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Kaye Beach Full time political activist Researcher Blogger, Radio Show Host Member of the Board of Directors of the Constitutional Alliance *New* Civil Disobedient. www.AxXiomForLiberty.com. The Constitutional Alliance
Kaye Beach • Full time political activist • Researcher • Blogger, Radio Show Host • Member of the Board of Directors of the Constitutional Alliance • *New* Civil Disobedient www.AxXiomForLiberty.com The Constitutional Alliance Co-Founded by Mark Lerner, nationally recognized expert on biometrics, whistleblower and on the forefront of the fight against Real ID www.constitutionalalliance.com
Topics Agenda 21 Sustainable Development What it is, where it came from, how it got here, what to do. Subjugation by Identification or why I am suing the state of Oklahoma Pottawatomie-Shawnee goings on • ALPR • E Citation
Video-Agenda 21 for Public Officials http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFIcZkEzc8I • Downloadable Documents • Understanding Agenda 21/Sustainable Development • Tracing the History of Agenda 21/Sustainable Development • Legislation Addressing the Threat of Agenda 21/Sustainable Development • Taking Action to Expose Agenda 21/Sustainable Development • Examples of Agenda 21/Sustainable Development's Impact on Property Rights • Links to United Nations Websites • www.didyouknowonline.com www.Didyouknowonline.com Video-How Sustainable Development is Transforming Property Rights
“We don’t care” • That was reportedly the response of Tulsa, Oklahoma, code enforcement teams after illegally destroying Denise Morrison’s garden on August 15, 2011. Morrison, a longtime Tulsa resident, tearfully watched from her driveway while local officials ignored her protests and cut down her flowers, plants, and trees http://reason.com/blog/2012/06/21/tulsa-destroy-survival-garden Battle for the California Desert: Why is the Government Driving Folks off Their Land? The Antelope Valley is a vast patch of desert on the outskirts of Los Angeles County, and a segment of the few rugged individualists who live out there increasingly are finding themselves the targets of armed raids from local code enforcement agents, who've assembled into task forces called Nuisance Abatement Teams (NATs). In order to preserve the public good, the central function of government must be the protection of private property. (2nd Treatise §3)
“Sprawl is caused by affluence and population growth, and which of these, exactly, do we propose to prohibit?” –Greg Easterbrook Plans are generally initiated in response to a presumed and often poorly validated crisis such as "urban sprawl", "farmland development" or "poor water management." Changes to master plans and conservation easements are two methods of implementation. In the process, many citizens lose their property rights. 21 Signs Agenda 21 Is in Your Community
The Shawnee Comprehensive Plan is an official public document that will serve as a blue print for future development in the community. The plan will be a tool, utilized by the community, to guide future growth in an appropriate and desired manner and improve the quality of life of its residents. The Plan serves as a guide for policy decisions relating to the physical growth and economic development of Shawnee. . . . It is a definitive source of information regarding the existing and future conditions and characteristics of the community. City of Shawnee Comprehensive Plan What is in this plan takes precedence over zoning. (Shawnee is apparently over due for an update.) The City will call for public involvement when updating the Comprehensive Plan-Be There! COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WORKING DOCUMENTS http://www.shawneeok.org/Development/Planning/2003CompPlan.asp
The attendees are often given a number or a colored card when they enter the room, The purpose of this is to break up the groups of potentially knowledgeable people who arrive together. . . Typically, there is a facilitator at each table. . . Someone is chosen to speak for the table, most of the time it is the person who has been secretly pre-briefed about the desired Delphi outcome. . . .the others have little opportunity to address the podium or the crowd directly. Anyone knowledgeable enough, or brave enough, to speak out in opposition will not be welcomed. After attending the Delphi meeting, participants may feel uneasy that they are in disagreement with the apparent majority. The Delphi technique is often successful in bluffing people into submission. Don't let them succeed. Call their bluff. Read more Visioning, community dialog, public participation . .Group manipulation tactics, the Delphi Technique The City of Norman’s “Community Involvement” is for Kindergartners one of the mildest mannered residents of Norman was escorted out of the meeting for daring to try to actually actively participate,
Sustainable Development The word "sustainability" flashes images of fresh air, clean water and revitalized resources. Yet, Americans are discovering it also means lost property rights and value, reduced mobility and the surrender of family land.
