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Monitoring of Priority Toxic Pollutants in Highway Stormwater Runoff

This project aims to design cost-effective sampling and analysis procedures to meet regulatory limits for toxic pollutants in stormwater runoff from Caltrans facilities. By conducting field testing, the study identifies constituents that may exceed California Toxics Rule limits, enhancing environmental protection.

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Monitoring of Priority Toxic Pollutants in Highway Stormwater Runoff

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  1. Monitoring of Priority Toxic Pollutants in Highway Stormwater Runoff H-M Hwang, PG Green, M Kayhanian, TM Young Civil & Environmental Engineering University of California, Davis

  2. California Toxics Rule Background • Ambient water quality standards for 100 constituents specific to California promulgated May 2000 • Up to six standards for each constituent • Challenging sample collection and analytical chemistry for stormwater samples (e.g., 2,3,7,8-TCDD at 13 fg/L)

  3. CTR Relevance to Caltrans • Permit requires that discharge not “cause or contribute to exceedance of water quality standards” • Discharge below CTR limits clearly not a problem • Discharge above CTR limits only problematic if receiving water is impaired for that constituent

  4. Project Objectives • Design cost-effective sampling and analysis procedures capable of meeting regulatory limits for all constituents • Conduct field testing of the procedures to identify constituents that may exceed CTR limits at Caltrans facilities (highways and maintenance yards)

  5. I-80 Vacaville Davis I-80 Fairfield Maintenance Yard Locations of studies Interstate 680 Highway 91 in Corona

  6. Fairfield Maintenance Yard Site

  7. I-80 Highway Site

  8. Sampling and Analysis Strategy ICP-MS (12) Inorganics FIA (2) CV-AA (1) Purgeable organics (25) (Mods. 524.2, 603) VOCs Semivolatiles (45) (Mod. 525.2) Other Organics Nitrosamines (3) (Mod. 8082) Phenols (8) (Mod. 8041) Misc. (2)

  9. Monitoring of CTR Pollutants in Stormwater Runoff Collected at Caltrans Facilities

  10. Cumulative Elemental Composition of Particles in Highway Storm-water

  11. Distribution of PAHs in 2m to 63 m Size-Classes of Particles in Highway Stormwater

  12. Acknowledgements: We gratefully acknowledge support from Caltrans, University California Toxics Research and Training Program, and the EPA Superfund Basic Research program.

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