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Evaluating Fairtrade's Environmental Impact on Quinoa Production in Southern Bolivia

Investigate the environmental impact of Fairtrade certification on quinoa production in Southern Bolivia, focusing on soil fertility. Research aims to assess long-term effects and propose sustainable practices.

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Evaluating Fairtrade's Environmental Impact on Quinoa Production in Southern Bolivia

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  1. Towards the evaluation of the environmental impact of Fairtrade scheme application: the case of quinoa production system in the Southern Bolivian highland Prof. Soraide Lozano D., Valerio Mamani E., Dendena B., Bozzia G., Prof. Bocchi S. Fair Trade International Symposium 2015 Milan, May 29th2015

  2. Whyquinoa in the Bolivianhighlands? Field level: - Increaseof demandfor quinoaled to the intensification of production - Increase in price (+650% from 2000 to 2008) attracted several producers - Significantchanges in cropmanagement: abandonment of croprotation, reduction of livestockunit, introduction of mechanization, conversion of naturalland - Soil degradation and soil fertility reduction receiving much attention: controversial impact of quinoa cultivation on soil fertility Production systemlevel: - Establishment of producer organizations (e.g. CECAOT and ANAPQUI) - Establishment of organic production standards for exports (promoted by ANAPQUI) - Definition of organic and Fair Trade supply lines aimed to the main exporters - Endorsementof environmentalstandards in the Fairtrade International Scheme with specificreference to quinoa Researchquestions: Isquinoacultivationaffectingsoilfertility in the long run? WhatisFairtrade International Scheme’s impact on the environment?

  3. Project overview How Goal Aim • Collection and analysis of quali-quantitative data: • Soilanalysis • Interview to quinoaproducers • Llamamanureanalysis • Literaturereview • Develop an integrated soil related database supporting a monitoring system for the implementation of environmentally sound agricultural practices in line with Fairtrade standards • Design tailored ad hoc measures both at the farm level and producer organization level to promote the sustainability of quinoa production in the long term Analyze the environmental impact of Fairtradecertification scheme in quinoa production in the Southern Bolivian highland, by focusing on the municipalitiesof Colcha K, Tomave and Salinas de Garci Mendoza

  4. Context under investigation

  5. Context under investigation Censo Quinuero por la Cámara Nacional de Productores de Quinua,2013

  6. Preliminary insight (1) 70% of soils show a low to moderatesoilfertility

  7. Preliminary insight (2) • Time of application of llamamanure (mixed with sheepmanure): whilepreparingsoil • Pest control with native plantsextractsadded with dilutedmanure • High variability of chemicalanalysis (N, P and K content) • 25% of producersinterviewedhaveno livestockunits

  8. Preliminary insight (3) Soilpreparation: manualploughing, animaltraction and machinery Sowing: manualsowing, machinery (in lines or in holes) Thinning, depending on plantdensity and rowspacing Manureapplicationwhilepreparingsoilbeforesowing and during the application of naturalextractsasbioinsecticides No intercropping Limited croprotation with potatoes, broadbeans and wheat or barley 1-2 years of fallowlandfollowingquinoa No irrigation Limited use of living fences Organicpest control (insects, mostlylepidtopterans)– native plantextracts Onset of new pests: mildew, due to change in rainfallpatternsrelated to climatechange

  9. Concludingremarks and way forward - Soilfertilityislow due a combination of climatic conditions and management practices - Farmers are aware of the benefits of environmentally sound agriculturalpractices (e.g.processedmanure application, croprotation) but do notoptimizecrop and soil management - Fairtradecertification’s impact on soilfertilityisnotyetfullyunderstood due to the lack of long data seriesat the locallevel - Soilfertilityshould be monitored by periodicallycollecting data on physical, chemical and biologicalparameters - An integratedsoilrelated database should be launched and updatedbuilding on the collaboration of differentstakeholders - The implementation of Fairtradeenvironmentalstandardscould be used for supportingfarmers in adoptingsustainableagriculturalpractices

  10. RESEARCH CONDUCTED BY Geomaticsand Landscape Ecology Research (GEOLAB) – Dipartimento di ScienzeAgrarie e Ambientali- Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia UniversitàdegliStudi di Milano IN COLLABORATION WITH UniversidadAutónoma "TomásFrías" - Potosí, Bolivia ACCRA-CCS, Milano Associazione Chico Mendes Onlus, Milano CONTACTS Bianca Dendena – bianca.dendena@gmail.com Gianluca Bozzia- gianluca.bozzia@chicomendes.it Thankyoufor yourkindattention!

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