Executive Order 12852 Clinton signed Executive Order 12852 in 1993, which created the President's Council on Sustainable Development. Agenda 21 principles were implemented via the President's Council on Sustainable Development, embedded in every federal agency and state government and are attached to HUD community grants. http://didyouknowonline.com/files/files/UN-PCSD%20Sustainable%20Developmetn%20in%20USA.pdf Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 163 / Monday, August 24, 1998 / Notices http://clinton2.nara.gov/PCSD/ UN Agenda 21-No Teeth? http://didyouknowonline.com/files/files/EPA%20Sustainable%20DevelopmentChallenge%20Grant%20Program%20-%20federal%20Register.pdf
Executive Order 13575 Pres. Obama signed this EO in June of 2011 giving each of the Federal agencies authority over the "food, fiber and energy" for all of rural America or 16% of the US. Control of resources is a key requirement of sustainable development as it enables the governing authority the power to manage their usage more efficiently than individuals and communities. Executive Order 13602 In March 2012, Pres. Obama signed this EO giving HUD the authority to engage in city, community and regional planning to "augment their vision for stability and economic growth..." This EO insures that "Federal assistance is more efficiently provided and used." HUD now has the ability to create regulations to enforce that local and regional planning the government feels is beneficial to the fiscal stability of the US.
Push Back! The Coordination Strategy The Coordination Strategy can slow or stop planning processes that may endanger individual property rights. Most federal agencies are required by law to coordinate their plans that will impact the local community with local governments. Often this does not happen as most local governments are not aware of this requirement, or do not know how to implement the process. When local governments assert coordination authority, the federal agencies must respond. http://www.indefenseofliberty.tv/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Freedom-21-Counter-Strategies-for-Agenda-21.pdf
EPA: The Path Forward This scientific document shows, under the highlighted sections how the EPA follows the basic definitions of sustainable development as defined by the UN's Brundtland Commission, in their newest decision making process http://www.scribd.com/doc/100322066/EPA-The-Path-Forward-1
Many, if not most planners use the Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook that echoes the UN's Agenda 21program by using universally acceptable terms and boilerplate solutions. A Planning Revolution By 2002 this book was in every college. Virtually anyone involved in city planning that received any training after 2002 has been steeped in Agenda 21 whether they know it or not.
‘Property rights come from culture and community.’ Where do our property rights come from? “Community’s needs outweigh the rights of property owners” “It is now down to the decision of whether the requirements of the community should outweigh the rights of certain property owners and developers to use their property as they wish.”The Norman Transcript Communist
NGO’s are Non Governmental Organizations There are thousands of NGOs are accredited by the United Nations for the express purpose of implementing Sustainable Development in the USA alone. Just to name a few, the Nature Conservancy, the Sierra Club, , the American Planning Association, are all NGO’s working on implementing Sustainable Development and enjoy tax advantages grated by the IRS to carry out their mission. Understanding NGOs (non-government organizations)
In 2004 The Oklahoma Academy“Oklahoma’s Environment: Pursuing A Responsible Balance”, a 208 page compilation of essays, opinions and ideas given by experts covering sustainability issues mostly in the context of gaining acceptance for Sustainable Development practices. Private Property Ownership in Oklahoma Barrier to Sustainable Development The Oklahoma Academy report defines Sustainability in the second essay of the report, Moving Toward Sustainable Progress. “consultant for the NGO Steering Committee to the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development”, Ms. Caniglia offers some suggestions to overcome the problems that arise from the friction between sustainable development goals and the rights of property owners. “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
FEMA, the Oklahoma Water Resources Board and Oklahoma Floodplain Managers have adopted the Association of Flood Plain Managers ‘No Adverse Impact’ flood plain management technique and it is being implemented in this state to the detriment of Oklahoma land owners. “A New Direction in Floodplain Management Consistent with the Concept of Sustainable Development” --ASFPM
