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Amazing genetics?!. 李 辉. 苟德明. 26538722. 26958871. 630336. 669245. lihui80@szu.edu.cn. dmgou@szu.edu.cn. Room: S-408. Room: SG-107. Instant notes in Molecular Biology ( Third Edition, by Phil Turner et al .). 21 Sections Each Section contains several topics
李 辉 苟德明 26538722 26958871 630336 669245 lihui80@szu.edu.cn dmgou@szu.edu.cn Room: S-408 Room: SG-107
Instant notes in Molecular Biology (Third Edition, by Phil Turner et al.) • 21 Sections • Each Section contains several topics • Each Topic contains a “Key notes” panel & the main text
References 赵亚华,分子生物学教程, 科学出版社,2006.9 杨歧生,分子生物学,浙江大学出版社 2004 朱玉贤,李毅,现代分子生物学 高等教育出版社 2004.4 沈栩非,方福德,真核基因表达调控,高教出版社,1994 Benjamin Lewin Genes XI, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008 Robert F. Weaver Molecular biology McGRAW.Hill 2005.
分子生物学:从分子水平理解生命活动 细胞生物学:从细胞水平 理解生命活动 遗传学:从遗传角度理解生命活动 生物化学:从化学组成角度来理解生物大分子和生物代谢。 普通生物学(动物&植物)& 微生物学:不同生物类型的特点
分子生物学:从分子水平理解生命活动,主要指遗传信息的传递(复制)、保持(损伤和修复)、基因的表达(转录和翻译)与调控。强调以上各种生命活动(Biochemical processes) :1是什么(what,生物学重要性和具体过程), 2所涉及的生物大分子(DNA、RNA、蛋白质) 是如何相互作用使之发生的(how)。
Instant Notes inMolecular Biology ---Turner et al. Molecular biology seeks to explain the relationships between the structure and function of biological molecules and how these relationships contribute to the operation and control of biochemical processes.
A Cells and macromolecules G-J:DNA cloning BProtein Structure C Nucleic acids D Chromosome D’ Gene and genome 遗传信息的保持 与基因表达调控 E-FReplication & fidelity DNA K-NTranscription & regulation RNA O RNA processing & degradation P-QTranslation Protein Q4 post translational events
Molecular Biology (McGraw-Hill) --- Robert Weaver I consider molecular biology to be the study of genes and their activities at the molecular level, including transcription, translation, DNA replication, recombination and translocation.
Part I: Introduction Part II: Methods in Molecular Biology Part III: Transcription in Prokaryotes Part IV: Transcription in Eukaryotes Part V: Post-transcriptional Events Part VI: Translation Part VII: DNA replication, Recombination, and transposition
Molecular Biology of the Gene, 5/E--- Watson et al. (2004) Part I: Chemistry and Genetics Part II: Maintenance of the Genome Part III: Expression of the Genome Part IV: Regulation Part V: Methods
现代分子生物学--- 朱玉贤、李毅 2/E (2002) 分子生物学是研究核酸、蛋白质等生物大分子的形态、结构特征及其重要性、规律性和相互关系的科学,是人类从分子水平上真正揭示生物世界的奥秘,由被动地适应自然界转向主动地改造和重组自然界的基础学科。
1、绪论 2、染色体与DNA 3、生物信息的传递(上)——从DNA到RNA 4、生物信息的传递(下)——从mRNA到蛋白质 5、分子生物学研究方法 6、基因的表达与调控(上)——原核 7、基因的表达与调控(下)——真核 8、疾病与人类健康(癌症、病毒和基因治疗) 9、基因与发育 10、基因组与比较基因组学
分子生物学的研究内容(基础分子生物学教程,赵亚华著)分子生物学的研究内容(基础分子生物学教程,赵亚华著) 分子生物学是研究生物学现象的分子基础所有生命科学的范畴。因此对分子生物学研究内容的界定也比较困难。 但是按照狭义分子生物学的定义,可以把现代 分子生物学的研究内容概括如下。 1-16
2.1 基因与基因组的结构与功能 50年代以前,从细胞染色体水平,属于基因的染色体遗传学。 50年代之后,从DNA分子水平,基因的分子生物学。 近30年,基因重组技术,DNA测序技术的应用,使基因的研究进入了反向生物学阶段。 1-17
2.2 DNA的复制、转录和翻译 主要研究的是基因的复制和转录过程中相关酶和蛋白调控因子的相互作用。 转录产物mRNA 的剪切和剪接机制。剪切复合体的组装,激酶的调控等。 蛋白质新生肽的折叠与功能等。 1-18
2.3 基因的表达调控的研究 基因表达调控的信号传导; 基因表达调控的调控元件,转录因子及RNA的剪接,选择性剪切等。 肿瘤细胞中基因的表达和调控。 1-19
2.4 DNA重组技术 1-20
2.5 结构分子生物学 生物大分子的作用前题: 具有特定的结构;发挥作用的过程中必定存在着结构和构象的变化。 必须拥有特定的空间结构(三维结构) 必定存在着结构和构象的变化。 • 结构分子生物学:就是研究生物大分子特定的空间结构以及结构的运动变化与其生物学功能关系的科学。 • 结构分子生物学在今后仍是生命科学发展的基础学科。 1-21
近半个世纪以来 医学,化学中重大突破与成就者 Nobel Prize Nobel medal Half a pound of 23-karal gold. 2. 5 inches across 分子生物学发展的 里程碑与主要内容 1-23
3.1 DNA遗传物质的确定和遗传信息传递的认识阶段 1-24
3.1.1 人类对DNA和遗传信息的传递的认识阶段 1868年瑞士化学家米歇尔(Miesher,F.1844-1895),首先从脓细胞分离出细胞核,用碱抽提再加入酸,得一种含氮和磷特别丰富的沉淀物质,当时曾叫它为核质。 1-25
1866 Gregor Mendel Austria Scientist , Published the results of his investigations of the “inheritance of factors" in pea plants. Mendel's principles were independently discovered and verified, marking the beginning of modern genetics. Gregor Mendel 1-26
Frederick Griffith(1928) Transformation in Bacteria Smooth bacteria with capsule Rough bacteria with no capsule Live smooth bacteria Heat-killed smooth bacteria Dead mouse has live smooth bacteria Live rough bacteria Heat-killed smooth bacteria + live rough bacteria 1-27
in Physiology or Medicine 1933 Nobel Prize "for his discoveries concerning the role played by the Chromosome in heredity , demonstrated that genes are on the chromosome"Proposed a theory of sex-linked inheritance for the first mutation discovered in the fruit fly, Drosophila, white eye. Thomas Hunt Morgan 1-28
