book Encyclopedias. The second is EBSCO. This houses a LARGE collection of online magazines, newspapers, and journals. Both of them are linked on the Media Center home page.
Which One? How many people were born in Colorado in 2003? How do you pronounce “tousle?” What is the current population—accurate to the minute—of the United States? What river flows south from Alamosa, Colorado, into New Mexico? What is the chief export of China?