As cited by ASFPM; "Sustainable development is “…melding of economic, environmental, and societal values to ensure the needs of the present are met without compromising the needs of future generations to meet their own needs.” (ASFPM, NAI Toolkit: Source the 1987 Brundtland Report to the United Nations)http://www.floods.org/NoAdverseImpact/NAI_Toolkit_2003.pdf The Association of Flood Plain Mangers (ASFPM) is another NGO with tremendous influence on US policy. “ASFPM's influence is expressed through policy and practice changes that impact floodplain management in the U.S. and internationally” Members of Oklahoma Floodplain Managers Association: BillSmith, PE, CFM, Team Leader; Amy Brandley, CFM, Volunteers Coordinator. Team Captains: Phillip Beauchamp, CFM, Gavin Brady, CFM, Dan Carey, CFM, Jessica Yeager, CFM, Leslie Lewis, CFM, BarendMeiling, PE, CFM, OmeedMollaian, PE, CFM, KenMorris, CFM, Bill Robison, PE, CFM, Carolyn Schultz, CFM, Ellen Stevens, PhD, PE, CFM, Ana Stagg, CFM, Laura Story, Anna Waggoner, CFM, Ruth Walters, CFM, Clark Williams, CFM (CFM (Certified Floodplain Manager) means ASFPM certified floodplain manager)
Okla. Water Resources Board/FEMA Flood Map Follies Oklahomans Getting Soaked! Tag Teamed by FEMA and OWRB Oklahoma Property Owners Bogged Down by FEMA's Flood Plain Maps Articles about FEMA’s Flood Maps in Oklahoma
The United States government has direct ownership of almost 650 million acres of land (2.63 million square kilometers) – nearly 30% of its total territory. www.bigthink.com/ideas/21343 www.TakingLiberty.us
The UN’s Biodiversity Treaty had nations employ a “Gap Analysis” which inventoried all plants and animals and their habitats and overlayed land ownership patterns to target areas not adequately protected from human economic activity. CORES, CORRIDORS and BUFFER ZONES Gaps (in biodiversity) are identified by a gap analysis so that they can be filled through land acquisition, new designations of land as protected areas, or through land management policies that prohibit development Sustainanable Subversion
The Global Biodiversity Assessment, published by the United Nations Environment Programme, explicitly cites the "Wildlands Project," authored by Dr. Reed Noss, as "central" to the protection of biodiversity. Dr. Noss calls for "at least half" of the lower 48 states to be restored to core wilderness areas. . .connected by corridors of wilderness. The buffer zones which surround the wilderness areas are designed to be managed for conservation objectives with limited human activity. Transition zones are the areas in which sustainable communities are to be developed.
(Green Infrastructure)Sec. 4-2026. – Specific principles, purposes and goals of the Greenbelt System. (1) The ultimate goal is to create an interconnected system of trails that allow multiple connections across all of Norman. (2) The Greenbelt System should preserve valuable green space, natural habitat and key areas with existing vegetation. (8) Greenbelts should protect environmentally sensitive lands . . especially floodprone areas and riparian corridors, and provide connectivity between the elements of the Greenbelt System. (b) The use of lot clustering should be encouraged as a means to develop the Greenbelt System. (c) The Greenbelt System should be used to link together existing recreation areas. (d) Multipurpose greenways should be created that: (2) Protect the environmentally sensitive areas of the City and serve as a wildlife habitat; City of Norman Greenbelt CORES, CORRIDORS and BUFFER ZONES • Presented at an OKC ASFPM (Association of State Floodplain Managers) Conference in 2010A "Green" Future for Storm Water and Greenway Management in Norman, Oklahoma • A Greenway Master Plan (GWMP) was developed in concert with the SWMP . . .The two plans outline opportunities. . integrating storm water and greenway improvements
LandScope Some of you may be living on land that is targeted as a “Conservation Priority” www.landscope.org • “The native ecosystem and the collective needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs and desires of humans”Reed F. Noss, “The Wildlands Project,” Wild Earth, Special Issue, 1992″
READ THIS BOOK! Rosa Koire Author of “Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21” Post Sustainability Institute http://www.postsustainabilityinstitute.org/ Democrats Against Agenda 21 http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/ Search YouTube for “Rosa Koire” Michael Coffman Over the past 100 years global forces have actively worked to change the world view of Americans and create what they now call “global governance.” Unknowingly indoctrinated Americans have moved from a liberty and constitutionally focused world view based on the writings of Englishman John Locke, to that of government control of the individual based on the writings of Frenchman Jean Jacque Rousseau. After failing in the early 20th century, Rousseau’s progressive model of state control once again dominates government policy and America’s world view.
