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Explore the dramatic events between 133 B.C. to 476 A.D., including the fall of the Roman Republic, rise of emperors, Pax Romana era, spread of Christianity, and the eventual collapse of the empire. From bitter disputes to the rise of generals like Caesar and Octavian, witness the transformation of Rome through triumphs and challenges, leading to the breakdown of unity and the eventual division of the empire. Discover the impact of key figures, pivotal moments, and the enduring legacy of Rome.
The Romans pt II Fall of the Republic The Roman Empire Fall of the Roman Empire
Fall of the Roman Republic • Between 133B.C.-44B.C. bitter disputes divided the Romans. • Powerful Senators wanted to keep their many new possessions and a popular movement called for reforms
Gracchus called for land reform: I. limit size of large estates II. Giving land to unemployed farmers III. Require all landowners to fight in the Army • Gracchus was murdered by 300 landowners that didn’t like his ideas
The rise of the GENERALS • Triumvirates = ruled by three • 1st triumvirate= 60 B.C.=53 B.C. Pompey---- Politics Crassus-----Money Caesar------Army 49 B.C. Caesar will march back into Italy. Cross the Rubicon river, defeat Pompey, and control all of Rome
Rule of Julius Caesar • Rules from 49 B.C.- 44B.C. • “Beware the Ides of March” March 15, 44 B.C. • Caesar is assassinated. • Enter into the 2nd Triumvirate
2nd Triumvirate • 44-B.C. – 31 B.C. Octavian ----- great Nephew of Caesar Lepidus ------- friend of Octavian Marc Antony--- leader of the largest army in Rome • 31 B.C. Antony and Lepidus are killed in the civil war and Octavian comes out to be the leader
27 B.C. Octavian offers to resign, the Senate realizes how important he is to their power and award the title “ the Exalted One” . He changes his name to Augustus and claims the office and title of Caesar, Emperor of Rome. • Augustus would rule from 27 B.C. – 14 B.C. • The time period 27 B.C.- 180 A.D. is known as the PaxRomanaor Roman Peace.
Pax Romana • Very stable government established in Rome I. First four Emperors were from August family II. Belief in the City of Rome as Eternal III. Increase of trade and Commerce through out the Empire IV. Improved social conditions
The Emperors ofthe Pax Romana • The first few Emperors after Augustus died were from his family. • Later finding someone to rule from the family became to difficult • There are 5 Bad Emperors and 5 good Emperors • The Last Good Emperor was Marcus Aurelius,161 A.D.- he dies in 180 A.D. this ends the PaxRomana
Rise of Christianity • During the Pax Romana, a new religion spread across the Roman world • At first, it was one of many religions practiced in the empire • By 395 it was the official religion of the empire • The Romans were very tolerant of different religious beliefs, as long as 1. the people were loyal to the Emperor and 2. they worshiped the Emperor.
Christianity continued • The Jews of Palestine were among many whose religion was tolerated I. The Romans respected their belief in one God II. Excused them from worshiping the emperor III. Allowed the Jews to enforce traditional laws
Christianity Continued • Many Jews, however resented Roman rule and believed that a Messiah, or savior from God, would come to liberate them. • The Zealots (religious fanatic), believed that armed resistance was the best way to get rid of the Romans, but the Romans responded to the violence with severe punishment • In 66 the Jews rose in revolt.
The Jewish revolt • In 70 A.D. The Romans responded by: I. the destruction of Jerusalem II. Abolished the Jewish state III. Enslaved and dispersed Jews through the Roman world
Life and Teachings of Jesus • Jesus was born in the small town of Bethlehem in Palestine. • What information we have about this man comes from the 4 Gospel books of the Bible Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John. 1. Gospel = The Good news of The Kingdom of God 2. Jesus was despised by Jewish leaders, but well thought of by most Roman officials. 3. Crucified
Appeal of Christianity • A simple, direct message appealed to both rich and poor. The hope in the one God who loved people regardless of social standing • Equity, dignity, and the promise of Eternal life were comforting teachings • The teachings of moderation and discipline echoed Greek and Roman philosophies
Fall of The Roman Empire180 B.C.-476A.D. • Rome becomes an international city • Taxes on the people increased • Unfavorable balance of trade (More imports than exports) • Roman money devalued. • Roman citizens lost respect for their government.
Break Down of Unity • Romans never figured out a good system of succession. • After Marcus Aurelius, civil wars broke out and for the next 50 years the Empire had at least 26 weak rulers. • During this time: Roman authority diminished, corruption weakened the civil service, law and Order declined. • In 284, The Roman Army in the east elected General Diocletian as Emperor.
Breakdown of Unity • Diocletian = 284-305, Divides the Empire into Eastern and Western, Reforms Army and Civil Service. • Illness forces Retirement in 305 • Civil War breaks out • Constantine = 312-337, Reunites Eastern & Western Empires, builds new capital at Byzantium… Renames city Constantinople. Before his death in 337 converts to Christianity, by 354 Christianity becomes the official religion of the Empire
The Germanic Peoples of Eastern Europe • The Germans were made up of many different groups of displaced tribes from the collapse of the Parthian, Scythian and Iberian Empires of the Black Sea area. • Many of these tribes had earlier migrated north of the Rhine and Danube rivers. • They included: White Huns( from the Caucasus Mountains), Vandals, Ostrogoths (eastern Goths), Visigoths (western Goths), Saxons, Angles, Jutes, and Franks • They moved into the eastern part of the Empire looking for a new homeland.
These tribes not only fought the Romans, they frequently fought each other. One tribe, the Visigoths, sought protection inside the Roman Empire. In 376 they received permission to cross the Danube. Then in 378, the Romans regretted their act of kindness when the Visigoths began ransacking local towns. The Romans sent an Army against them. The tribes of the Germans
378, At the Battle of Adrianople the Visigoths defeated the Romans. This defeat signaled to the other German tribes that the Romans were no longer unbeatable. In 410 the Visigoths, under General Alaric sacked the city of Rome. The Vandals, another German tribe migrated through Gaul into Spain before Settling in the North African city of Carthage. From the sea the Vandals sacked Rome in 455. Sacking of Rome by the Vandals The tribes of the Germans
The “Fall of Rome” • In 476, the Hun King, Odoacer captured Rome and forced the EmperorRomulus Augustulusto give up the throne! • While modern day historians consider the year 476 the date for the fall of the Roman Empire, the entire empire did not collapse. Just the Western portion, The Eastern Empire survived for another 1000 years.
Causes of Decline • Political = Roman citizens gradually lost respect for the Roman ideal. They lost a since of loyalty, Duty to Rome. • Economic = In the Empire, devaluating currency, heavy taxes, and high unemployment contributed to declining prosperity. • Social Causes = loyalty and civic pride that once unified the Empire decayed • Many Romans no longer believed they had a stake in the Empire