1941 George Beadle and Edward Tatum establish that one gene makes one enzyme or protein, and share the The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1958 1-29
1944 Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, Maclyn McCarty Reported that they had purified the transforming principal in Griffith's experiment and that it was DNA. Oswald T. Avery Colin MacLeod Maclyn McCarty 1-30
1951. King’s Lab. London University UK Maurice Wilkins & Rosalind Franklin (37y) unflattering portrayal of Franklin in his account of the discovery of DNA's structure, entitled "The Double Helix," depicts Franklin as an underling of Maurice Wilkins, when in fact Wilkins and Franklin were peers in the Randall laboratory. X~ray photograph of DNA with high quality (核塘与磷酸连接成的扭曲绳子,每一节上都有配对的碱基) 1-32
1952 Alfred Hershey & Martha Chase Used phages in which the protein was labeled with 35S and the DNA with 32P for the final proof that DNA is the molecule of heredity. Martha Chase (1930-2003) Alfred Hershey(1908-1997) 1-33
分子生物学的重要里程碑 1951 James Watson (23y) 丹麦 哥本哈根 剑桥大学 Cavendish Lab. Francis Crick (35y) 1953年发表了著名论文 1-34
1962 James Watson (34y) Francis Crick (46y) Maurice Wilkins (46y) DNA Double Helix model 1953 1-35
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1958 "for his work on the structure of proteins, especially that of insulin" Frederick Sanger Cambridge University 1918- Phage transduction 1958 J. Lederberg (33y) 1-36
1956年,Kongberg 从E. coli 中分离纯化了DNA聚合酶I这是能在试管中合成DNA的第一个核酸酶。The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1959 Arthur Kornberg 1-37
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1965 Francois Jacob (44y) Jacques Monod (55y) (French) Lac. Operon Theory (1961) Concept of mRNA 1-38
Robert Holley H.Gobind Khorana Marshall Nirenberg 1966年,他们完成了mRNA上编码20种氨基酸的三联密码子遗传密码的破译工作。 Shared the 1968 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine 1-39
Alfred Hershey (61y) Max Delbruck (63y) Shared the 1969 Nobel Prize forPhage group,Phage infection cycle and DNA as genetic material 1-40
3.2 重组DNA技术的建立和发展 1-41
DNA连接酶是1967年 Gellert M (NIH, Maryland) , Olivera B.M. (Stanford school of Medicine, CA) Weiss B. ( Harvard Medical School) 三个实验室同时发现的。它是一种封闭DNA链上切口的酶,借助ATP或NAD水解提供的能量催化DNA链的5'-P与另一DNA链的3'-OH生成磷酸二酯键。 1-42
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1978(1970) "for the discovery of restriction enzymes and their application to problems of molecular genetics" Werner Arber Biozentrum der Universität Switzerland 1929- Daniel Nathans Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore, USA 1928 - 1999 Hamilton O. Smith Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore, USA 1931 - 1-43
Howard Temin (41y) David Baltimore (37y) Reverse transcription(引发癌症的内因) 1-44
1972 Paul Berg & Herb Boyer Produced the first recombinant DNA molecules. They Shared the 1980 Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for his fundamental studies of the biochemistry of nucleic acids, with particular regard to recombinant-DNA", Paul Berg Herb Boyer 1-45
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1980 “for their contributions concerning the determination of base sequences in nucleic acids in 1975-1977" Walter Gilbert 1932 - Frederick Sanger 1918 - Biological Laboratories Cambridge, MA, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Cambridge, Great Britain 1-46
3.3 重组DNA技术的应用和分子生物学迅速发展阶段 1-47
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1983 “for her discovery of DNA transposable element” genes are transposable -- they can move around -- on and between chromosomes. Barbara McClintock 1902-1992 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York. 1-48
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1989 "for their discovery of catalytic properties of RNA Ribozyme" Sidney Altman Yale University New Haven, CT, USA 1939 - Thomas R. Cech University of Colorado Boulder, CO, USA 1947- 1-49
1985 Kary B. Mullis Published a paper describing the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the most sensitive assay for DNA yet devised The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1993 "for his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method" 1-50