ACOG Seeks Partners for Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Program Wednesday, June 30, 2010 The Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG) is seeking regional partners for the new HUD Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant programhttp://www.acogok.org/newsroom/View_News.asp?article=373 He (Chairman D.Rex) said the USDOT, EPA and HUD have adopted six livability principles that seem to be emerging more and more as a key policy directive. Commissioner Mark Sharpton said he would assure the Committee that 204 years ago, a group of men met and if they knew the country that they started ended up going where it is going now, they would absolutely take to arms and change it. He said we have just seen a part of the United Nations Agenda 21. March 8, 2012, ACOG ITTC meeting. HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities The Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Program supports metropolitan and multijurisdictional planning efforts that integrate housing, land use, economic and workforce development, transportation, and infrastructure investments in a manner that empowers jurisdictions to consider the interdependent challenges of: (1) economic competitiveness and revitalization; (2) social equity, inclusion, and access to opportunity; (3) energy use and climate change; and (4) public health and environmental impact.link
Eminent Domain for Private Gain OKC has plans for blighted area... Oklahoma City has plans for blighted areaUrban renewal designation will allow use of eminent domain to buy land for MAPS 3 projects BY BRYAN DEAN The OklahomanPublished: February 10, 2010 Blight Makes Right READ THIS! Tax Increment Diversion –TIFs Once a redevelopment project area is created, all property tax increment within it goes directly to the agency. http://www.scribd.com/doc/100252845/Redevelopment-the-Unknown-Government Corporate Welfare Predatory Redevelopment: Sales Tax Shell Game The Myth of Economic Development Debt: Play Now, Pay Later
City OK’s 2nd tax increment financing district June 10, 2009 The city of Shawnee now has a second tax increment financing district. . . Bryan Kidney, city finance director, said a study of the I-435 land found that it met the requirements to be considered an area of blight. Council member Michelle Distler said she didn’t agree with some of the items considered to be blight. “I got a feeling reading the report that it was trying to pull at straws just to make the blight conditions,” she said. John Peterson, lawyer for the landowners, said blight had a broader definition than simply the deterioration of existing development, and the blight situations found on the property were similar to many other TIF districts created in the state.link Tax Increment Diversion • Oklahoma TIFs • Oklahoma: Counties Have TIF Authority (Not cities) Counties in Oklahoma are authorized by state law to use TIF as long as the project has received approval from the effected citizens in those areas. • Limited to 25 years duration by law • Local sales tax increment can be pledged under the Oklahoma TIF Statute. • No School District approval is required. • In 2010, Oklahoma City revoked TIF allocations for several residential and mixed-use • projects because of the economic downturn. link
The City of San Bernardino, CA has just declared bankruptcy AsOrange County Supervisor John Moorlachtold Bloomberg News, the bankruptcy dominoes are starting to fall. One California city after another — following a decade-long spree of ramping up public-employee pay and pension benefits, as well as redevelopment debt — are becoming insolvent. link . . .this decidedly downscale town is ONE BILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT FOR REDEVELOPMENT BONDS. We must remind you that Redevelopment is a funding and implementation arm for UN Agenda 21. Government subsidies for smart growth--the preferred development style of UN A21. link
GREAT SOURCES! www.Didyouknowonline.com www.freedomadvocates.org www.freedom21.org
Agenda 21 is Global Program of Inventory and Control that must be implemented LOCALLY 'It is the blueprint, it is the action plan, to inventory and control all land, all water, all planets all minerals, all construction, all animals, all means of production, all energy, all information and all the human beings in the world. It is a completely comprehensive plan, it's global and it's implemented locally... It is in every single town all across the United States and across the world.'Rosa Koire http://www.un.org/esa/dsd/agenda21/res_agenda21_00.shtml
ScientiaEstPotentia “Knowledge is Power” “National employment databases, national medical databases, national criminal databases, and others have already been created. The dream is to blend all these separate resources into a single centralized one…the only real impediments to creating the database that now remain are political and cultural: the stubborn assumption of so many Americans that they have rights.” The State’s Quest for Total Information Awareness by David M. Brown
Americans are being enrolled into a Single Global Biometric Identifications System that Links A Person’s Body to their Ability to Buy Sell and Travel.
Facial recognition • Software uses a high-resolution photo to create a digital “map” of the face. • This “map” is linked to other personal data (name, Social Security number, etc.) to create your unique biometric identity Facial biometrics is used for “at-a-distance identification and tracking” through networked CCTV camera systems or handheld biometric devices connected to databases of our personal information. It is the Government’s biometric of choice because it can used to identify us without our knowledge or consent.
Anonymity-the ability to conceal one's identity while communicating Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority ... It thus exemplifies the purpose behind the Bill of Rights, and of the First Amendment in particular: to protect unpopular individuals from retaliation--and their ideas from suppression--at the hand of an intolerant society.“McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Comm’n, 514 U.S. 334
26 states passed either a law or resolution against Real ID. Over 600 organizations oppose it and representatives from every major religion spoke out against Real ID About REAL ID The Real ID Act passed with no debate as a rider on a military spending bill in 2005. • The Real ID Act imposed federal guidelines that use INTERNATIONAL standards for state driver's licensesand ID documents • REAL ID licenses are to be • machine readable • contain biometric data • (including facial biometrics) • This and other information is to be shared • nationally • internationally
Is REAL ID Dead? NO! When the push for uniform standards began under REAL ID in 2005, each of the states had its own driver’s licenses specifications and standards. In order to be in compliance with the Real ID states have to initially meet 18 specific benchmarks. “. . .many state motor vehicle departments are quietly doing the work to meet the law's initial 18 benchmarks.”http://tinyurl.com/4rgrv87 27 [states] have met or will meet the first 18 “material compliance” benchmarks that have been used for years as a measure of compliance. (Kephart, Real ID Progress Report 2012) Benchmark #1. Mandatory facial image capture and retention of such image HR 1268 the Real ID Act of 2005 http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D?c109:6:./temp/~c109sNa15H::
Without REAL ID we will not be permitted to; • Access federal facilities • Board a federally regulated commercial aircraft • Enter nuclear power plants • Any other purpose that the Secretary shall determine. • (Source Final Rules of the Real ID Act of 2005) The federal deadline for states to notify DHS that they are in material compliance with the rules is January 15, 2013. The REAL ID Act of 2005 prohibits federal agencies from accepting non-compliant driver's licenses "for identification purposes" after the deadline. (Individual compliance 2014 and 2017 depending on age)
A Single Global Biometric Identification System requires nations and states to do 3 things 2.Adopt international Standards 1.Enroll citizens (DL/ID cards, passports, national ID, school ID, etc.) The standard for the digital image on our ID cards is the adopted international standard of the ICAO 3.Link databases for global information sharing, global ID-tracking and surveillance
My case: Feb. 28th 2011 my Oklahoma biometric driver’s license became invalid. I was cited for driving with an expired license in May and went to traffic court where the case was dismissed. On September 21, 2011 My Attorneys, Ben Sisney and Jon Echols of Echols and Associates in conjunction with the Rutherford Institute filed suit against the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety on my behalf. My Real ID Reckoning 2 Causes of Action 1. Oklahoma Religious Freedom Act. 2. Oklahoma State Constitution; Article II Section 30.(essentially the same as the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution.) An Oklahoma woman has sparked a federal controversy after she refused to renew her driver’s license
Many Christians see biometric ID as enrollment into a system they believe God condemns Revelation 13:16-18 is very straightforward • BIOMETRIC ID IS INTERNATIONAL ID, APPLYING TO ALL • BIOMETRICS CREATES A DIRECT LINK BETWEEN ONE’S BODY AND THE CONTROL OF FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS • BIOMETRICS IS A “NUMBER OF MAN” Once databases and ID documents are compromised (and they will be) the justification will exist to move the identification process from the identification document to directly "on" the person. The technology to achieve this already exists. And has been in use for some time. It is not the RFID chip. The same information can be stored however, in the ink of this tattoo. Religious Objections to Biometric ID
"As Kaye Beach's case makes clear, failing to have a biometric card can render you a non-person for all intents and purposes, with your ability to work, travel, buy, sell, access health care, and so on jeopardized.“--John Whitehead, President Rutherford Institute A National Biometric identification Card is a tool that will be used to permit or deny us access to almost anything.
Authorization Required SUBJUGATE-to bring under control and governance as a subject
Government Surveillance is a Liberty Killer It threatens to upset the balance of power necessary to preserve freedom. Control HIGH Liberty LOW 7 Biometric ID is the foundation for truly pervasive surveillance and control 24 We cannot reconcile a surveillance society with a free society